Author Topic: ropw adventure comics(Season 7 is back!)  (Read 38332 times)

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Offline freestyler

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 3 Finale)
« Reply #140 on: November 16, 2010, 02:33:25 am »
Wow, just... wow. It really has a plot. I'd give you +10 karma if it was possible.

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 3 Finale)
« Reply #141 on: November 16, 2010, 05:46:51 pm »
Season 3 explanation is done - what a stunning story! D:
No difference between man and mouse - both end up in pussy.

Offline santa22

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 3 Finale)
« Reply #142 on: November 17, 2010, 01:53:48 am »
Season 4 (possible the final season)
Noooooooooooooo! ;_;
Make a prequel so we know how Sacred became...who he became.

For those who are confused, here you have a recap of what happend.

Season 1:
- Sacred meets King Kieranc because the magic stone (called "Kler stone") is in danger, the evil Lord Watcher is back and wants to gain control over it
- Sacred takes it and walks to the safe castle, meanwhile Lord Watcher arrives at King Kieranc's location and fights with him
- just before Sacred arrives at the safe castle he gets stopped by Lord Watcher, they fight against each other
- somehow Sacred gets saved by Santa22 but Lord Watcher escapes with the magic stone
- Santa22 tells him that this stone has the power to clone someone, moreover on full moon (which is in 10 days) it can bring back an even more evil creature, Lord Spirit
- they move back to the castle to fight Lord Watcher's army and bring back the "Kler stone"
- Sacred leads the army, Santa22 gets himself a more powerful helmet (the "Viking") and goes for Lord Watcher
- there are too many clones in the army of Lord Watcher, the human-army has problems to compete
- suddenly King Kieranc appears (he survived somehow) and gives Sacred the stone of flurry
- the stone of flurry helps them to defeat Lord Watcher (King Kieranc took care of the clone-army)
- suddenly they realize that they didn't killed Lord Watcher but just his brother (one of his clones) and the magic stone is still gone

Season 2:
- Sacred and King Kieranc discuss what to do about Lord Watcher, since they don't know where he is King Kieranc tells him some other news, Santa22 has suggested Sacred as the new commander
- Sacred accepts and goes for some missions
- suddenly Santa22 arrives and attacks him, he rages because Sacred took his old job (strange indeed, but continue reading)
- Santa22 disappears, Sacred and King Kieranc decide that they need to get ride of him because he is so dangerous
- back at the castle an old hero returns, Flurryfox, together they want to fight Santa22
- Santa22 arrives, Sacred attacks him, suddenly a clone of Santa22 appears
- King Kieranc attacks one of them, the helmet chars and that's how King Kieranc recognizes which one is the fake one (because the "Viking" helmet can't be chared), the fake Santa22 disappears (so the fake Santa22 attacked Sacred previously)
- King Kieranc commands Sacred and Flurryfox to go to the "god cave" and make a new stone
- they arrive and meet the human god Slade, they tell him the whole story and want him to make a new stone wht the ability to track other stones, Slade accepts but needs one sacrifice, Flurryfox sacrifises himself (he's dead now) and Slade makes the new stone out of him, called "Sacred stone"
- Sacred moves back to the castle, meanwhile Santa22 has been appointed as an "Hero" (he wears the green armor now), King Kieranc commands Santa22 and Sacred to search for Lord Watcher before it's too late
- with the help of the "Sacred stone" they arrive right at the moment when Lord Watcher calls the Spirit (which seems to be a god), meanwhile King Kieranc gets attacked by monsters at his castle
- Sacred goes to the library since it's the place where he can find the scroll with the "death spell", it is the only spell which helps against the Spirit, Sacred comes back and sees Santa22 lying on the ground
- Sacred uses the "death spell" and kills the Spirit, Lord Watcher has escaped again, they go back to the castle where King Kieranc managed to defeat the monsters
- but something is wrong with Santa22, he seems to be ill or something, King Kieranc fears that the dead floating spirit of the Spirit took over the spirit/soul of Santa22
- suddenly this proves itself true and the Spirit rises again, now in the body of Santa22

