Author Topic: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate  (Read 64717 times)

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Offline pahSibla

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #120 on: August 17, 2011, 03:13:57 am »
I realize the old maps are priceless.  here are my favorite maps:

inf_Abduct.PMS    (aliens)***
dm_wrought.PMS       ***

Offline miketh2005

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #121 on: August 17, 2011, 10:16:50 am »
Modified flag throw to only work with the flag throw key

Can I still change it to use W+S? Because that has NEVER been a problem for me.

Fixed bouncy polygons not being consistent in bounce power

What about certain climb maps that require you to jump a certain way on the polygon in order to get to the next area? There should still be a level of skill required.

From: August 17, 2011, 10:34:17 am
daaangggg, this resolution update is really cool :D, you can see the whole f**king map now XD.

Is this going to be a problem? Won't people with higher res have a better view of the map and therefore have a better advantage?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 10:34:17 am by miketh2005 »
Quote from: 'Ando.' pid='12999178' dateline='1309046898'
My new password is secure as shit :)
Mate, I am not sure Shit is even secured nowadays.

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #122 on: August 17, 2011, 01:06:38 pm »
daaangggg, this resolution update is really cool :D, you can see the whole f**king map now XD.

Is this going to be a problem? Won't people with higher res have a better view of the map and therefore have a better advantage?
Read this. All of it.
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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #123 on: August 17, 2011, 01:29:42 pm »
Modified players can no longer grab the flag when a round of Survival has already ended. You can still capture or return

please define what do you mean by "grab"/"capture" because i'm confused. Anyway, this doesn't work (seems to work with bots though, from what i've heard)
<+elerok> soldat is dead
<+AThousandD> shit happens

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #124 on: August 17, 2011, 01:45:11 pm »
I played a gather today and saw an old bug that I thought had long since been extinct:

High-ping player (Canadian playing on eu server) gets killed in enemy base, respawns in enemy base.

it's around 5-20

//edit: I also noticed a mapbug on laos, that I believe wasn't there before: using the mid route to exit left base, there is some kind of polybug/bump in the ramp, toward the beginning of the ramp. it makes it difficult to run up the ramp + gain speed, and is therefore a critical problem to me.

PS: IS there a proper bugtracker for this yet/again?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 01:48:12 pm by Vv00t-SN »

either this kid has a lightbulb up his butt, or his colon has a great idea.
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Offline xmRipper

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #125 on: August 17, 2011, 09:47:13 pm »
This one goes to ramirez

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Offline Shoozza

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #126 on: August 18, 2011, 11:39:51 am »
Thanks for the feedback and bugreports sofar!

Now that I finally have the time I'll try to answer all questions and ask some stuff myself :)

auto-updater seems to work at first.
(the pop-up window was too high though, so I had to use enter key to confirm the update! the OK button was not visible).

however, after installing the patch (and it does say 160rc1 now in the welcome screen), the pop-up triggers again - and it loops infinitely.
am now going to use the full pack.
The autoupdate loop issues will be fixed in the next version.

And yeah the changelog is way too big we can't see the ok button, gotta press enter to get past the message.

Bugs so far:
#1: I'm using dual monitors, and config.exe opens up between the screens. Soldat window too opens up between the screens, but ONLY when I'm using 640x480. With other resolutions it opens up properly - in the middle of the main monitor.

#2. Anti-aliasing still doesn't work on resolutions other than 640x480.

#3: Auto-updater needs a scroll-bar. Long change logs make the window too tall and the buttons become hidden off-screen.

#4. I still seem to have problems with the auto-updater where it says that it can't delete config.exe. I deleted config.exe manually, the game updated further, and then the same problem occured with soldat.exe. I deleted soldat.exe manually as well. Then same happened with start.exe. I deleted that manually, and the update finally finished with no further errors. (That update actually was unnecessary, since I was just being a noob and forgot to change version.txt. But at least I got to test the updater..) And no, I wasn't running soldat or config at the time of update.


Oh, one more thing: IMHO the blue team's font color should be a bit brighter in scoreboard. It's a lot harder to read than red team's scores.
#1 Yep, config.exe was fixed
#2 will be fixed in 1.6.1 remind us if we forget about it :D
#3 Sorry about the large popup I knew that it would be too large but afaik it's part of the autoupdate lib.
#4 Not sure what causes this bug maybe you could find out how to reprocude it? And which windows version do you use?

Tell us about the bule team color again when we start coding 1.6.1 ;)

[...] The anti-cheat doesn't work yet ? "Failed to load anticheat/AC/" error.
Nope it's not working yet. We are waiting for Mr to give us the anticheat dlls ;)

The script core using Indy 10 seems to have introduced some new issues...

Did this work with Soldatserver 2.6.4? If it did then it's a bug - let me know if it is :)

Any new Weapon mods for 1.6? Or in the process?
The included weaponmod will be the final one.
We need to check who in the beta team is still alive and willing to do the weapon balance for future versions...

