Author Topic: CWSystem  (Read 14803 times)

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Offline Mighty

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« on: March 01, 2011, 01:09:29 pm »
Name: CWSystem

Author: Mighty (idea by Silnikos)
Script version: 1.0
Server version: 2.6.5
Release Date: 1.03.2011
Compile Test: Passed
Script made for CTF (any teamscore-based mods) / INF, it's role is to save Clan Wars and Clans' statistics. Script settings are located at the beginning of "CWSystem.pas" file, with comments. I recommand to check and edit them before running script on the server.
It may seem a bit confusing, but after tags are registered it all comes up to setting won maps limit and you're ready to go.

How does it work:
  * The script checks tags in both teams (Red & Blue) every 15 seconds of the game.
  * When the map ends (score limit/time limit) and at least 60% of checks during cw were ok, the map is saved
  * Script checks last few maps and count the general score or the cw, if the limit (Won Maps Limit) is reached, cw ends and both clans statistics are updated

Before a match:
  1. Set teams right and equal, check if tags are correct: !tags. If correct, go to point 4.
  2. If tags are not correct, check if both of them are registered by admin (!clans). If they are, check all nicknames. They have to match the Tag registered perfectly
  3. If tags are not registered, you got 3 options: cry/play without stats/ask admin to add your tag (/addtag <TaG>)
  4. Check the Won Maps Limit (!limit) and if you want to change it, use !votelimit <num>
  5. Check current CW history (!cw or !result). If there is no CW history or at least one of the tags in-game are different from tags in CW history, you can play. Otherways just finish an old CW or ask admin to end it manually (/endcw X), then start a new one.

  * script works best with little script which can be downloaded HERE (attached). It adds !p/pause, !up/unpause/unp, !r/res/restart, !map X and !ub/unban/unbanlast commands for any player. With countdowns, also you need to wait 30 secs after joining team to be able to use them (anti-kid)

* Folder "cwsystem" must be created in root soldatserver folder (included in .zip), otherways script will be disabled.

Commands (Players):

 * !cwsystem               (shows help)
 * !tags                     (checks if tags are ok)
 * !mapresult                (shows X last saved maps, no matter if cws were finished or not)
 * !result                   (shows X last finished cws and the current one)
 * !last                     (last saved map)
 * !lastcw                   (details about last finished cw - score, tags, players, maps)
 * !cw                       (details about current cw)
 * !cw <num>                 (details about cw number <num>)
 * !limit                    (current won maps limit, e.g. if a score 3-2 is possible, set it to 3)
 * !votelimit <num>          (starts a vote to change won maps limit)
 * !clans                    (shows list of registered clan tags)
 * !clan <tag_snippet>       (shows more info about clan: played, won, win spree, best win spree)
 * !clan <tag_s> vs <tag_s>  (info about matches between 2 clans)
 * !top                      (shows top X clans - with best winning %)

Commands (Admins):

* /addtag <ClaN'S tAg>               (adds clan to database. tAg is not equal to TaG, so add carefully.
                                      make sure tags are unique: don't add "Tag" if "Taggers" is registered)
* /set <num> <Snippet1> <Snippet2>   (sets up a match between X players each team with these snippets in nicknames)
* /disablevote                       (disables voting for won maps limit change)
* /enablevote                        (enables voting for won maps limit change)
* /setmapslimit <num>                (won maps limit change)
* /swap                              (switches bravo with alpha players)
* /endcw <num>                       (this is for unfinished cw handling and walkovers. Admin can end a cw counting general
                                      score to <num>)


 * Explode function by DorkeyDear, CurryWurst



Code: {snippets}
Code: [Select]
Procedure IfSaveMap; begin
   DefinePPT; // PlayersPerTeam
   if not(mapSaved) then
      if (mapChecksOK/mapChecks > 0.6) then
         if not(SavedTagA='') AND not(SavedTagB='') then
            if PlayersPerTeam > 1 then

Procedure DisplayCWResults(ID: byte);
   cw:      ClanW;
   i,j: integer;
      for i:=cDISPLAYCWS-1 downto 0 do
         if FileExists('cwsystem/'+inttostr(cwAmount-i)+'.cw') then
            cw.infile := Explode(ReadFile('cwsystem/'+inttostr(cwAmount-i)+'.cw'),chr(178));
            for j:=1 to ArrayHigh(cw.infile)-1 do
               if not(cw.infile[j]='') then
                  cw.Map[j] := DefineMap(strtoint(cw.infile[j]));
                  WriteConsole(ID,' '+iif(j=1,inttostr(cwAmount-i)+GetSpace(5,inttostr(cwAmount-i)),'     ')+cw.Map[j].Name+GetSpace(15,cw.Map[j].Name)+' '+GetSpace(12,cw.Map[j].Tag1)+cw.Map[j].Tag1+'    '+inttostr(cw.Map[j].Score1)+' : '+inttostr(cw.Map[j].Score2)+'    '+cw.Map[j].Tag2,iif(i mod 2 = 0,Yellow,Yellow2));
         else if i=0 then
            WriteConsole(ID,'No cws have been played',Red);
      if FileExists('cwsystem/') then
         if (Copy(ReadFile('cwsystem/'),1,1)=' ') then
         cw.infile := Explode(ReadFile('cwsystem/'),chr(178));
         for j:=1 to ArrayHigh(cw.infile)-1 do
            if not(cw.infile[j]='') then
               cw.Map[j] := DefineMap(strtoint(cw.infile[j]));
               WriteConsole(ID,' '+iif(j=1,'now  ','     ')+cw.Map[j].Name+GetSpace(15,cw.Map[j].Name)+' '+GetSpace(12,cw.Map[j].Tag1)+cw.Map[j].Tag1+'    '+inttostr(cw.Map[j].Score1)+' : '+inttostr(cw.Map[j].Score2)+'    '+cw.Map[j].Tag2,Red);

