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var enabled: boolean; dmgmult: array[1..32] of single;procedure ActivateServer();beginenabled := true;end;function OnCommand(ID: byte; text: string): boolean;var f: string; target: byte; temp: single;beginf := getpiece(text,' ',0);if f = '/damage' then begin enabled := not enabled; writeconsole(0,'Damage modulation '+iif(enabled=true,'en','dis')+'abled!',$ffffffff); end;if f = '/setdamage' then try target := strtoint(getpiece(text,' ',1)); temp := dmgmult[target]; dmgmult[target] := strtofloat(getpiece(text,' ',2)); writeconsole(ID,getplayerstat(target,'name')+'''s damage multiplier changed from '+floattostr(roundto(temp,2))+' to '+floattostr(roundto(dmgmult[target],2)),$ffffffff); except writeconsole(ID,'You must enter in this format: /setdamage ID DAMAGE',$ffffffff); end;end;function OnPlayerDamage(Victim,Shooter: Byte;Damage: Integer) : integer;beginresult := damage;if enabled then result := round(damage * dmgmult[shooter]);end;
I just want a lvl thing !In DrawText will be written xp/maxxpeach kill or flag score he will gain xpwhen he lvl uphe hit 1% more and all is saved by nickname or ip !
Yes.. it actually is, but he's really asking way to much instead of trying to learn it imo.