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http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/laden.htmYet he is not wanted for it. If I make a video tape where I say that I did it, does that PROVE I did it? Seems not, according to FBI.
The transnational Al-Qaeda terrorist network headed by Usama Bin Laden has clearly emerged as the most urgent threat to U.S. interests. The evidence linking Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden to the attacks of September 11 is clear and irrefutable
You still did not say why it fell in the manner it did. Which was the point of the discussion right from the start and which you ignore completely.
Unusual architectural design?? I hope you meant structural.
I have not said that the steel did not weaken. Or that it needed to be melting to become weaker.Steel is a good condutor of heat. It doesn't just work so that when you have a X degree fire in one spot (Y amount of floors) that the steel in that spot gets also X degrees hot. That heat will transfer along the whole steel core, which is a lot of steel to warm up. And I have not seen calculations that account for this. Its always like this "the fire was X degrees hot, and that is enought to weaken steel enough"
Quote from: {LAW} Gamer_2k4 on September 09, 2010, 10:35:50 amWhat's the deal with the hundreds (thousands?) of scientists who disagree with you?What's the deal with the hundreds who disagree with you? I guess they are all delusional teens .
What's the deal with the hundreds (thousands?) of scientists who disagree with you?
What do you think of this?http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/design.htmlI haven't yet seen anyone debunking this.
Quote from: jrgp on September 30, 2010, 03:36:50 pmOnly anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.
Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.
Yes don't worry, it was just gravity that cut the columns and melted metal.
There was a lot of fire to warm up that steel:http://www.real-debt-elimination.com/images/wtc9-11.jpg
Quote from: {LAW} Gamer_2k4 on September 10, 2010, 12:33:38 amThere was a lot of fire to warm up that steel:http://www.real-debt-elimination.com/images/wtc9-11.jpgIt's not like it burned all the time with that flame.... Actually you couldn't see the fire that much-only smoke.
With the WTC towers, you don't see that weakened lower structure, and you don't see any explosions that would cause such a weakened lower structure. The closest thing to that are little random puffs of debris being ejected out of windows by the sheer pressure of the tower above. Sure, they might looks suspiciously similar to the explosions that destroy the lower support of a demolished building. However, there are two major differences. The first is that in a controlled demolition, there are more than THREE of these explosion-looking things (especially in a 100-something story building). The second is that they don't just occur randomly; there's an obvious pattern as the support is systematically destroyed.
Please describe, in as much detail as possible, what you would EXPECT to hear and see after a fully-loaded airliner hit a skyscraper at top speed, causing enormous damage, and the building caught fire to the point of collapse?And when a billion-pound building does start to collapse, what would you EXPECT to see and hear at the lower levels?Because in order to be surprised by what did happen, you must have some expectation of what SHOULD have happened. So I'd like you to stop and think about that.
Let me just say that when I was 14 years old the world was much simpler and safer in my eyes too, so I dont completely not understand you.
The BBC already made an article and a program that took apart the pathetic Loose change conspiracy theory and simply demolished it. Go and look for it yourselves, it's out there on youtube aswell.
At any rate, I'd say that the architecture of a building and its structure are closely related enough that the semantic difference is negligible.
.... the impact of a [single, not multiple] Boeing 707 aircraft was analyzed during the design stage of the WTC towers. However, NIST investigators were unable to locate any documentation of the criteria and method used in the impact analysis and, therefore, were unable to verify the assertion that “… such collision would result in only local damage which could not cause collapse or substantial damage to the building.…”The capability to conduct rigorous simulations of the aircraft impact, the growth and spread of the ensuing fires, and the effects of fires on the structure is a recent development. Since the approach to structural modeling was developed for the NIST WTC investigation, the technical capability available to the PANYNJ and its consultants and contactors to perform such analyses in the 1960s would have been quite limited in comparison to the capabilities brought to bear in the NIST investigation.
The damage from the impact of a Boeing 767 aircraft (which is about 20 percent bigger than a Boeing 707) into each tower is well documented in NCSTAR 1-2. The massive damage was caused by the large mass of the aircraft, their high speed and momentum, which severed the relatively light steel of the exterior columns on the impact floors.
you're saying you're just curious what happend, so why won't you read the NIST report?
Quote from: ValiS on September 09, 2010, 07:12:48 pmLet me just say that when I was 14 years old the world was much simpler and safer in my eyes too, so I dont completely not understand you.I let this go before, but I feel like I have to comment on it now. It's pretty darn elitist to think that just because you're in a minority, everyone else is a bunch of idiot sheep who blindly accept whatever they're told. Actually, I once was like you, briefly. During my freshman year in college, I was first introduced to all this 9/11 conspiracy stuff, and I ate it up. I told my friends and I even did a presentation about how everything we were told was wrong.However, I didn't stop there. I kept searching and I kept digging, and you know what I eventually realized? The official explanation made a lot more logical sense than the conspiracy theory, and it was actually backed by people who knew what they were talking about, rather than speculators and hypothesizers. The vast amount of real evidence for the official explanation, combined with the marginal amount of fake evidence the CTs used, was what brought me back to where I am now.So don't think that just because I don't believe what you do means I blindly accept everything thrown my way. I've been to where you are now, and I was there for some time. I just realized there was no reason to stay.
what exactly is so important about how the building fell?
Momentum is the thing that counts, and 707's higher top speed actually gives it more momentum than the 767.
OMFG How many times do I have to say this (or quote the NIST report): NIST did not analyse the collapse! Only the sequence of events that initiated the "total collapse initiation". If you have a NIST report on the actual collapse itself I would read it ofc. But sadly it just does not exist. And NIST supports this statement. Read it yourself if you still don't understand what this discussion is about.
• Collapse initiated 56 minutes after the aircraft impact (9:02:59 a.m. to 9:58:59 a.m.). • From a northeast viewpoint, initial downward motion was observed as columns moved inward on the north side of the east face, as shown in Fig. E–7. Tilt of the building section above the impact and fire area appeared to take place near Floor 82. Column buckling was then seen to progress across the north face. • The building section above the impact and fire area tilted to the east and south as the structural collapse initiated as shown in Fig. E–8. There was approximately a 3 to 4 degree tilt to the south and a 7 to 8 degree tilt to the east prior to significant downward movement of the upper building section.
Ya'll just narrow-minded mutaf**kas. Get your own opinion about stuff instead of listening what alex jones tells ya. I'm outta here.
Quote Momentum is the thing that counts, and 707's higher top speed actually gives it more momentum than the 767.Momentum = Mass x Velocity707's top speed: 1009 km/h707's max takeoff weight: 257,000 lb707's max momentum: 259,313,000 lb*km/h767's top speed: 900 km/h767's max takeoff weight: 315,000 lb767'x max momentum: 283,500,000 lb*km/hherp a derp derp
Apparently he doesn't realize that cause is more important than result in modern science.Also, he doesn't know what gravity is.