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const CLASSES = 4; //how many bot classes you wanttype SBot = Record BName : string; BHealth : integer; BHPReg : integer; BRegLim : boolean; BShowHP : boolean; BHColor : longint; BWeapon : byte; BBonus : byte; BBonT : integer; BDamage : integer; BWaveVal: byte; BWaveStl: byte; BWaveSpd: integer; end;var TheBot: array[0..CLASSES] of SBot; IGB: array[1..32] of SBot; BotHpLeft: array[1..32] of integer;//********************************************************************procedure ActivateServer(); begin //COPY THIS PIECE TO CREATE NEW BOT TheBot[1].BName := 'Zombie'; //bot name TheBot[1].BHealth := 150; //bot health (150- normal, 65- realistic) TheBot[1].BHPReg := 0; //health regeneration per second(0 to disable) TheBot[1].BRegLim := false; //regeneration limited to max health(true/false)(it will stop anyway at 65000 to avoid crash) TheBot[1].BShowHP := false; //show bot hp (true/false) TheBot[1].BHColor := $FFFF00; //color of hp TheBot[1].BWeapon := 15; //bot weapon (255 to random) TheBot[1].BBonus := 255; //bonus given to bot (255 to turn off) TheBot[1].BBonT := 0; //time to give bonus (60 - 1 sec)(0 to give bonus only at respawn) TheBot[1].BDamage := 1; //damage multiplier(1 to normal damage) // TheBot[1].BWaveVal:= 0; //how many bullets in on death wave(0 to turn off) TheBot[1].BWaveStl:= 0; //style of bullets in wave TheBot[1].BWaveSpd:= 0; //max speed of bullets in wave(speed is random value from -maxspeed to maxspeed) end; begin TheBot[2].BName := 'Knifer zombie'; TheBot[2].BHealth := 150; TheBot[2].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[2].BRegLim := false; TheBot[2].BShowHP := false; TheBot[2].BHColor := $FFFFFF; TheBot[2].BWeapon := 14; TheBot[2].BBonus := 0; TheBot[2].BBonT := 0; TheBot[2].BDamage := 1; TheBot[2].BWaveVal:= 4; TheBot[2].BWaveStl:= 14; TheBot[2].BWaveSpd:= 6; end; begin TheBot[3].BName := 'Burning zombie'; TheBot[3].BHealth := 150; TheBot[3].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[3].BRegLim := false; TheBot[3].BShowHP := false; TheBot[3].BHColor := $FFFFFF; TheBot[3].BWeapon := 15; TheBot[3].BBonus := 0; TheBot[3].BBonT := 0; TheBot[3].BDamage := 2; TheBot[3].BWaveVal:= 20; TheBot[3].BWaveStl:= 5; TheBot[3].BWaveSpd:= 6; end; begin TheBot[4].BName := 'Mercenary'; TheBot[4].BHealth := 200; TheBot[4].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[4].BRegLim := false; TheBot[4].BShowHP := true; TheBot[4].BHColor := $FFFF0000; TheBot[4].BWeapon := 8; TheBot[4].BBonus := 255; TheBot[4].BBonT := 0; TheBot[4].BDamage := 1; TheBot[4].BWaveVal:= 0; TheBot[4].BWaveStl:= 0; TheBot[4].BWaveSpd:= 0; end; begin TheBot[5].BName := 'Kamikaze'; TheBot[5].BHealth := 150; TheBot[5].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[5].BRegLim := false; TheBot[5].BShowHP := false; TheBot[5].BHColor := $FF0000; TheBot[5].BWeapon := 15; TheBot[5].BBonus := 255; TheBot[5].BBonT := 0; TheBot[5].BDamage := 1; TheBot[5].BWaveVal:= 3; TheBot[5].BWaveStl:= 4; TheBot[5].BWaveSpd:= 5; end;//THIS SET WILL BE GIVEN TO ANY OTHER BOT & TO ALL PLAYERS begin TheBot[0].BName := ''; TheBot[0].BHealth := 0; TheBot[0].