Droid Incredible here.
And I agree with whoever said technology is developing way too fast. Phones are being outdated in months which is absolutely ridiculous. As much as I enjoy this Droid technology, I much rather liked the era where a cell phone was JUST a cell phone where you can only call/text. It seems everywhere I go people are just sitting on their phones, almost being completely dependent of it when in reality they were completely competent of doing whatever beforehand. I'm tired of going to bars and parties and seeing people in the corner on their phones texting all night rather than socializing which is the reason one might congregate there in the first place.
I can save that $30 a month data plan and go skydiving, bungee jumping...stuff I much rather do than sit on the internet which my computer is completely capable of when I am at home.... NOT outside when I'm socializing or NOT at work.