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unknown identifier 'SetPlayerStat'
SetPlayerStat(ID, 'Health',999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999);
i dont get it, Shop.pas wont compile due to unknown identifier "setPlayerstat", yet adminstuff will compile perfectly with the same setplayerstat code
if Lowercase(Text) = '/bossbot' then begin; for i := 1 to 32 do until (Idtoname(i) = 'Mr.Zombie') do if Idtoname(i) = 'Mr.Zombie' then begin Command('/kick '+inttostr(i)+''); Command('/addbot2 MRZOMBIEW'); WriteConsole(0,'You Hear the distant roar of a warlord zombie, that cant be good...', $00FFEE22); end end;
if Lowercase(Text) = '/bossbot' then begin; for i := 1 to Idtoname(i) = 'Mr.Zombie' do if Idtoname(i) = 'Mr.Zombie' then begin Command('/kick '+inttostr(i)+''); Command('/addbot2 MRZOMBIEW'); WriteConsole(0,'You Hear the distant roar of a warlord zombie, that cant be good...', $00FFEE22); end end;
if Lowercase(Text) = '/bossbot' then begin; for i := 1 to 32 do if IDToName(i) = 'Mr.Zombie' then begin Command('/kick '+inttostr(i)+''); Command('/addbot2 MRZOMBIEW'); WriteConsole(0,'You Hear the distant roar of a warlord zombie, that cant be good...', $00FFEE22); end end;
if Lowercase(Text) = '/bossbot' then begin; for i := 1 to 32 do if IDToName(i) = 'Mr.Zombie' then begin Command('/kick '+inttostr(i)+''); Command('/addbot2 MRZOMBIEW'); WriteConsole(0,'You Hear the distant roar of a warlord zombie, that cant be good...', $00FFEE22); break; end end;
if CheckPlayerAdmin(Shooter) = True then beginif Getplayerstat(Victim,'alive') = True then Result:=CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(Victim,'x'), GetPlayerStat(Victim,'y') - 0, 0,0,1, 10, Shooter);