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[0].BRegLim := false; TheBot[0].BShowHP := false; TheBot[0].BHColor := $000000; TheBot[0].BWeapon := 255; TheBot[0].BBonus := 255; TheBot[0].BBonT := 0; TheBot[0].BDamage := 1; TheBot[0].BWaveVal:= 0; TheBot[0].BWaveStl:= 0; TheBot[0].BWaveSpd:= 0; end;end;//********************************************************************procedure Explode(Target: byte);var i: byte;begin for i:= 1 to IGB[Target].BWaveVal do CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(Target,'X'),GetPlayerStat(Target,'Y'),Random(IGB[Target].BWaveSpd, -(IGB[Target].BWaveSpd)),Random(IGB[Target].BWaveSpd, -(IGB[Target].BWaveSpd)), 100, IGB[Target].BWaveStl, Target);end;procedure ShowHP(Target,Shooter: byte);begin DrawText(Shooter, IntToStr(BotHpLeft[Target]), 180, IGB[Target].BHColor, 0.1, 260, 350);end;function Assignable(ID: byte): boolean;var i: byte;begin result:= false; for i:= 1 to CLASSES do if IDToName(ID) = TheBot[i].BName then result:= true; if GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = true then result:= false;end;procedure Assign(ID: Byte);var i: byte;begin for i:= 1 to CLASSES do if IDToName(ID) = TheBot[i].BName then begin IGB[ID] := TheBot[i]; end; if not Assignable(ID) then IGB[ID]:= TheBot[0];end;procedure Regenerate(ID: byte);begin if IGB[ID].BRegLim then begin if (IGB[ID].BHealth - BotHpLeft[ID]) < IGB[ID].BHPReg then BotHpLeft[ID]:= BotHpLeft[ID] + (IGB[ID].BHealth - BotHpLeft[ID]); if (IGB[ID].BHealth - BotHpLeft[ID]) >= IGB[ID].BHPReg then BotHpLeft[ID]:= BotHpLeft[ID] + IGB[ID].BHPReg; end else if BotHpLeft[ID] < 65000 then BotHpLeft[ID]:= BotHpLeft[ID] + IGB[ID].BHealth;end;//********************************************************************procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte;Weapon: string);begin if Assignable(Victim) then if IGB[Victim].BWaveVal > 0 then Explode(Victim);end;procedure AppOnIdle(Ticks: integer);var i: byte;begin// AllHealth; for i:= 1 to 32 do if Assignable(i) then begin if (IGB[i].BBonT >= 60) and (IGB[i].BBonus <> 255) then if Ticks mod IGB[i].BBonT = 0 then GiveBonus(i, IGB[i].BBonus); if IGB[i].BWeapon <> 255 then if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Primary') <> IGB[i].BWeapon) or (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Secondary') <> 255) then ForceWeapon(i, IGB[i].BWeapon, 255, 0); if (IGB[i].BHPReg <> 0) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive')= true) then Regenerate(i); end;end;procedure OnPlayerRespawn(ID: Byte);begin if Assignable(ID) then if IDToName(ID) <> IGB[ID].BName then Assign(ID); if Assignable(ID) then begin if IGB[ID].BBonus <> 255 then GiveBonus(ID, IGB[ID].BBonus); if IGB[ID].BWeapon <> 255 then ForceWeapon(ID, IGB[ID].BWeapon, 255, 0); BotHpLeft[ID]:= IGB[ID].BHealth; end;end;function OnPlayerDamage(Victim,Shooter: Byte;Damage: Integer) : integer;begin Result:= Damage; if Assignable(Victim) then if IGB[Victim].BShowHP then ShowHP(Victim, Shooter); if Assignable(Shooter) then if IGB[Shooter].BDamage <> 1 then Result:= Damage*IGB[Shooter].BDamage; if Assignable(Victim) then if BotHpLeft[Victim] > 0 then begin Result:= -99999; if Damage < 5000 then dec(BotHpLeft[Victim],Damage) else dec(BotHpLeft[Victim],Round(Damage/75)); if BotHpLeft[Victim] < 1 then DoDamageBy(Victim,Shooter,200); end;end;//********************************************************************
