Author Topic: #dBa Driven By Anger Recruiting. Driven|  (Read 1851 times)

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Offline Poseidon666

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#dBa Driven By Anger Recruiting. Driven|
« on: June 02, 2011, 12:43:00 pm »
Brought the clan back in March we finished 22 in SCTFL 18. Currently, Driven| is recruiting all types of players, from any country, we hope to build success with these players for sctfl 19 and further. If you dont get a response on IRC #dBa, then I would advise anyone wanting to join post here for their tryout.

The Tryout

Will be a 3v3 match with 2 of the current clan members vs The Hardest Clan ONLINE. If you feel like playing a very Hard Clan in a tryout isn't right then you should go else where. We dont expect you to Win, We just want to see what YOU as a player can do in that Situation. All matches with players Trying Out should be posted, also comments on the match by members would be helpful. If you fail the tryout, you can retry in several days. No more than two tryouts a week for the same individual.


If you do well in your Tryout you will get a vote, its simple all clan members vote YES or NO to giving you a trial. Our clan is a family atmosphere everyone has a say so.

Trial Period

If you pass the Vote you will be held on a Trial period. Trial Periods can be from usually 2-4weeks. No more than 4weeks. When the leaders believe you have had enough trial time with the clan, you will recieve another Vote. This one for Clan Membership.

Clan Membership Vote

This Vote is 100% clan based, if you don't recieve more YES votes than NO, then im sorry your time in Driven| is no longer. Their maybe some exceptions if voting is tied, or close. Also I would get to know everyone in the clan, be friendly nice, active when you can be, always try to play your best. This will help towards your final Vote. All leaders have the final say so in this situation.

Tryout Application

Real Name:
Soldat Name:
How long have you played:
Best Former Clans:
Best Maps:
What can you bring to our clan?:

Thanks we will get back to you application shorty, Please post all applications on our site.

Again thank you,
Driven| Members

Offline Chas

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Re: #dBa Driven By Anger Recruiting. Driven|
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2011, 09:43:45 pm »
Real Name:Alex
Soldat Name:Chas/Chasus
How long have you played:In my country since 2007,gathers,cw's,and anothers since 2010
Best Former Clans:Just brazilians clans.
Accomplishments:nothing great.
Best Maps:Nuubia,rot,guard,Laos(Down)
What can you bring to our clan?:In brazil we play TM+S,this make us better in law,barret,and against another auto.
I play with law+ak or law+brt.Laos Brt+uss.