Our server is standing on private machine, so u can play on it every time u like!
Dialy our server is visiting by 500-650 players, thank you!
Server Name: STER | NO][MERCY by K-BauSysteme.pl
Server Stats:
Soldat.ster-gaming.pl (stats update every 30min)IP:
PORT: 23075
Server WebSite:
www.STER-GAMING.plServer-Location: Poland -> Poznań
Server antyCheat: MSAC
Server Info:
Public: 24/7 online
Slots: 10
GameMode: INF
Timelimit: 15minDisabled Weapons: Minigun , Stationary GunsScorelimit: 90 pointsGranades: 3Survival: OFFRealistic: OFFScripts configuration: - Maplists limiter - it makes 2 mapcycles, for night (6 standard maps) and day (best inf maps)
- Mines - if player kills 15 enemies or cap, then he' ll get 1 min (to use type: /mine)
- Voting - Type: !nextmap, if you want to change map (need, 51% votes)
- AutoHeal - auto health resupply after 5sec at last hurt
- MSAC-RATIO - script is checking player KD:R, if he doesn't have MSAC, and his ratio is higher than 3.0 he get kicked.
Map List: (day)- inf_Moonshine
- inf_Industrial
- inf_Warehouse
- inf_Taraxon
- inf_Great_wall
- inf_Highlands
- inf_Fortress
- inf_Invasionx
- inf_DeltaB
- inf_Cannibal
- inf_Rise
- inf_Abel
- inf_Undermine
- inf_Ollysj
- inf_POW Camp1.1
- inf_Outpost
Map List: (night)- inf_Moonshine
- inf_Industrial
- inf_Warehouse
- inf_Highlands
- inf_Rise
- inf_Abel
Good Luck & Have Fun!