Fixed mouse buttons getting "stuck"

The bug caused by a higher mouse hertz(or DPI? I don't remember) is fixed?
Yep, according to Fryer it was fixed ages ago :P

My suggestion/complaints:
Code: [Select]
- Bots: Not that I really play versus bots, but I never got why sometimes they just jump in place or when they have the flag @ CTF they aren't attempting to kill you unless you have the flag. also barely throwing nades.
- Idea: maybe make both 'Flag Throw' options available, between the two keys version like in 1.5.0 (W and S quickly) to the one 'G' button now.
- "Added bounce sound for bouncy polygons", no way to 100% get rid of those bouncy polys, huh?
- "Added weapon statistics for all weapons" wondered... where?
- When you taunt with "ALT+X" or "ALT+F", it actually does the action that the key does without the ALT. shouldn't be this way imho.
- Something that isn't really important, but would be neat: enable /victory and saying a real taunt in the real time. let's say I wanna write "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" and do /victory in the same time. Pretty stupid, but I'd like it. xdd

- Modified bouncy polygons don't hurt players in realistic mode - YOU WROTE IT TWICE. :p

Great stuff overall btw.
Improving bots that late after the first RC will not happen. Remind us again in when we do soldat 1.6.1 :P
Flag throw will be possible with jump+crouch when you press both while assigning the keys it will be the default setting too
Weapons stats can be accessed via F1 -> F2 if you are regged
When does the taunt issue happen? You know a easy way to reproduce it?
The /victory thing: features after 1.6.0 plz :P

Yeah wrote the boncy poly stuff twice thanks for the notice :D

i have a problem with the mod starter: i cant run mods. when i click run soldat modded the window just disappears and nothing happens

From: August 12, 2011, 04:26:44 am
i have a problem with the mod starter: i cant run mods. when i click run soldat modded the window just disappears and nothing happens
Yeah found out why it wasn't working, now it works thanks for reminding me ;)

the weapons.ini says "// Changes from 1.5 -> 1.5.1" instead of "// Changes from 1.5 -> 1.6"
Yep. All occurences of 1.5.1 are now 1.6, thanks!

Someone in Germany needs to send Mr. Shoozza a beer sampler and at least one hooker.

Great job, man. Can't wait to get home and download it. :)
Haha send me a new Thinkpad T61 keyboard with German layout instead. It will beneft Soldat :P

How we use hardware id for temp or permanent bans ?
I couldn't find any command for that on first glance. I guess it's missing.
Would be nice if you or someone else could create a list of commands which are missing and how they should look like so we can add them.
(Post in suggestion/ideas so it can be discussed)

Ok so Its a fresh install, not patched.

Ok so the texture problem occured 5-8seconds after I joined Blade/IceBeam. I get kicked with reason "Wrong map version", afterwards it updates itself and when i rejoin this happens:

From another player:
The rejoin update was added so thats normal.
However that it's showing wrong map version is weird though. You are sure no texture where modified?
Does it happen on other maps too? Only on default ones?

Still can't run mods using the mod starter, as someone mentioned above, it just closes. Also, attempting to close the mod starter without first highlighting a mod from the list gives me the error "List index out of bounds (-1)". Happens both when I try to exit, and when I run Soldat with "Close after launch" selected.

Fixed "is not a valid integer" error when starting Soldat
Ah forgot that you can have no mod selected - fixed in next release candidate :P

While running a Hide and Seek Server in 1.6 this error message occurs not always, but really often:

Code: [Select]
11-08-12 11:27:06 *Bad packet size (14): rp49 rs23
11-08-12 11:27:12 *Bad packet size (14): rp49 rs23
11-08-12 11:27:15 *Bad packet size (14): rp49 rs23
11-08-12 11:27:25 *Bad packet size (14): rp49 rs23
At this moment were noone ingame.

Code: [Select]
11-08-12 12:09:21 (1) Test killed (2) Omi with Barrett M82A1
11-08-12 12:09:24 *Bad packet size (14): rp49 rs23
11-08-12 12:09:26 *Bad packet size (14): rp49 rs23
but here were 2 players ingame
Means, someone with wrong Soldat version tries to join.

  • [Error] LogInSystem -> (OnAdminConnect): Unknown procedure

  • [Error] Nextmap Voter -> (OnAdminConnect): Unknown procedure

  • [Error] ServerVisits -> (OnAdminConnect): Unknown procedure

  • [Error] LogInSystem -> (OnAdminMessage): Unknown procedure

  • [Error] Nextmap Voter -> (OnAdminMessage): Unknown procedure

  • [Error] ServerVisits -> (OnAdminMessage): Unknown procedure

  • [Error] Nextmap Voter -> (OnCommand): Unknown procedure

  • [Error] ServerVisits -> (OnCommand): Unknown procedure

Why? =[
Does the stuff work with soldatserver 2.6.4?
If not it's because we only had the src from soldatserver 2.6.4 and scripting stuff is missing.
We need some list of stuff that needs to be readded...

The old scoreboard order players by caps, not kills. Shouldn't it be contrarywise?
IMHO, no. It's Capture The Flag and since we now have Cap count it should be sorted by caps.
In old Soldat you got extra kills so it was sorted by Kills.
If you want to play by kills you should play TDM or DM.

