Author Topic: dem ghosts?  (Read 18202 times)

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #40 on: August 29, 2010, 04:41:27 pm »
I don't have evidence of faries do I? I personally don't care much about ghosts, I just find it funny how some people denies things so fanaticaly.
whenever something cannot be explained, it's either hassled away or the person must be lying.

also, I'd rather have the world end as you die than becoming some ghost. so me believing in ghosts goes against my "hopes".

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2010, 04:46:21 pm »
Explaining away an anomaly with superstitions like ghosts is a defining characteristic of ignorance. I try really hard to be tolerant of people's beliefs, but when I hear someone talk about ghosts I immediately consider him/her an idiot.
So your saying these anomalies couldn't be influenced by the consciousness of the recently deceased? Which would be a round-about definition of 'ghost'.
Right because consciousness is a product of the brain
it is, read dan brown's the lost symbol.

god such ignorants.

i watch tv shows about this junk man
i know what i'm talkin' bout

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #42 on: August 29, 2010, 04:49:36 pm »
It's ridiculous that you create a topic for something that doesn't interest you much - at least you stated that you don't care.

I think everyone knew that you have no evidence of fairies before you explained that, but I thought this was about ghosts..

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #43 on: August 29, 2010, 05:43:07 pm »
It's ridiculous that you create a topic for something that doesn't interest you much - at least you stated that you don't care.

I think everyone knew that you have no evidence of fairies before you explained that, but I thought this was about ghosts..
I think I stated it in the first post. I am interested in peoples opinions, and no, I am not especially interested in ghosts and super natural things.

The fairies was to VijchtiDoodah that seem to have difficulties reading.
there are lots of evidence of ghosts, but pretty much none of fairies etc etc - probably because people just care less about them. DC you really should try to read a post before you start posting. the thread is only 3 pages long, it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to read up.

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2010, 05:51:21 pm »
there are lots of evidence of ghosts
Maybe if you repeat this enough, it will eventually become true.

Offline xurich

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2010, 06:52:29 pm »
there are lots of evidence of ghosts

can you point us to some of this evidence?

Offline tehsnipah

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2010, 08:55:17 pm »
To be really honest, I never cared if there is a ghost or not.

But I have this sense that there is SOME kind of wierd spirit (in this case: ghost), because my toy car's wheels are keep moving even it doesn't have batteries to be controlled. Even when I'm in the room with the toy car, it just moves by itself, giving me the "wtf? how?" thoughts.

Basically, it's either my eyes are not functioning, someone's fucking around with the toy, or there actually is some kind of thing (ghost) that's fucking around with me.

I'll be pissed if that's the reason why I sometimes couldn't find my homeworks because of ghosts.... riiiiiiiight
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Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2010, 09:08:56 pm »
I just find it funny how some people denies things so fanaticaly.

No, you don't. But for you it's easier to pretend like I'm a fanatic than to actually mount a logical rebuttal. Hence the following lines where you attempt to make yourself look like a victim in some sort of plot to censor your opinion about ghosts:

whenever something cannot be explained, it's either hassled away or the person must be lying.

When, in reality, I've simply pointed out that you have no evidence or, at best, a dearth of unreliable, unscientific evidence. If that's "hassling" someone, then you should see the cruelties applied to scientists trying to publish any peer-reviewed research. Those researchers all go through that particular gauntlet for their fields but, interestingly, it's too much to "hassle" ghost hunters for evidence.

That is an indefensible position.

Now stop shoveling the bulls**t. I don't enjoy having my time wasted.

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Offline Espadon

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #48 on: August 29, 2010, 10:03:53 pm »
Now stop shoveling the bulls**t. I don't enjoy having my time wasted.

Feels like you just lowered yourself to Major level, Vij :|
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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #49 on: August 30, 2010, 02:29:51 am »
Now stop shoveling the bulls**t. I don't enjoy having my time wasted.

Feels like you just lowered yourself to Major level, Vij :|
To me it felt like he ascended to demigod level.

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #50 on: August 30, 2010, 04:43:47 am »
I really wish I could believe in ghosts, 'cause it'd be nice to think I could keep in contact with the people I've lost, or even keep contact when I die myself. However, I just can't see any logics behind it in a natural sense.

Why would only humans have ghosts, since we're just animals with a higher intelligence quote?

Why would a ghost manifest itself in loud footsteps on the ceiling, or a tv turning on even if unplugged to get your attention, when it could just go "Hey man!"?

Why is it so impossible that once you die, you're dead, and that's it?

If a ghost is a loved one that has reason in this world yet, and so hasn't crossed to the other side(I believe that is the common belief, no?), why would said entity not choose a little more quality time since he/she was here? Grab a beer with your son, take your nephews to the playground.. It's not like you're crossing over anytime soon, right?

