I'd suggest smth like that:
In-Game Statistics
Name: server_name #Server name, case sensitive
Players: n
Maxplayers: n #Max number of players, n=unigned int
Map: map_name
Gamemode: game_mode
Timelimit: m #m=minutes, unsigned int without leading zero
Timeleft: m:s
Passworded: is_passworded #Is server passworded or not, is_passworded = string: "Yes" or "No"
Pointlimit: n #Cap/kill limit, n=unsigned int
Team 1: n
Team 2: n
Team 3: n
Team 4: n
Players list: (name/kills/caps/deaths/team/ping)
player_caps #unsigned int holding player's caps
I think it's pretty much all the info anybody would need. Adding Maxplayers, Timelimit and Pointlimit kinda results from presence of Players, Timeleft and Team score. If there are current values of those stats why not including their limits? Name and Passworded would eliminate the necessity to connect to the lobby to retrieve this info, and player_caps feels obvious since player's kills and caps are now separated.
I believe adding more stats (like next map, max spectators, etc.) is not necessary as they're not really relevant to what's currently happening on the server.