Questions? Bugs? Report please -->
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 05:59:36 am by Mighty »
xFire: macmil        e-mail:
My scripts: Accuracy Script       Flashbang       Punishments GUID
            CatchMe Gamemod       AntiFake
            CW System             AntiFakeGUID

Offline Silnikos

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2011, 05:32:11 pm »
Well so far I've ignored your disconcerting releases, but seems like it doesn't work. Just wanted to make the things clear - all the scripts Mighty posts here are my ideas already scripted by me ages ago and are being used on private servers. I script the most popular private servers in knife only community and they both got plenty of players doing clanwars all the time. But it's not the point. The point is - if you see any script of this scumbag you can be sure that the whole idea is not his. Of course I still understand that he wasted his time coding this, but ripping all of my ideas, signing them with "Author: Mighty" and not even mentioning "inspiration" (haha, that sounds funny since he does not add anything, apart of bugs, just copies the script as it was seen on other servers) is just a plagiarism. The proof is on - thousands of cws have been played here running similar script.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 05:36:55 pm by Silnikos »

Offline Mighty

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2011, 07:12:16 pm »
I admit that ideas for some of my scripts were originaly invented by Sil, ive never been trying to hide it.

So, lets tell the story. When i wanted to learn something by scripting in soldat, i was impressed by your scripts, wanted to have a look at them just to learn something. Sadly, you refused. So i started from something else, having a new goal - writing scripts as good as i saw.

And thats it. Here they are, AntiFake and CWSystem. As you don't really want to share your work, why wouldn't i let people use what i wrote myself? I havent seen any of your scripts (i got some of them few days ago, but only useless, old versions), wrote all by myself. I sign the script, not idea. And ideas were the only things that were stolen here. Maybe your scripts are better? Then publish them, all 'glory' goes to you then. The thing is, i dont ask for adminlog as a reward. I just learn.

To be honest i wasnt going to write cw system, but someone asked me to write one. And btw, im 100% sure your script would not work for DB for example.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 07:19:33 pm by Mighty »
xFire: macmil        e-mail:
My scripts: Accuracy Script       Flashbang       Punishments GUID
            CatchMe Gamemod       AntiFake
            CW System             AntiFakeGUID

Offline Silnikos

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2011, 03:53:56 am »
As you don't really want to share your work, why wouldn't i let people use what i wrote myself? I havent seen any of your scripts (i got some of them few days ago, but only useless, old versions), wrote all by myself. I sign the script, not idea. And ideas were the only things that were stolen here. Maybe your scripts are better? Then publish them, all 'glory' goes to you then. The thing is, i dont ask for adminlog as a reward. I just learn.

To be honest i wasnt going to write cw system, but someone asked me to write one. And btw, im 100% sure your script would not work for DB for example.

I don't need any glory, feedback from players is enough to keep my job up. But the thing is, in my opinion, idea is as important as the code itself, so signing the work as yours is not really fair, huh? It's fine, everybody can write any script and release it if he wants, but since you make a copy of someone's work, it's quite obvious you should mention that.

Offline dnmr

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2011, 04:49:15 am »
are we about to start patenting script ideas? Oh please -.-

Offline KYnetiK

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2011, 06:40:52 am »
Silnikos : your argument is like saying every person who coded their own 2D platformer has to credit Donkey Kong; every FPS must credit Maze War; and every point&click interface must credit Xerox. Intellectual Property applies to assets, not ideas. Whilst you're free to discuss the fact you have had the idea, it doesnt justify being an a**hole to Mighty simply because he fills the role of the one hundredth monkey.
I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and then asked for forgiveness.
WARNING! This user may use sarcasm and cynicism in a way you are not accustomed to.

[Barret]  /  [saw]
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Offline Silnikos

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2011, 07:14:26 am »
Silnikos : your argument is like saying every person who coded their own 2D platformer has to credit Donkey Kong; every FPS must credit Maze War; and every point&click interface must credit Xerox. Intellectual Property applies to assets, not ideas. Whilst you're free to discuss the fact you have had the idea, it doesnt justify being an a**hole to Mighty simply because he fills the role of the one hundredth monkey.
If a 2d platformer would have the same hero as Donkey Kong and the whole game would look the same then yes. And that's what he did - recreated my work without access to the code. He didn't change anything, even used the same triggers for commands. Got it?

