Author Topic: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )  (Read 2508 times)

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Offline kunderez

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Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« on: June 22, 2011, 05:00:55 am »
Hi, I added some new stuff into my tactics guide...

Any comments?

Offline KYnetiK

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 05:36:59 am »
Hrmm... only thing I could suggest is maybe elaborate on the potential flaws, compliments, and dangers involved with each tactic. As it stands, its a very straightforward definition of a tactic, but it could say something like - best in this situation, dont try in that situation, works well as a combo with this tactic, dont try to combo with that tactic, counter-tactics/counter-counter-tactics etc
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Offline A Gingerbreadman

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 07:21:59 am »
Good work pal. This will be pretty useful for Ymies!

Offline Shoozza

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 03:33:30 pm »
Well done!

The soldat manual could use such guides.
With a few gif animations or screenshots for each tactic and put in html it would be the perfect fit.

Also the stuff KYnetiK said would be helpful.

Some suggestions:
- flying ( moving by jetpack while lying in air ) would call it superman instead (and use flying for normal flying).
Also 2 side backflip is a nice way to get up fast (doing backflip and moving the mouse cursor to the other side from the player while pressing jet after a short time)
Note doing superman and stabbing makes you fly faster. Same for when you run and stab.

And running backwards and doing small backflips can make you very fast (or very slow if you do it wrong).

Most of the annoyances you write about are probably because of packet loss.
The "- remember that when you respawn, you can be killed before you can shoot ( feature )" thing annoys me as well.
I'm surprised why no one did create a thread with suggestions on that one :P

And yeah the thing with <50 ping is so true. I play with <16 ping (shown as 0 ingame :D) on servers and still get hits.

Again nice work ;)
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Offline Dusty

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2011, 03:59:13 pm »
worming aka laming

Offline ginn

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2011, 06:32:12 pm »
you forgot to mention defending, rushing, pinning/annoying/harassing.

example, I play a defensive role mixing with a bit of rushing and harassment on ctf_Dropdown2.

My defensive means that I make sure that base is clear. (defense)

If my base is clear, but I really can't damage the opponents base (I would just die in half a second if I rushed), then I just go to about the middle of the map and spray to try to damage people, to slow them down (going back for medics, getting low on ammo etc) without losing too much hp myself. and wait for my teammates to get into position. (pinning/annoying/harassing)

I rush whenever everything is clear, and my opponents base has 1 person or everyone is spawning. I also rush if my other 2 teammates are rushing together with me, and our base is clear.(rushing)

You could add some examples of how it can be used, and in what situations they should be used.

such as camping.

Code: [Select]
-- camping
wait for the enemy and surprise them from cover/distant
-You're trying to sneak trough an opponent, or waiting for him/her to get into a certain position that guarantees you a kill (such as waiting for an EFC).
-You're waiting at a very safe position for your opponent. This to have a an advantage in the battle (like camping top on ctf_Death2).
-You're waiting for a teammate to help you in your attack, and camping at a position to make sure that nobody can get trough without taking massive damage(This is normal on ctf_Laos).

Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2011, 07:05:28 pm »
The "- remember that when you respawn, you can be killed before you can shoot ( feature )" thing annoys me as well.
I'm surprised why no one did create a thread with suggestions on that one

I created a thread in which I described this problem using combat knife as an example.

Adding link to that post:
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 06:52:22 am by Bonecrusher »

Im chill like that

Offline kunderez

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2011, 11:44:14 am »
KYnetiK: Thanks for the idea for adding pro's & con's about each tactic, it would be great enhancement, but I dont want to include tactics combos because each situation in game is different and I cant tell exact recipe for winning every situation... I hope people will learn to recognize what the situation demands...

Shoozza: I was thinking about adding animations but I have been too lazy to actually record those :/ but I am willing to add animations if people want to produce them ( then I promise to find better host for the guide, not pastebin anymore :D ). Thank your for your suggestions, they are useful. I admit I forgot to mention "two side backflip" and "backflip run", but I honestly didnt know that stabbing could increase your speed - thanks for that, I'll try that in game! ;)

Dusty: laming? I strongly advise you to use worming too ;) I consider passive tactics lame... I usually play plain-old-rough-rush! - It is pretty stupid though...

ginn: You are talking about strategies ( in other words "bigger scale tactics" ). It would be great enhancement too - I have seriously considered adding those in the guide, but strategies are not so simple to explain, it depends so strongly on situation. Have you tried playing on soldat gather or clanwars? If you have, then you already know that your strategy is something that cant be taught, it must be learned ( and is also map based... consider ctf_b2b vs ctf_kampf ). Examples are great idea too, but I have left them intentionally out of the guide, just to let people use their own imagination.

...and I want to thank you all for this positive feedback!

I will update the guide during this weekend, maybe we will get some animations too...
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 11:52:28 am by kunderez »

Offline Dusty

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2011, 12:12:32 pm »
well to be honest, i've played this game long enough to realize that worming isn't exactly helping you much. most of the players i've seen who start worming whenever they run into an enemy are generally pretty poor players. i really can't name a single top player who prefers to look stupid rather than maintain a stable aim.

not saying it's a bad guide though lol, i just dislike wormers who believe it makes them any better.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 12:22:04 pm by Dusty »

Offline kunderez

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2011, 12:32:48 pm »
Dusty: worming isnt really affecting your aim if you know how to compensate it... it only prevents people from hitting you and I think that is pretty reasonable thing to do in air combat if you value your life

Offline Bistoufly

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2011, 01:10:29 pm »
To clarify things:

Stabbing doesn't make you go faster.

And the little flips that Shoozza mentioned are called cannon balls. ( not to confuse with mini-flips, which is another technique )

Offline ginn

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Re: Soldat Tactics Guide ( v 1.4 )
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2011, 09:45:57 pm »
well to be honest, i've played this game long enough to realize that worming isn't exactly helping you much. most of the players i've seen who start worming whenever they run into an enemy are generally pretty poor players. i really can't name a single top player who prefers to look stupid rather than maintain a stable aim.

not saying it's a bad guide though lol, i just dislike wormers who believe it makes them any better.
most people eat more while worming or doing anything else that is too advanced for the netcode. - Very much like the last 20% of your jet makes you look like you're warping (not entirely sure if you warp even more if you have high ping).

Also, when you're rushing with spas (as it's semi auto, you actually lose nothing from it), you'd want to worm some to change your direction (even just slightly). As you cannot be trying to out aim your opponent, but getting close to get a fast kill, it also adds a bit of a random factor. Since people aim based on experience, the more random factors there are, the harder it becomes to aim. - Some times really horrible movement can actually help you "dodge" bullets, simply because your opponent doesn't expect you to move that way.

It all depends on how you're playing, if you're rushing, you need to worm, because your goal is to get to a position rather than killing (Though spas rushing can kill, especially on small maps). If you're a bit more passive (such as back up player) or defending, you wouldn't be worming (to keep the accuracy up).

True, I assume you should try to finish up things and polish it a bit before adding strategical advice.
Examples are more to help people understand what you're really talking about, not telling them exactly what to do (Example =/= Instruction).
« Last Edit: June 23, 2011, 09:47:38 pm by ginn »