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Last year, I dreamt I was pissing at a restroom, but I missed the urinal and my penis exploded.
Current AppOnIdle is 60 ticks, aka 1 second.But yeh, it would be possible to make wondrous scripts.When i asked eC bout that he said that the main problem is not implementing it, but making it possible to noob scripters to make scripts which can break the server down, including other servers too.
Sleep() causes massive lag to the server. I never use it. Although, if it were stable, it would be soooooooooooo much easier and less-boring to make little coutdowns
Sleep does exactly what it is supposed to do, which is have the current thread sleep for a specified amount of time. When this is in the main thread, then of course your server will hold up for that amount of time. It is not that sleep is unstable, its that threads aren't. (Exactly what Gizd said)