Author Topic: dem ghosts?  (Read 18174 times)

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Offline -Major-

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #80 on: September 01, 2010, 09:02:56 am »
a theory can't be fully proved.

the tp roll cannot have been rolled by wind power, which is what I'm saying, try rolling it yourself, it WON'T roll itself out. no matter what brand you're using.

Some are afraid of witchcraft and ghosts, some aren't. it would just require somebody that is not scared of such things to try it.

you keep arguing about something that is completely irrelevant, which makes you the same as DC.


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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #81 on: September 01, 2010, 09:13:36 am »
a theory can't be fully proved.

You are an idiot to say things like that, and I don't feel like wasting time explaining this to you, maybe you should explain once to me why this should be like that?

the tp roll cannot have been rolled by wind power, which is what I'm saying, try rolling it yourself, it WON'T roll itself out. no matter what brand you're using.

Totally wrong, and unless you bought TP of every brand you are not in position to say something so stupid.

Some are afraid of witchcraft and ghosts, some aren't. it would just require somebody that is not scared of such things to try it.


you keep arguing about something that is completely irrelevant, which makes you the same as DC.

Right, we are arguing about something completly irrelevant. Ghosts and toilet paper.

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #82 on: September 01, 2010, 09:34:12 am »
the tp roll cannot have been rolled by wind power, which is what I'm saying, try rolling it yourself, it WON'T roll itself out. no matter what brand you're using.
Totally wrong, and unless you bought TP of every brand you are not in position to say something so stupid.
I do not, some things never exceed a specific value, and some things just cannot happen.

Offline Smegma

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #83 on: September 01, 2010, 11:48:18 am »
a theory can't be fully proved.

That depends on the standards of proof.

Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #84 on: September 01, 2010, 12:31:20 pm »
a theory can't be fully proved.

That depends on the standards of proof.
Wasn't gravity a theory before it was proved?
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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #85 on: September 01, 2010, 01:41:46 pm »
I like how this same debate happens every someone uses the word theory

A theory is the accepted explanation for a phenomenon as its predictions correspond to observable reality and are repeatable. We call theories proven because of this, despite the fact that a theory cannot be proved in the sense of a mathematical equation. Theories do not evolve into laws.


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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #86 on: September 01, 2010, 02:46:33 pm »
Accepted explanation? There are houndreds of thousands of theorys that are not.

Offline -Major-

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #87 on: September 01, 2010, 03:31:11 pm »
yes, which is why you wouldn't use a theory to out rule another theory, you would use something that is scientifically proven.
once it's scientifically proved it's not really a theory anymore, either the definition of theory is not important in this subject.
This thread has gone way out of hand because some kids can't stick to the subject, but instead starts whining about lack of explanation in reasoning, even tho such a thing isn't needed (it's so obvious it needs no explanation).

a theory can't be fully proved.
That depends on the standards of proof.
Wasn't gravity a theory before it was proved?
I'm not sure who you are referring to, but gravity was a theory before it was fully proved. now it's not a theory anymore, but rather a rule/law.

Offline Veritas

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #88 on: September 01, 2010, 03:46:03 pm »
Accepted explanation? There are houndreds of thousands of theorys that are not.
Then that's not a theory. Maybe a hypothesis.

yes, which is why you wouldn't use a theory to out rule another theory, you would use something that is scientifically proven.
once it's scientifically proved it's not really a theory anymore, either the definition of theory is not important in this subject.
A theory is something that has been scientifically proven, catch up here now

The scientific definition of a theory is not the same as the popular definition. If you're going to talk about science, use the scientific definition.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 04:01:04 pm by Veritas »

Offline -Major-

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #89 on: September 01, 2010, 04:12:28 pm »
oh well, it's just words, since it's offtipic, it's not important (if it was I would've looked it up at the first encounter).

