Author Topic: Soldat mouse problem, playing via Parallels on OSX snow leopard  (Read 1395 times)

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Offline Schlave

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Hi all.

I've been a player of Soldat for years (big fan of the SPAS-12 and chainsaw), stopped once I switched to a macbook more than a year ago.

As I wanted to use onenote with my osx programs, I used parallels. Then I tried soldat - everything looks fine, and the mouse works as it should (better than bootcamp, actually), until I start a game.

The mouse skips all over the screen! I shift my finger and the crosshair jumps (the game isn't laggy, the mouse JUMPS) across a few inches. lowering the sensitivity down to 10% in the game didn't help matters.

If anyone can, please help - I am THIS close to getting back fond memories of fragging with a chainsaw.

NB: answers like "play soldat in bootcamp then" do not help and are not appreciated

Offline chutem

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Re: Soldat mouse problem, playing via Parallels on OSX snow leopard
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 09:44:46 pm »
All I know is this is most likely caused by direct input, which is what soldat uses for mouse interaction.

Don't know how to solve your problem, but I would suggest looking through documentation and asking people who know stuff about whatever parallel you are using in relation to direct input.

Offline Wasicsko

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Re: Soldat mouse problem, playing via Parallels on OSX snow leopard
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2010, 08:55:05 am »
Any updates on this? I'm encountering the same issue and would appreciate some help, if anyone else has figured it out.
(+) Wasco on LRS