Public commands
/pc #
# = 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)
You will don't need scripts for clan matches anymore.
I thought of !p(pause), !up(unpause) !unban(unbanlast) !r(restart)
/nades $
$ = Number of maximum grenades.
/unbanlast #
# = Number of players to unban.
Example: /unbanlast = 1 player. /unbanlast 2, /unbanlast 10
/setvalue# $
# = Team number
$ = Value. Kills, caps or points. Depends what's the game mode.
Example: /setvalue1 4 (Alpha team receive 4 kills/caps/points)
It help when the server is down and the teams need continue the match.
/bonuspicktime $
$ = seconds
Example: /bonuspicktime 3 (SCTFL setting)
Comand for "HealthCooldown=". Works with medkit and grenades.
/nweap# $
# = Weapon ID
$ = Number allowed per team
Example: /nweap8 2 (Two Barrets per team)
Sounds easy to code it.
/admin Hardware-ID
I think you've thought about it. hahaha
Team Match counting by round, not by kills. Like Urban Terror Team Survivor, Counter Strike (forget the c4).
I don't know if it's a good idea because who will win a round when they kill one another?
Only if there is a tie in this case. Looks strange, damn.
Spectator view like when you're playing Realistic. Spectatores will can't see behind the walls.
It can be used with dead players too.
I think It helps to prevent "ghosting".
For Survival, the game beeps when the round start.
Sometimes you start at a new round and can't drop your weapon while the "survival invisibility" (what the name for it?) don't dissapear.
I suggest keep by default like the bug.
You can't drop/pick a weapon if you're not alive!
Grenades and m79 don't kills (eat?) the enemy when everyone in the server have 0 ~ 50ms.
This relates to the netcode, right? Plans to improve it?
Next time i'll bring more things.