Yo, it's been a while!
This time... Soldat Map Packer again! But now it's command line. This version has much fewer features (can't embed map information into archive nor make screenshots) but I believe it to be actually more functional than the original gui version. And it uses legal archiver (7zip instead of rar)
To register with context menu, run "shell registration.exe" - it will make file association within Windows registry and link in sendto folder. If you want to pack few maps each to individual archive, use "Compress with SMP", if you on the other hand want to create single mappack, use "Send to" menu. Archive will be created in current folder.
Binaries include lists of default files from every Soldat version (excepting the oldest, which use .PMP instead of .PMS). These lists should be used to exclude default files when packing (who wants textures\porzeczka.bmp if it's in every Soldat copy right?).
here (Windows)
here (Visual C++ 2010)
Usage information:
File association test:
All links to my previous programs are broken again btw