Offline KYnetiK

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2011, 07:37:29 am »
So you're trying to tell me that 2 people cannot write the same formula when they are trying the achieve the exact same answer?
I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and then asked for forgiveness.
WARNING! This user may use sarcasm and cynicism in a way you are not accustomed to.

[Barret]  /  [saw]
*Shakes Fist*

Offline Zapper

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2011, 09:27:56 am »
omfg its like telling ppls that Linux [Open Source] is just plagiarism of Windows [Closed Source] ...
There were things like openSoldat. If u just dont get it, stfu plox.

Offline Silnikos

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2011, 12:24:01 pm »
So you're trying to tell me that 2 people cannot write the same formula when they are trying the achieve the exact same answer?
Have even read the posts above? He does it on purpose, it's not a coincidence.

Offline KYnetiK

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2011, 12:29:57 pm »
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 12:32:33 pm by KYnetiK »
I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and then asked for forgiveness.
WARNING! This user may use sarcasm and cynicism in a way you are not accustomed to.

[Barret]  /  [saw]
*Shakes Fist*

Offline Mighty

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2011, 02:28:53 pm »
It's fine, everybody can write any script and release it if he wants, but since you make a copy of someone's work, it's quite obvious you should mention that.

That's true and I definitely would do so, but after you've been rude and accused me of copying your code few months ago, I resigned.

Quote from: Zapper
its like telling ppls that Linux [Open Source] is just plagiarism of Windows [Closed Source] ...

This. Same thing came to my mind few hours ago :)
xFire: macmil        e-mail:
My scripts: Accuracy Script       Flashbang       Punishments GUID
            CatchMe Gamemod       AntiFake
            CW System             AntiFakeGUID

Offline Silnikos

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2011, 04:15:28 pm »
It's fine, everybody can write any script and release it if he wants, but since you make a copy of someone's work, it's quite obvious you should mention that.

That's true and I definitely would do so, but after you've been rude and accused me of copying your code few months ago, I resigned.

Never said that, but I don't care anymore about what you do, just wanted to state my side of view to some people that think scripts on my server are yours or your scripts are your ideas (and they might think so looking on how you sign the scripts as yours), which is false. EOT.
omfg its like telling ppls that Linux [Open Source] is just plagiarism of Windows [Closed Source] ...
This is not even miles close to be an analogy.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 04:17:52 pm by Silnikos »

Offline Mighty

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2011, 04:33:10 pm »
Never said that
Pure lie, i remember your words so well that i feel free to make em as quote, they made me laugh really hard.
Myslales ze jestem na tyle glupi zeby nie rozpoznac wlasnego kodu?
which is: did you think I'm stupid enough not to recognise my own code?

As admitted right away: this is you idea, just as AntiFake. Be happy now.
xFire: macmil        e-mail:
My scripts: Accuracy Script       Flashbang       Punishments GUID
            CatchMe Gamemod       AntiFake
            CW System             AntiFakeGUID

Offline Silnikos

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2011, 04:56:06 pm »
Pure lie, i remember your words so well that i feel free to make em as quote, they made me laugh really hard.
As admitted right away: this is you idea, just as AntiFake. Be happy now.
Great that you remember my words from months ago, I don't. Can't really confirm them as I switched computers pretty often so my archives are empty, don't remember them, might have happen, what does it change? No, it's not a question, so don't answer and don't bump this thread as it's just not worth it.

Edit: @bottom: Learn English first, then learn to read.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 10:11:12 am by Silnikos »

Offline Zapper

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2011, 08:36:26 am »
Ok, but you didnt give that script to peoples, so peoples[Mighty] wrote it. I know ur crying becuz your server will not be teh only one with "CW Script". [pl] Jak można kogoś oskarżać o plagiat zamkniętego kodu...? Nie ma do niego oskryptowania = Mighty tylko się wzorował na działaniu.[/pl]
omfg its like telling ppls that Linux [Open Source] is just plagiarism of Windows [Closed Source] ...
This is not even miles close to be an analogy.
it maybe based on ur idea, but its not code plagiat [Mighty just dont have acces to code] so stfu & gtfo plox.

Offline Gizd

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2011, 11:49:29 am »
@Mighty: If you really copied all ideas from a script you should mention that.
@Silnikos: Chill and stop acting like he ruined your life.
@Zapper: Try using proper English.

Offline CurryWurst

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2011, 03:59:47 pm »
@Mighty: If you really copied all ideas from a script you should mention that.
@Silnikos: Chill and stop acting like he ruined your life.
@Zapper: Try using proper English.

Gizd for Mod! [retard]
Soldat Global Account System: #soldat.sgas @ quakenet

Offline Swompie

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2011, 04:54:46 pm »
@Mighty: If you really copied all ideas from a script you should mention that.
@Silnikos: Chill and stop acting like he ruined your life.
@Zapper: Try using proper English.

Gizd for Mod! [retard]
Then half of the community will be banned.  ;D

Offline Vos

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Re: CWSystem
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2011, 09:40:37 am »
sup asslickers, scriptsstealer and wannabemod.

stop asslicking, scriptstealing and being a wannabemod... tnx

ps: really stop stealing scripts or atleast all the same commands & ideas.
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