Author Topic: DUZ suggestions  (Read 1490 times)

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Offline duz

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DUZ suggestions
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:36:05 am »

Public commands
/pc #
# = 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)
You will don't need scripts for clan matches anymore.
I thought of !p(pause), !up(unpause) !unban(unbanlast) !r(restart)

/nades $
$ = Number of maximum grenades.

/unbanlast #
# = Number of players to unban.
Example: /unbanlast = 1 player. /unbanlast 2, /unbanlast 10

/setvalue# $
# = Team number
$ = Value. Kills, caps or points. Depends what's the game mode.
Example: /setvalue1 4 (Alpha team receive 4 kills/caps/points)
It help when the server is down and the teams need continue the match.

/bonuspicktime $
$ = seconds
Example: /bonuspicktime 3 (SCTFL setting)
Comand for "HealthCooldown=". Works with medkit and grenades.

/nweap# $
# = Weapon ID
$ = Number allowed per team
Example: /nweap8 2 (Two Barrets per team)
Sounds easy to code it.

/admin Hardware-ID
I think you've thought about it. hahaha

Team Match counting by round, not by kills. Like Urban Terror Team Survivor, Counter Strike (forget the c4).
I don't know if it's a good idea because who will win a round when they kill one another?
Only if there is a tie in this case. Looks strange, damn.

Spectator view like when you're playing Realistic. Spectatores will can't see behind the walls.
It can be used with dead players too.
I think It helps to prevent "ghosting".

For Survival, the game beeps when the round start.


Sometimes you start at a new round and can't drop your weapon while the "survival invisibility" (what the name for it?) don't dissapear.
I suggest keep by default like the bug.
You can't drop/pick a weapon if you're not alive!

Grenades and m79 don't kills (eat?) the enemy when everyone in the server have 0 ~ 50ms.
This relates to the netcode, right? Plans to improve it?

Next time i'll bring more things.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 01:41:11 pm by duz »
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How a good suggestion/game improvement thread looks like:
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 08:13:39 pm »
Since I noticed that it happens quite often...
and to make it easier for people to read suggestions...
I made a tiny tutorial on...

How a good suggestion/game improvement thread looks like:

If your thread topic has no information about the content it will be ignored.
So please make the topic give us enough information to know what the content will be about.

Also don't mix different suggestions in one thread.
Write a short summary of the suggestion and then explain in detail.
Use text formating like bullet points where they help.

And please add a poll.

Mockups and screenshots are helpful but not required.

Thanks for reading.
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