w/o sceneryMost of the black s**t can be disabled in the setup 1.5.1. But u loose the perspective s**t.
I tried the best style, with less poly count possible. Most are based on Quake.
Author:Based on this (
http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/8043/imagem7r.png) idea. Ima newbie mapper, never used PolyWorks, so I appreciatesome help. As my first map, not bad at all.
I would like to receive contructive feedback on jet fuel amount, and placement of the objects, gameplay and poly/scenery structure.
Gameplay-Need to test even in "serious" 3v3 yet.
-Crossed respawn Layout prevent a massive spawnkilling.
-Alpha toprespawn is slighter higher and away from mid/up platforms compared with the bravo.
-While most of the game is based on the bottom, on top u can free boost, risking urself on All or Nothing.
-NO respawn middle spot. Some coliders to avoid spray Heaven, but u can spray well.
-NO flag spot easy collider to prevent the FC b***hes booster . But there are spray blocks.
-Some falling bonuses. Have to try some different combos btw.
-For the bright red/blue s**t i set "Lava". On snake head i set "Hurts" because I think it's funny. Btw I do not think it will f**k the gameplay. You do not walk a lot there.
-In falling outside map, I think it will not hurt the game because the map is kinda small. Ima thinking of leaving Flaggers not go there freely and use the new "FC explo-poly" or "one poly-side".
-non Flaggers that leave the fight will just f**k their own mates. (Need Feedback)
-Considering all this s**t, The game will help players aggressive style as long ROAMING. Not much DEF or "spray and pray".
s**tIn the beginning, mankind lived in the age of the night. Blinded by the shadow of the moon. (Equinox)
After a time of temporary properation, they began asking for freedom. (Freefall)
Those looking for new place to live, found the oldest Sky Dream. Completely empty. (Guardian)
Some have tried to understand the ancient realms. Nothing more echoes. (Maya/Ruins)
Long time after those days of adventure, enought for no1 to remember them. (Division/Steel)
Mankind has vanished from the earth by their own mistakes. (Icebeam/Blade)
After thousands of years of those glory days, the only place where humans can be found, is called Eden, in the the depths of darkness. Once they will discovery their mistake ... (Darkeden)
Some elders say that you can find the shadow of the angel of death, if you look closely at the sky.