Author Topic: M79 Bug  (Read 5660 times)

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Offline Neosano

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2010, 08:14:54 am »
if both damage and bulletpush was calculated client side, it would be perfect. less perfect if it was calculated serverside, but it would cover up for s**tty connections.
Seems like YOU don't know anything.. :)
Client-side damage? Hello hackers, twice slower deaths and other shit.. but mostly - HACKERS :>

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2010, 02:39:03 pm »
if both damage and bulletpush was calculated client side, it would be perfect. less perfect if it was calculated serverside, but it would cover up for s**tty connections.
Seems like YOU don't know anything.. :)
Client-side damage? Hello hackers, twice slower deaths and other s**t.. but mostly - HACKERS :>
you think those hacks doesn't exist?

Offline ValiS

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2010, 03:45:09 pm »
hey, since the topic went there, could someone explain an other phenomenon?

its kinda the opposite of eat.
what i mean is when someone shoots you and you die way too quickly. for example a player is using mp5, and it only takes around 3-4 bullets from HIS mp5 for you to die. and this happens every time he kills you, even if hes more than half a screen away, just a few bullets and you are dead, and its not even concentrated fire (not shot while crouching or proning) more like spray. ive noticed this effect is very strong with minigun, his bullets just barely touch you and BOOM youre dead.

how can this kind of s**t be caused by lag, i dont understand how the server (or whatever) can think you have been hit by for example ten bullets, when only 4 are fired. or that 10 bullets have been fired in less time than its actually possible.

or is this probably hacking?

another thing. i have noticed that "eats" and lag are not always correlated. some players with normal pings around say 50 sometimes take 2-3 lethal hits to die, EVERY time (this kind of players usually have clan tags and are quite offensive languagewise), while with laggers the eating is more random and less frequent. what gives?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 03:46:54 pm by ValiS »
I eat EFCs for breakfast (with a lot of ketchup ...)

Offline Neosano

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2010, 06:40:41 pm »
if both damage and bulletpush was calculated client side, it would be perfect. less perfect if it was calculated serverside, but it would cover up for s**tty connections.
Seems like YOU don't know anything.. :)
Client-side damage? Hello hackers, twice slower deaths and other s**t.. but mostly - HACKERS :>
you think those hacks doesn't exist?
If damage is server-side, yes, they do not exist :)
I hope you understand why??.....well.. okay.. because server does everything himself, it doesn't matter what are you doing in your client.

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2010, 08:23:27 pm »
you can freely modify how much damage your bullets shall take, you can also decide to not take any damage at all...
besides... isn't damage partly server side? quite hard to figure out with this mess of a game. damaged is delayed by snapshot, but death comes instantly (+ping).
I'm not entirely sure, but many games have their hit reg client side.

Valis, lag doesn't equal eat. ussualy polish/czech/turks eat a lot more than others, probably because of the weak internet provided (such as packet loss, and delayed packets).

Offline ValiS

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2010, 11:02:19 pm »
Valis, lag doesn't equal eat. ussualy polish/czech/turks eat a lot more than others, probably because of the weak internet provided (such as packet loss, and delayed packets).

Well... thats what i said.

I would like to know however how does this relate to hacks, how to tell the difference between hacking and just lagging or bad connection. Most importantly, what causes the waaay-too-damaging-bullets, how would lag(+ netcode :)) be responsible for that or is that most likely hacking? When asked these players always start saying shit like "u just suck" etc "oh im just so good" - thats kinda suspicious hehe...
I eat EFCs for breakfast (with a lot of ketchup ...)

Offline 10th_account

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2010, 07:50:18 am »
Most importantly, what causes the waaay-too-damaging-bullets, how would lag(+ netcode :)) be responsible for that or is that most likely hacking? When asked these players always start saying s**t like "u just suck" etc "oh im just so good" - thats kinda suspicious hehe...

I'm guessing it's just you not receiving any forwarded bullet packets from the server, perhaps caused by a brief routing issue between you and the server. As soon as you start receiving data from the server again, you only got to see the last bullets that were required to kill you.

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2010, 08:15:31 am »
well, could also just be caused by high ping. the first 2-3 bullets won't appear, and since death comes instantly, it'll look like you die from less.

Offline ValiS

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Re: M79 Bug
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2010, 10:22:30 am »
Well in that case i should see the player appearing in my screen, and with me being in his line of fire, it should look to me as if he started to fire a bit too late (me not seeing the first bullets). But its more like he comes around a corner, we start shooting at each other and boom im dead in half the minimum time it should take his weapon to kill someone (in case EVERY bullet was aimed perfectly). And that happens EVERY single time i come across him, for example a few mp5 bullets from more than half a screen away and im dead. Is lag/packet loss really that stable? I'm still having doubts...

edit: forgot to mention that i have brought this up in team chat sometimes and others have said they experience the same thing from the same player. its not ONE specific player, but this happens occasionally.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 10:25:08 am by ValiS »
I eat EFCs for breakfast (with a lot of ketchup ...)