Author Topic: Poland trip  (Read 3241 times)

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Re: Poland trip
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2010, 04:44:34 pm »
When I think of the camp I only lol at "Arbeit macht frei" being stolen for scrap-metal.
Funny thing is it wasn't stolen for scrap metal but some collector wanted it for himself.

Offline Liber Lupus

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Re: Poland trip
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2010, 04:10:58 am »
I never understood what's so suprising about the fact that prices feel cheap for tourists from wealthier countries. Estonia is a rather poor country compared to some other EU countries and while everything seems expensive to us, tourists find it cheap. But I could also travel right next door to Russia and start a thread about how cheap their big mac is for us... whopee-f**ken-doo.
Actually everything in Estonia is a f**king ripoff.  In what world is ANYTHING in Estonia cheap?  Same with all of the Baltics really...everyone's poor, the country is bankrupt, but inflation still makes it impossible for even tourists to have a good time.
Food and alcohol are somewhat cheap for you. But when it comes to clothes, electronics etc, then ye, it's probably no point coming over here to buy any of those, they're too expensive.

I find it funny though that people still put the 3 Baltic countries into the same pot. Estonia almost has no loans whatsoever, unlike Lithuania and Latvia. We have done the requirements for the Euro and will probably adapt it in 2011, the other 2 can only dream of it at this point. IMF and the world bank see us in an optimistic light, while Latvia is completely f**king broke and will pay off the loans for a long ass time and Lithuania is in no better situation.

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Re: Poland trip
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2010, 03:12:38 am »

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