const CLASSES = 4; //how many bot classes you wanttype SBot = Record BName : string; BHealth : integer; BHPReg : integer; BRegLim : boolean; BShowHP : boolean; BHColor : longint; BWeapon : byte; BBonus : byte; BBonT : integer; BDamage : integer; BWaveVal: byte; BWaveStl: byte; BWaveSpd: integer; end;var TheBot: array[0..CLASSES] of SBot; IGB: array[1..32] of SBot; BotHpLeft: array[1..32] of integer;//********************************************************************procedure ActivateServer();begin //COPY THIS PIECE TO CREATE NEW BOT TheBot[1].BName := 'Zombie'; //bot name TheBot[1].BHealth := 150; //bot health (150- normal, 65- realistic) TheBot[1].BHPReg := 0; //health regeneration per second(0 to disable) TheBot[1].BRegLim := false; //regeneration limited to max health(true/false)(it will stop anyway at 65000 to avoid crash) TheBot[1].BShowHP := false; //show bot hp (true/false) TheBot[1].BHColor := $FFFF00; //color of hp TheBot[1].BWeapon := 15; //bot weapon (255 to random) TheBot[1].BBonus := 255; //bonus given to bot (255 to turn off) TheBot[1].BBonT := 0; //time to give bonus (60 - 1 sec)(0 to give bonus only at respawn) TheBot[1].BDamage := 1; //damage multiplier(1 to normal damage) // TheBot[1].BWaveVal:= 0; //how many bullets in on death wave(0 to turn off) TheBot[1].BWaveStl:= 0; //style of bullets in wave TheBot[1].BWaveSpd:= 0; //max speed of bullets in wave(speed is random value from -maxspeed to maxspeed) TheBot[2].BName := 'Knifer zombie'; TheBot[2].BHealth := 150; TheBot[2].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[2].BRegLim := false; TheBot[2].BShowHP := false; TheBot[2].BHColor := $FFFFFF; TheBot[2].BWeapon := 14; TheBot[2].BBonus := 0; TheBot[2].BBonT := 0; TheBot[2].BDamage := 1; TheBot[2].BWaveVal:= 4; TheBot[2].BWaveStl:= 14; TheBot[2].BWaveSpd:= 6; TheBot[3].BName := 'Burning zombie'; TheBot[3].BHealth := 150; TheBot[3].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[3].BRegLim := false; TheBot[3].BShowHP := false; TheBot[3].BHColor := $FFFFFF; TheBot[3].BWeapon := 15; TheBot[3].BBonus := 0; TheBot[3].BBonT := 0; TheBot[3].BDamage := 2; TheBot[3].BWaveVal:= 20; TheBot[3].BWaveStl:= 5; TheBot[3].BWaveSpd:= 6; TheBot[4].BName := 'Mercenary'; TheBot[4].BHealth := 200; TheBot[4].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[4].BRegLim := false; TheBot[4].BShowHP := true; TheBot[4].BHColor := $FFFF0000; TheBot[4].BWeapon := 8; TheBot[4].BBonus := 255; TheBot[4].BBonT := 0; TheBot[4].BDamage := 1; TheBot[4].BWaveVal:= 0; TheBot[4].BWaveStl:= 0; TheBot[4].BWaveSpd:= 0; TheBot[5].BName := 'Kamikaze'; TheBot[5].BHealth := 150; TheBot[5].