Season 3:
- Spirit has risen again, he uses Santa22's body as his host
- Sacred and King Kieranc discuss what to do now, they finally move to the cave of Slade to ask him for help
- Slade has a surprise for them: he let's Flurryfox raise from the dead, meanwhile Spirit (in the body of Santa22) meets with some strange witch, he wants to use her magic to rule the realm
- back in the castle Sacred, Flurryfox and King Kieranc come to the conclusion that they need to scout the area to find out Spirit's plan
- it's getting dark, Flurryfox and King Kieranc meet again at the meeting point, but Sacred is missing, he got lost in the wildness
- suddenly Sacred sees Spirit and the witch moving towards him and he hides behind a tree, in his covert he harkens that Spirit plans to open a portal to the "dark realm", since they don't know how to do it they plan to force Slade to tell them
- Sacred crys out in despair after he found out the cruel plan and unintentionally blows up his cover but manages to flee
- back at the meeting point he reports about the critical situation and they rush for Slade's cave
- they find Slade lying at the ground wounded, he tells them that Spirit and the witch attacked him after he told them that he doesn't know the location of the "dark realm", they went for the god Death then who shall know it
- Slade is badly wounded and finally his spirit is released and he disappears, now Death is the last god around
- Spirit and the witch find Death and fight against him, but they are already gone when Sacred, Flurryfox and King Kieranc arrive
- Death is not dead since the "Death spell" doesn't hurt him (surprise!), he tells our heros that the "dark realm" holds the strongest monsters, the world would be doomed if they get released
- back then Death and Slade wrote a book how to open the portal to the "dark realm", Spirit and the witch use the "Sacred stone" (which Spirit found in the pockets of Santa22) to find this "Dark book"
- Spirit and the witch discover a strange cave which is hidden under some fake lava, many magic items are hidden there including the "Dark book"
- at this very moment Death arrives with Sacred, Flurryfox and King Kieranc at the cave (just before Death gave them some of his powers)
- they fight against each other but eventually Spirit and the witch snatch the "Dark book" and most of the items and slip through
- back in the castle our heros suddenly receive some visitors: Lord Watcher and apparently Spirit in the body of Santa22, what a surprise!
- Lord Watcher tells them that he wanted to rule together with Spirit but since he abandoned him he wants revenge now (so Lord Watcher is good one, somehow), also it turnes out that they guy looking like Santa22 actually is a "blob" (meaning a creature who can morph itself in any other creature)
- meanwhile Spirit and the witch finally found the portal and try to open it but suddenly the "north wind" (a free spirit, not a god) appears and protects the portal
- our three heros, Lord Watcher and Death rush to the portal-rising-place and attack Spirit and the witch, once again they manage to escape by using the power of teleporting
- the "portal" is left open and the "Dark book" is needed to close it again, the "blob" comes up with the idea to morph himself into the witch to trick Spirit to bring back the book
- King Kieranc moves back to his castle (he needs to take care of it again), the "blob" knocks down the real witch so he doesn't get in his way and meets with Spirit
- the "blob" manages to get the book back although the real witch wakes up and interrupts them
- now having the "Dark book" Lord Watcher and Death rush back to the portal to close it while Sacred and Flurryfox hold off the enemies
- they fight against the witch until suddenly King Kieranc arrives again to help them out but still the witch is too strong, so Sacred and Flurryfox run away while King Kieranc tries to protect them
- in the meantime back at the portal Death needs a sacrifice again to close it, Lord Watcher agrees but suddenly the "north wind" attacks Death, but it was only a mistake, he thought they were monsters which came out of the portal
- so Lord Watcher gets sacrificed, Death closes the portal which makes the "north wind" disappear and Death moves back to rescue King Kieranc
- at long last Death arrives just in the right moment, King Kieranc is still alive, if the witch get's killed or teleports away remains unknown
- now they need to look after Spirit and make him move out of Santa22's body but...that is another story...

Jesus, Season 3 is f**king complicated but weren't you also overcome by emotions by this breathtaking storyline?

I hope my english is as bad as his...

wow well said
and btw
- suddenly they realize that they didn't killed Lord Watcher but just his brother (one of his clones) and the magic stone is still gone
thats not a clone, watcher has a brother.

From: November 17, 2010, 01:54:59 am
ok good news, season 4 will be released on Friday!

From: November 19, 2010, 01:44:17 am
Season 4 will have new things!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 01:45:36 am by santa22 »

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #143 on: November 19, 2010, 04:58:17 am »
i know you guys will like the new season!

Offline freestyler

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #144 on: November 19, 2010, 06:50:28 am »
I love how Sacred nonchalantly says "I'll put it on", like it was something trivial. Hello? It's GODS' ARMOR!

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #145 on: November 19, 2010, 02:40:14 pm »
Man, you'd fail the test allowing to use chat in Kingdom of Loathing...

Offline santa22

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #146 on: November 20, 2010, 03:50:46 am »

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #147 on: November 20, 2010, 11:38:43 am »
I like how giants listen to a puny human like they were puppets and that an armor is hidden in a door.


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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #148 on: November 20, 2010, 11:45:21 am »

Offline Illuminatus

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #149 on: November 20, 2010, 02:05:51 pm »
walking on lava must be fun...
No difference between man and mouse - both end up in pussy.

Offline santa22

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #150 on: November 21, 2010, 01:08:58 am »
must be! they can walk on anything with those boots, lava, water, sharp rocks, apples xD

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #151 on: November 22, 2010, 05:34:37 am »
must be! they can walk on anything with those boots, lava, water, sharp rocks, apples xD

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #152 on: November 22, 2010, 09:10:46 am »
must be! they can walk on anything with those boots, lava, water, sharp rocks, apples xD


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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #153 on: November 22, 2010, 09:19:19 am »
lol elfs are old grannys :D
Sorry if I'm insolent.

Offline santa22

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #154 on: November 23, 2010, 05:20:12 am »
elfs are not that old. xD i should make a small website with all kinds of information

From: November 25, 2010, 01:35:04 am
More adventures!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 01:35:04 am by santa22 »

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #155 on: November 25, 2010, 08:40:13 am »
Grass magically turned into dirt in skeletonlands.

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #156 on: November 25, 2010, 03:51:30 pm »

Offline santa22

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Re: ropw adventure comics(season 4!!!)
« Reply #157 on: November 26, 2010, 04:06:14 pm »
Working on the final comics right now

I might make 4 comics for the final, and release 2 at a time!

From: November 27, 2010, 09:23:23 am
Takes me 30 minutes to make the comics.
But it may take me longer to make cartoons. which is what im going to try

From: November 28, 2010, 06:11:27 am
Im going to release one more comic, that will show what happens to everyone now that the adventure is over
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 06:11:27 am by santa22 »

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Re: ropw adventure comics(Final Comic)
« Reply #158 on: December 17, 2010, 03:37:40 pm »
Well this is the last one, it shows some extras.


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Re: ropw adventure comics(Final Comic)
« Reply #159 on: December 17, 2010, 03:57:45 pm »
How can this be the last comic IF THE ELF OVERLORD IS STILL THERE ???