Offline Dascoo

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #90 on: September 01, 2010, 10:28:23 pm »
there are lots of evidence of ghosts
Extrordinary claims require extroardinary evidence. Where is the extroardinary evidence Major? Why are you going on about toilet paper rolling? What the fuck are you talking about?

once it's scientifically proved it's not really a theory anymore
DC you should probably get permanently banned, your trolling isn't very successful. (Doesn't understand what trolling is, thinks if someone is disagreeing with him it's trolling)
have you seen the tumor being taken out with your own eyes? otherwise that's not solid proof. even if you had, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so you could just be lying. (IS this guy serious?)
I'm not sure if I belive in ghosts or just some 4th dimension creature.. or some invisible creatures (like IR light etc stuff)

Oh that's right you're clearly fucking retarded.

Offline Smegma

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #91 on: September 01, 2010, 10:52:32 pm »
All signs point to major being a troll, he should be banned.

Offline Espadon

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #92 on: September 01, 2010, 10:59:34 pm »
Major I believe you! I saw my toilet paper running down the stairs once, it was scary  :D  :o   ???
« Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 01:04:28 am by Espadon »
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Offline Blue-ninja

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #93 on: September 01, 2010, 11:10:15 pm »
Well...yeah. This forum has gone so far down the drain that talking about a roll of toilet paper actually picks it back up again?

Offline ValiS

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #94 on: September 02, 2010, 02:30:00 am »
Its funny how Major says that using a scientific theory against his hypothesys (ghost are a hypothesys rather than a theory) is retarded..
But he himself is practically "proving" his own "theory" by saying that other theorys dont explain it, therefore his theory is more likely true... now its that is not retarded I dont know what is.

This reminds the classic statements that
"if science cant explain it, it must be god"
and another classic
"evolution is just a theory"

relativity is still called a theory, even though it has been confirmed over and over again during the last hundred years.

Major, are you saying that if a theory is finally "fully proved" it can be put to rest and no further development of the theory is necessary?

Do you also think that for example the pythagoras theorem is "just a theorem" because maybe somewhere in some deep jungle there is a triangle that defies it?

I eat EFCs for breakfast (with a lot of ketchup ...)

Offline -Major-

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #95 on: September 02, 2010, 03:22:34 am »
what your retarded brain can't get is that I'm not saying that it's a descended human that is causing this. I am saying something that cannot be explained with todays science did it. so be it an invisible animal or another dimension, heck even some proxy world interacting with my world.

Do you call it "the gravity theory"? or do you call it "the law of gravity"?
Evolution IS a theory? or do you have solid proof that it isn't? even though we probably agree with the same theories of how animals etc developed. The evolution theory includes big bang (I think atleast, I've not really put much mind towards this), which is rather hard to get hard proof of. especially now when some other theory of the world going under and starting up again continually

@Dascoo, I know very well what trolling is, even tho I pretty much stopped trolling myself, I was more active a year ago or so.
I do hope you're younger than 9, it's at about that age you should be able to understand what I'm doing. - other useful intellectual features are also featured at that age, such as sarcasm.

Offline Farah

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #96 on: September 02, 2010, 05:12:10 am »
what your retarded brain can't get is that I'm not saying that it's a descended human that is causing this. I am saying something that cannot be explained with todays science did it. so be it an invisible animal or another dimension, heck even some proxy world interacting with my world.

Just because an occurence may be unexplanable by the current understanding of science, it doesn't mean it can never be explained. Sure, it could be an invisible animal or something in another 'dimension', but it doesn't make much sense unless you justify those hypotheses. It's not very useful to posit an explanation without some sort of justification, as it explains fuck all as it has no basis.

Do you call it "the gravity theory"? or do you call it "the law of gravity"?
Evolution IS a theory? or do you have solid proof that it isn't? even though we probably agree with the same theories of how animals etc developed. The evolution theory includes big bang (I think atleast, I've not really put much mind towards this), which is rather hard to get hard proof of. especially now when some other theory of the world going under and starting up again continually

I call it 'gravitational theory'. It wouldn't make sense to call it the 'law of gravity' as scientific laws are merely mathematical/functional statements which explain fundamental principles of science, and always hold under stated conditions. Like for example, the Second Law of Thermodynamics always holds within a closed system(we're talking macroscopically here). A theory never becomes a law, as they're two completely different concepts.

