procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: Byte; Text: string);
if Text = '!commands' then begin
WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just requested Commands!',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'!basic - displays the basic commands which have been added',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'!adminlist - shows the list of admins',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'!admin - calls an admin to the server',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'!rules - shows the server rules',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'!test - performs test if ARSSE can see you',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'!knownbugs - shows the Known bugs list',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/admincommands - only those who are logged in as admin can see the result',$EE00FF40);
if Text = '!basic' then begin
WriteConsole(0,IdtoName(ID)+' has just requested Basic Commands!',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/cash - displays current cash levels',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/items - shows the items that you can buy for the Cash, inclds: purchase CMDs',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/dex on - turns on death explosions for your ID',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/dex off - turns death explosions off for your ID',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/bug YourMessage - report a bug, replace YourMessage with the bug',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/suggest YourMessage - suggest something, replace YourMesage with your suggestion',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/feedback YourMessage - leave Feedback, replace YourMessage with your feedback',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'!mykills - shows you your current kill streak and kill score for map',$EE00FF40);
WriteConsole(0,'/red or /spec - change between teams Alpha and Spectator',$EE00FF40);
[6:70]Comma (,) expected
wtf, theres no missing commas or semicolons... what gives??? :S
From: July 04, 2010, 07:37:05 pm
nevermind, it just decided to compile for me, someone delete this plz