Author Topic: Crysis 2 Total Conversion mod : Update No.1  (Read 5307 times)

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Offline scout

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Crysis 2 Total Conversion mod : Update No.1
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:14:15 am »

-Current Weapons done so far..
-A BG for SK's modlauncher has been added.
-The Ay69 machine pistol has been replaced with a JACKAL full auto shotgun
-The bow is actually the SCAR, so ill be adding that to the menus too.
-currently, the knife and chainsaw are the only things not replaced..
-Yes, these graphics were directly ripped from the game's UI xD however, i plan on creating real weapon graphics instead of using these silhouettes for now, lets just say they're place holders.

Things i plan to add are the bonus kits, bullet trails, a custom interface and some other stuff (which i have'nt thought of yet :D)

Hello people! its been awhile since ive posted any of my stuffs here due to school and such, but what i can promise you is this

Total conversion mod for soldat

Gostek - Nanosuit 2.0 - You are the weapon!

Couple of ingame screens-

Weapons included are -

HAMMER - pistol
M12 NOVA - sidearm
SCARAB - assault carbine
SCAR - assault rifle with attached grenade launcher
X-43 MIKE - "Flamethrower 2.0"
M2014 - Anti material Gauss Rifle
MARSHALL - powerful tactical shotgun
AY69 - futuristic version of the mp7 sub-machine-pistol
FELINE - Quick firing sub-machine-gun
MK60 mod 0 - Light machine gun
GRENDEL - semi automatic designated marksman rifle
L-TAG - hyped version of the m79
JAW - Join Anti-tank Weapon

The sound effects used are direct rips from the game data itself, hence forth, a soldatish-crysis 2 gameplay is garunteed!

i have also attached a small collection of sounds for the mod.. ENJOY! for now.. :D

« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 12:54:17 am by scout »

Offline MattH

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Re: Crysis 2 Total Conversion mod : TEASER
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2011, 04:39:03 pm »
Yay! Someone is making another mod! Best of luck Scout, if there is ever anything you would like help with don't hesitate to ask.

Offline scout

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Re: Crysis 2 Total Conversion mod : Update No.1
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 12:52:58 am »
hehe thanks Matt :D its great to be back xD

Offline MattH

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Re: Crysis 2 Total Conversion mod : Update No.1
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 11:04:18 pm »
To be honest, I kinda like the weapons the way they are now.