Evolution is a fact. We observe evolution and there are thousands of examples of observed speciation and transitional fossils to back that up. However, the explanation of this observed fact is theory, namely the Theory of Evolution By Natural Selection. This has nothing to do with the Big Bang model of a caused, tensed universe as Evolution explains the diversity of life, not the origin of the universe. Also, there is evidence of the Big Bang model, such as the cosmic microwave background and to an extent, the universe's expansion(which is also evidence by the CMB).

@Dascoo, I know very well what trolling is, even tho I pretty much stopped trolling myself, I was more active a year ago or so.
I do hope you're younger than 9, it's at about that age you should be able to understand what I'm doing. - other useful intellectual features are also featured at that age, such as sarcasm.

I hope you are trolling now, because if you aren't then you have no understanding of science and the scientific method, nor do you understand what the difference between Evolution, Abiogenesis and the Big Bang Theory.

From: September 02, 2010, 05:13:06 am
All signs point to major being a troll, he should be banned.
What are you integrating remnants with respect to?
<EnEsCe> you challenge me I will make your Soldat life a living hell.

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #97 on: September 02, 2010, 06:05:15 am »
So you say what cannot be explained today never happened? way to be ignorat... and yet again... you fail to see what this argue is all about, like most other people, you slide off the subject and the first posts.
I said it's an unnatural behavior from the toilet paper roll, which the only explanation.

Farah, another uneducated post from you, and yes, YOU call it "gravitational theory".'s_law_of_universal_gravitation

I probably have about the same clue as you have about the evolution theory. since you were wrong just before, it means you can certainly be wrong again, same goes for me.

This was pretty much about how people deny things that have happened, or trying to explain it with unreal things (which is even harder to believe than ghosts).

either way, everyone is gonna stick to their thought, so this discussion is useless.

(and yes, I know you're gonna say "so one person must change their mind for it to be a discussion of value?" and the answer is... the answer is already in the statement, if you're gonna stick to your thought no matter what comes forth in the discussion, it's like talking to a wall - which is pointless.)

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #98 on: September 02, 2010, 06:33:34 am »
I call it 'gravitational theory'. It wouldn't make sense to call it the 'law of gravity' as scientific laws are merely mathematical/functional statements which explain fundamental principles of science, and always hold under stated conditions. Like for example, the Second Law of Thermodynamics always holds within a closed system(we're talking macroscopically here). A theory never becomes a law, as they're two completely different concepts.
The Law of Gravity is just an application of the inverse square law, hence why it's a law. A gravitational theory would be something that attempts to explain the why of gravity. Additionally the Second Law still holds in microscopic conditions, as it's a probabilistic law.

Can we just stop replying to -Major- aka Banana-san because it should be pretty clear he's a moron at this point

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Re: dem ghosts?
« Reply #99 on: September 02, 2010, 06:46:50 am »
I call it 'gravitational theory'. It wouldn't make sense to call it the 'law of gravity' as scientific laws are merely mathematical/functional statements which explain fundamental principles of science, and always hold under stated conditions. Like for example, the Second Law of Thermodynamics always holds within a closed system(we're talking macroscopically here). A theory never becomes a law, as they're two completely different concepts.
The Law of Gravity is just an application of the inverse square law, hence why it's a law. A gravitational theory would be something that attempts to explain the why of gravity. Additionally the Second Law still holds in microscopic conditions, as it's a probabilistic law.

Can we just stop replying to -Major- aka Banana-san because it should be pretty clear he's a moron at this point
so it's being a moron to not ignore events? I don't enforce you to believe it, but atleast don't ignore it. if you don't care about it at all, you shouldn't even be replying. (and no, I'm not very interested in ghosts, but rather why people deny it so much, these kind of things do happen to people quite often).

Then the gravitational theory isn't proven. the relativity theory should be called relativity principal if it was fully proven. well, I'm quite horrible at my home language, yet even more so in english. (so trying to have a grammar/spelling battle to prove your point is just pointless, I'm not gonna defend it)