And also, I gotta say I completely agree with Vijcht on this.. if you believe in ghosts, you really might as well believe in anything supernatural. There's more proof to suggest the existence of ghosts than unicorns, you say? Well, not really. All the "experts" with their fancy methods that they credit as definite proof are, sorry to say, a bunch of fucking morons. What's the deal with waving two metal rods in the air, and claiming that ecto-plasm(or whatever it's called) makes it point in a direction relevant to the ghost? "See, they're moving all by themselfs! Good golly, if that isn't proof, I don't know what is!..". Suck on dicks, that is not science.

I think the main reason for my disbelief is this: No one has ever been proven right about their sightings, but a whole lot of people have been proven wrong. Now, I would love to be convinced of the existense of ghosts, but until someone has undeniable proof, it just isn't for me.
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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #51 on: August 30, 2010, 04:52:17 am »
you either believe in logic or ghosts, don't try to have a logical discussion with major since it's pretty obvious he doesn't follow it
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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #52 on: August 30, 2010, 05:05:31 am »
Now stop shoveling the bulls**t. I don't enjoy having my time wasted.

Feels like you just lowered yourself to Major level, Vij :|
To me it felt like he ascended to demigod level.

I second this.
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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2010, 11:44:41 am »
so VijchtiDoodah, how do you explain 2 meters of toilet paper was rolling out by itself, stopping it was easy, however, when the grip was removed it continued to roll out even detaching the paper from the roller.
are you gonna cry out "no proof!!"?

ghosts doesn't need scientific proof to be believes. if something happens and it cannot be explained by todays technology and logic, then there must be something that we don't know what it is. Ghosts is the most spoke of thing, even if it isn't exactly a ghost, but some spirit/demon or whatever. it's still a "ghost" (because it's the broadest genere, and most used).

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #54 on: August 30, 2010, 11:51:22 am »
so VijchtiDoodah, how do you explain 2 meters of toilet paper was rolling out by itself, stopping it was easy, however, when the grip was removed it continued to roll out even detaching the paper from the roller.
are you gonna cry out "no proof!!"?
Really because a unicorn knocked on my door last night and told me that there are no such thing as ghosts. I recorded the conversation, but its audio only so you can't tell its a unicorn, it just sounds like I'm talking to Vijch over the phone.
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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #55 on: August 30, 2010, 11:53:38 am »
We can clearly see that you can only repeat the same bulls**t over and over again. Drop it.. stop wasting everyone's time..

@Below: Pure ignorance.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 12:15:38 pm by DarkCrusade »

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #56 on: August 30, 2010, 12:03:50 pm »
you're doing exactly what I said you would do. probably VijchtiDoodah got an intelligence level above an elementary schooler.

Offline Espadon

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #57 on: August 30, 2010, 12:22:11 pm »
Now stop shoveling the bulls**t. I don't enjoy having my time wasted.

Feels like you just lowered yourself to Major level, Vij :|
To me it felt like he ascended to demigod level.

Only if he had locked down the thread. It's otherwise just an empty bark. If you want to slam the lid, slam it all the way.
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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #58 on: August 30, 2010, 12:44:33 pm »
so VijchtiDoodah, how do you explain 2 meters of toilet paper was rolling out by itself, stopping it was easy, however, when the grip was removed it continued to roll out even detaching the paper from the roller.
are you gonna cry out "no proof!!"?

ghosts doesn't need scientific proof to be believes. if something happens and it cannot be explained by todays technology and logic, then there must be something that we don't know what it is. Ghosts is the most spoke of thing, even if it isn't exactly a ghost, but some spirit/demon or whatever. it's still a "ghost" (because it's the broadest genere, and most used).
lol at everything about this post

Offline echo_trail

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #59 on: August 30, 2010, 04:37:51 pm »
so VijchtiDoodah, how do you explain 2 meters of toilet paper was rolling out by itself, stopping it was easy, however, when the grip was removed it continued to roll out even detaching the paper from the roller.
are you gonna cry out "no proof!!"?

ghosts doesn't need scientific proof to be believes. if something happens and it cannot be explained by todays technology and logic, then there must be something that we don't know what it is. Ghosts is the most spoke of thing, even if it isn't exactly a ghost, but some spirit/demon or whatever. it's still a "ghost" (because it's the broadest genere, and most used).

You know, just because there are certain things science cannot explain [yet] doesn't mean it's a ghost thing either. That is really the problem with your 'belief', or rather the problem with the people who cling to it.. it seems they're so convinced about it that they credit anything that seems out of the ordinary to something supernatural. I'm not saying there isn't more to the world that meets the eye, in fact I like to think there is, but one should be careful about demanding an explanation so bad, that you jump to early conclusions.

I'm not saying ghosts don't exist.. for all I know, they do. But I have yet to be convinced, and in terms of science, I like the conventional approach rather than the paranormal one, simply because the latter take unproven theories for hard facts. Doing that is the number one do-not in the rulebook of science.
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