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for PlayerID := 1 to 32 dobeginfor i:=1 to 32 do begin if NTB[PlayerID] = True then begin if ntTimer[PlayerID] > 0 then ntTimer[PlayerID]:=ntTimer[PlayerID]-1; WriteConsole(PlayerID,''+inttostr(ntTimer[PlayerID])+'...',$EE00FFFF); if ntTimer[PlayerID] = 0 then begin WriteConsole(PlayerID,'Armed! keep your distance',$EE00FFFF); NTB[PlayerID]:=False; end; if ntTimer[PlayerID] = 0 then if ntfTimer[PlayerID] > 0 then ntfTimer[PlayerID]:=ntfTimer[PlayerID]-1; if ntfTimer[PlayerID] = 0 then if GetPlayerStat(i,'Name') = 'Mr.Zombie' then if RayCast(GetPlayerStat(i,'x'),GetPlayerStat(i,'Y'),ntPosX[PlayerID],ntPosY[PlayerID],Dist,50) then begin Nova(ntPosX[PlayerID],ntPosY[PlayerID],0,DED*I,25, i,10,EBNNTT*I); Nova(ntPosX[PlayerID],ntPosY[PlayerID],0,(DED*I)/2,25, i,10,EBNND); Nova(ntPosX[PlayerID],ntPosY[PlayerID],0,(DED*I)/3,25, i,10,EBNNT); ntfTimer[PlayerID]:=30; end; end; end; end;
I suggest you to use WriteLn() to find errors.By any chance, do you update ntPosX and ntPosY each second?Correct these:For PlayerID := 1 To 32 Do if GetPlayerStat(PlayerID,'Active') = True Then For i := 1 To 32 Do if GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = True Then if GetPlayerStat(i,'Human') = False Then Begin