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[5].BRegLim := false; TheBot[5].BShowHP := false; TheBot[5].BHColor := $FF0000; TheBot[5].BWeapon := 15; TheBot[5].BBonus := 255; TheBot[5].BBonT := 0; TheBot[5].BDamage := 1; TheBot[5].BWaveVal:= 3; TheBot[5].BWaveStl:= 4; TheBot[5].BWaveSpd:= 5;//THIS SET WILL BE GIVEN TO ANY OTHER BOT & TO ALL PLAYERS TheBot[0].BName := ''; TheBot[0].BHealth := 0; TheBot[0].BHPReg := 0; TheBot[0].BRegLim := false; TheBot[0].BShowHP := false; TheBot[0].BHColor := $000000; TheBot[0].BWeapon := 255; TheBot[0].BBonus := 255; TheBot[0].BBonT := 0; TheBot[0].BDamage := 1; TheBot[0].BWaveVal:= 0; TheBot[0].BWaveStl:= 0; TheBot[0].BWaveSpd:= 0; end;//********************************************************************procedure Explode(Target: byte);var i: byte;begin for i:= 1 to IGB[Target].BWaveVal do CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(Target,'X'),GetPlayerStat(Target,'Y'),Random(IGB[Target].BWaveSpd, -(IGB[Target].BWaveSpd)),Random(IGB[Target].BWaveSpd, -(IGB[Target].BWaveSpd)), 100, IGB[Target].BWaveStl, Target);end;procedure ShowHP(Target,Shooter: byte);begin DrawText(Shooter, IntToStr(BotHpLeft[Target]), 180, IGB[Target].BHColor, 0.1, 260, 350);end;function Assignable(ID: byte): boolean;var i: byte;begin result:= false; for i:= 1 to CLASSES do if IDToName(ID) = TheBot[i].BName then result:= true; if GetPlayerStat(ID,'Human') = true then result:= false;end;procedure Assign(ID: Byte);var i: byte;begin for i:= 1 to CLASSES do if IDToName(ID) = TheBot[i].BName then begin IGB[ID] := TheBot[i]; end; if not Assignable(ID) then IGB[ID]:= TheBot[0];end;procedure Regenerate(ID: byte);begin if IGB[ID].BRegLim then begin if (IGB[ID].BHealth - BotHpLeft[ID]) < IGB[ID].BHPReg then BotHpLeft[ID]:= BotHpLeft[ID] + (IGB[ID].BHealth - BotHpLeft[ID]); if (IGB[ID].BHealth - BotHpLeft[ID]) >= IGB[ID].BHPReg then BotHpLeft[ID]:= BotHpLeft[ID] + IGB[ID].BHPReg; end else if BotHpLeft[ID] < 65000 then BotHpLeft[ID]:= BotHpLeft[ID] + IGB[ID].BHealth;end;//********************************************************************procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte;Weapon: string);begin if Assignable(Victim) then if IGB[Victim].BWaveVal > 0 then Explode(Victim);end;procedure AppOnIdle(Ticks: integer);var i: byte;begin// AllHealth; for i:= 1 to 32 do if Assignable(i) then begin if (IGB[i].BBonT >= 60) and (IGB[i].BBonus <> 255) then if Ticks mod IGB[i].BBonT = 0 then GiveBonus(i, IGB[i].BBonus); if IGB[i].BWeapon <> 255 then if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Primary') <> IGB[i].BWeapon) or (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Secondary') <> 255) then ForceWeapon(i, IGB[i].BWeapon, 255, 0); if (IGB[i].BHPReg <> 0) and (GetPlayerStat(i,'Alive')= true) then Regenerate(i); end;end;procedure OnPlayerRespawn(ID: Byte);begin if Assignable(ID) then if IDToName(ID) <> IGB[ID].BName then Assign(ID); if Assignable(ID) then begin if IGB[ID].BBonus <> 255 then GiveBonus(ID, IGB[ID].BBonus); if IGB[ID].BWeapon <> 255 then ForceWeapon(ID, IGB[ID].BWeapon, 255, 0); BotHpLeft[ID]:= IGB[ID].BHealth; end;end;function OnPlayerDamage(Victim,Shooter: Byte;Damage: Integer) : integer;begin Result:= Damage; if Assignable(Victim) then if IGB[Victim].BShowHP then ShowHP(Victim, Shooter); if Assignable(Shooter) then if IGB[Shooter].BDamage <> 1 then Result:= Damage*IGB[Shooter].BDamage; if Assignable(Victim) then if BotHpLeft[Victim] > 0 then begin Result:= -99999; if Damage < 5000 then dec(BotHpLeft[Victim],Damage) else dec(BotHpLeft[Victim],Round(Damage/75)); if BotHpLeft[Victim] < 1 then DoDamageBy(Victim,Shooter,200); end;end;