Author Topic: Takes to long to kill someone....geez  (Read 8041 times)

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Offline The_Teacher

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2006, 09:40:05 am »
Slow? Hopefully I kill my enemies with the standard three bullets. That's not a very long timespace.
My aim sucks.

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2006, 10:09:11 am »
I'm probably about as pro as someone can get with them and i'll tell you now mofo, don't bother deagling unless the map is small-medium small sized, you wont have room to rush or 'too much room' so your enemy will just constantly jet up and up and up *red hill on b2b* pointless trying to deagle verse that, 4 hits in the feet ftl. And yeah it's 2 shots from directly above *head* 3 from chest or 4 from feet if you suck. ;)

Offline Death MachineX350

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2006, 06:25:07 pm »
The weapons are not too weak. I was playing with the Minimi today and it took about three shots to kill him. Sometimes when i'm in the mood I use the minigun and I slaughtered 3 people seperatly and when I looked at my ammo it was only about 1/4 lower. That's not weak.

Offline Dascoo

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2006, 08:27:07 pm »
You ain't gone up against enough good deaglers then pal.  Their inbetween balance of ruger and shotgun - large clip, average power, adequate reload time - can make them the perfect in-fighter weapon when mastered ..... but this only from what i've witnessed from engaging some of their rare masters. They're nightmares to tango with.

Dascoo, I imagine you came to Soldat during the 1.2 1.2.1 era. The version where the term 'Sprayer' was first coined inside Soldat, and where teams of autos proved overly dominating. S'why they're weaker now.
Autos in teams'll still pack the best and most reliable punch, while a clever player can still be a suitable foe to semi's and 1 shots. Thats balance baby.

Fun Chak Fact: Autos before 1.2 took almost twice as many shots to kill someone as they do today!

YES! GO 1.2.1!


Offline MofoNofo

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2006, 08:59:08 pm »
I'm probably about as pro as someone can get with them and i'll tell you now mofo, don't bother deagling unless the map is small-medium small sized, you wont have room to rush or 'too much room' so your enemy will just constantly jet up and up and up *red hill on b2b* pointless trying to deagle verse that, 4 hits in the feet ftl. And yeah it's 2 shots from directly above *head* 3 from chest or 4 from feet if you suck. ;)

Im really not sure if it's 2 for the head.. I tryed them again last night in a hope that i may go back to them, but, all i found were 3 - 4 hit kills. I even shot some guy in the head from a VERY close range with 2.. he had probebly like 5% left over.

Oh and B2B +  Deagles FTW

Offline X-Rayz

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2006, 08:18:46 am »
Deagles look pwnage. Seriously, even if you suck with the deagles you look cool.

I myself am trying to crank up my deagle skill.

P.S. AK is fine.

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2006, 03:38:08 am »
I've found with the Desert Eagles that it helps me to be more patient just like the Ruger when dealing with enemies in open space or far away. I only really fire fast or spray in closed in areas or along predictable running routes.

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2006, 04:12:49 am »
Maybe your just not good enough at Soldat Dascoo, oh well HAHA

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2006, 01:23:43 pm »
The deagles can kill in 2 shots from any angle to the head. its easy from the top cause your falling which speeds your bullets. but if your charging forward (Fast) and crank 2 shots into his head he will die :D also works for mid-air proning and jetting.

Offline Sotija

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2006, 06:20:39 am »
Play Realistic or Learn to aim better.

Offline T-Bone

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2006, 01:08:10 pm »
i personally  find the balance to be pretty good( a few tweakings wouldnt hurt, but overall its not to shabby.) and im not really bothered by how much autos need to kill. If you make the mp5 (i think the fastest auto, maybe steyr is quicker[i dont  consider the minigun and auto]) a 3 shot kill, then ur basically making a ruger that can empty a 30 round clip in a matter of a few seconds.  Would you want to go up vs that? well you would, because it would render most guns useless. Whose gonna bother using the spas, when somone will tear you apart with an atuo in 3 shots. i totally disagree with making the autos stronger
Your acting like your having a duel and your opponent gets a pistol and you get a spork.
Isn't that pretty much what it is? I dunno wtf a spork is, I suppose it's way weaker than the pistol since you compared that to this.

Offline amity

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2006, 05:08:07 am »
i personally find the balance to be pretty good( a few tweakings wouldnt hurt, but overall its not to shabby.) and im not really bothered by how much autos need to kill. If you make the mp5 (i think the fastest auto, maybe steyr is quicker[i dont consider the minigun and auto]) a 3 shot kill, then ur basically making a ruger that can empty a 30 round clip in a matter of a few seconds. Would you want to go up vs that? well you would, because it would render most guns useless. Whose gonna bother using the spas, when somone will tear you apart with an atuo in 3 shots. i totally disagree with making the autos stronger
to right, the concept of 3 shot autos is unbievable stupid, even sprayers could kill you as the first few bullets are accurate!

Offline Axel

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #32 on: September 16, 2006, 01:14:36 pm »
i personally find the balance to be pretty good( a few tweakings wouldnt hurt, but overall its not to shabby.) and im not really bothered by how much autos need to kill. If you make the mp5 (i think the fastest auto, maybe steyr is quicker[i dont consider the minigun and auto]) a 3 shot kill, then ur basically making a ruger that can empty a 30 round clip in a matter of a few seconds. Would you want to go up vs that? well you would, because it would render most guns useless. Whose gonna bother using the spas, when somone will tear you apart with an atuo in 3 shots. i totally disagree with making the autos stronger
to right, the concept of 3 shot autos is unbievable stupid, even sprayers could kill you as the first few bullets are accurate!

NO! you have to take the ENTIRETY of what makes the weapon the weapon into account! if you want to talk about why you shouldnt make autos better, you have to remember that there are other factors other than fire speed and damage. the mp5 for example, would benefit most by making those 2 things and reload MUCH better, but in exchange you more than halve the speed, thus making it MUCH more close quaters, seeing as how it does the same amount of damage, maybe a little more(speed of the bullets add alot to the damage), and it fires really fast, but you have a little less range than the spas, thus in close quarters youll prolly empty an entire clip on one person, have to reload(really fast), and then be able to fire again, and thus its good for skirmishes and it could hold its own against the spas. but outside of cq areas, itll be useless besides short range spraying. i may have made the ability to damage sound a bit extreme, but to make it more acceptable to none auto users (on second thought) you could downgrade the damage a little so that about 2/3s of a clip would bring someone down, and the real strength of the weapon is in its ability to keep a solid line of fire with extremely fast firing and reloads.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 01:19:00 pm by Axel »

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Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2006, 05:46:53 pm »
i have just looked into testing the ak Aug mp5 and minimi, i counted the amount of hits i got before killing boogieman, fire rate is not a variable here, it has no bearing on this test, it is just how many hits before fatal damage. (note: this is normal mode)
AK got 6-8 shots
mp5 got 9-10 shots
Aug got 9-11 shots
minimi as little as 5 to max of 8 shots

with all that being said, i would say the minimi is by far the greatest gun. It is most accurate and still has high power.

minimi and AK were much easier to test, they were much more accurate, i found myself expanding 20 mp5 bullets before a fatal hit, and many times starting over, the Aug had the same problem, it had so much Bink it was hard to keep it steady, and i found it hard to shoot one bullet at a time.

I think Bink should be lowered a bit and think about more power for Aug and mp5 and a bit more for AK and mini mi.
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Offline The Sad Sniper

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #34 on: September 16, 2006, 07:05:25 pm »
Dude if u want 1 shot use a kil wep like Barrett or noob weps like ruger(for poor aiming snipers) and m79(for all those noobs who cant use barrett). if u want autos to kill fast go play counter strike or something there 1 hit kill which is stronger than the sniper in that game :(.


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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2006, 07:22:57 pm »
That was the stupidest test I've ever seen. You only took the damage value into consideration.

Offline amity

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2006, 08:59:11 pm »
That was the stupidest test I've ever seen. You only took the damage value into consideration.
agreed, all autos are fairly well balanced i reckon

Offline Axel

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2006, 06:44:08 am »
i dont like to attack people, but you did only test the base damage values. the game has so many diffs that you cant really use you test as a reliable one. for starters, did you try different zones? also, how fast you are moving, or more like how fast the bullet is moving adds to the damage. and the last one im gonna mention is the fact the the bink, atleast on the mp5 can be used to help you, it keeps track of enemies when they instinctively jump. but i still disagree with amity. i think that the autos could use some work, particularly the steyr if only weapon balance and not my opinions of how the guns should be more unique is taken into effect.(follow, only the weapon balance considered). my reasoning for this is the fact that it is a superbly ineffective gun if you take its attributes and compare them to the other guns. all the steyr really is is a basic, middle of the flock gun that doesnt really have any special abilities, thus it is left behind by many more experienced players.(atleast in my experience they are, dont rip me apart if you are an expert with the steyr and iv never seen you before). you might want it to be like that, but if you want it to match up with the other autos, you really ought to lower the bink atleast, and make it accurate in medium range to compensate the lack of magazine for the fire rate.

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Offline amity

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #38 on: September 17, 2006, 06:58:14 am »
heh, i use styer, im always getting ripped apart by aks and hks, but yeah its ok i reckon, kill them really quickly mid range distance

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Re: Takes to long to kill someone....geez
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2006, 07:01:03 am »
yeah, but do you think the bink is scaled right with the other autos?

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