* Mouse buttons 3 and 4s' mappings (and presumably up to and including button 8) are overwritten in soldat.ini with the default key mappings when Soldat is started.
* After assigning mouse button 4 to a key, it will assign itself to every subsequent attempted key change.
* The intro demo isn't compatible with 1.6.
* Updated weapon changes omitted from changelog.
* Only radio buttons for 4:3 and 16:10 resolutions are present. No option for 16:9 resolutions. The amount of available room makes me think the component just isn't shown (
* Config (pictured above) claims to be 1.5.1.
* Registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Soldat remains after uninstall.
The mouse buttons thing will be fixed in next release candidate.
Hmm will check what is the issue with the intro and how it was fixed in old versions.
Are weapon changes always added to the changelog? Or how was it for old releases?
The 16:9 resolutions were now added in the config no need to do it manually anymore ;)
Ow missed the config version number change...
The uninstaller will remove the keys now. Remember if you run soldat again it will automatically add the keys!

Also ctf_Viet2 is a good effort, but trying to remake all maps was a bad idea - only unpopular maps should have been remade. Viet is one of the more popular maps in competitive Soldat, so it really needs to be kept in it's original form. The other remakes are fine as they were barely played ever in SCTFL.
Would love to see a thread with information about map remakes.
Since I hadn't had time to play soldat a lot I can't know where maps are bad and what needs to change.
Information about why they are bad and how to improve them and which maps need to be remade would help a lot ;).
(Make a separate thread plz ;>)

<Mr>Shoozza: I have a weird bug here, was able to reproduce it on two machines however so I am certain it is a bug in Soldat. When I have not registered Soldat (no key in registry), the game crashes unless it is started as administrator (Windows 7 x64).
<Mr>I suspect that this is a bug in ASProtect
<Mr>It might also be that ASProtect does not cause this but displaying the "unregistered copy" message does (the blue window with the readme and ads)
Yep it's an ASProtect bug as it happens in Soldat 1.4.2 too :P

And whether it will lock on crasher servers are?
Excuse my English is terrible :D
I hope the added anti flood will render some crasher tools useless, yeah.

Bug: New Config.exe can't see my all display adapters.
I only have one gfx card in my laptop so will need to check out if the other devs have two cards or if my other PC has also an internal card.
The code for enumerating the cards hasn't changed which is weird :S

Most of the bugs/notes I listed here are still present/unaddressed.
- When clicking on the register-link in the pre-start notification message-box for unregistered users, the context menu opens with an offset (somewhat below the actual mouse position)
- Even an unregistered user can use the custom screen-resolution settings or non-640x480 predefined resolution, yet the label below them states otherwise
- When zooming beyond a certain limit (with a wide-screen setting) and viewing towards the screen's upper or lower edge (or just zooming all the way with a resolution just at the max ratio-borderline(1.(7))), the sniper-line is not visible
I just fixed the context menu issue.
Yeah somehow the resolution limit was removed...
I think Fryer fixed that already.

Here are some (mostly text/translation related) issues to fix, most of those are actually from 1.5 already -
Untranslated strings:
"Try reconnecting to download map" (on map-change to a map which is not there in the client's computer)
"End of game" (at the end of maplist when looping is not enabled)
"Jets color" (tooltip for Jet flame color selection under the Player tab)
"Registering server @" (when registering the server to lobby)
"Playing..." (when switching/starting music tracks in-game with F6/F7)
"Adds extra features regarding Voice Chat if you have TeamSpeak2 running in the background" (tooltip for TeamSpeak checkbox under Settings tab)
"Auto record" (Configuration, Performance tab)
"Connecting to " (when querying servers; lobby's ip follows)
"Msg sent... Waiting for reply" (when querying servers)
"Parsing server " (when querying servers)
"Map Background color" (tooltip for custom map background color selection under Player tab)
"default: V" (tooltip for button 'Radio Menu' under Player tab)
"FPS Limit" (Configuration, Graphics tab)
"High resolution timer" (Configuration, Graphics tab)
"Vertical Sync" (Configuration, Graphics tab)
All the game types under filter settings under Join game (could use the already translated game type translations)
Colors in the output of lines 729 & 730 (of the translation file) (It's been mentioned before but just in case)

Short/not dynamic labels -
The one preceding the Spectator checkbox under Join game tab
The one following the checkbox for forcing the custom background color usage under Player tab
The Welcome to Soldat one (profile selection screen)

Cannot change map while the score-table is shown (both at the end of a match and using F1)
Oh dear translations... Will see if the we have time to adress them for the rc2
Hah you are rigth changing map or kicking a player doesn't work while the F1 menu is visible!

Seems that you still can't unprone while stabbing / shooting with minigun (holding the mouse button).
I always though that was a feature kind of special movement -at least for knife.
Do people really want to have that removed?

ö ä and å don't work anymore, and the new font is ugly.
Where? In the config or soldat? I fixed input of unicode chars in soldat so that should work.
If you mean the config the font was changed because of weird bugs with the default Soldat font.
It will be hopefully changed in the future to use the font settings like Soldat does. But not in 1.6.0.
Just keep telling us that you want it and we will do it when we find the time :D

When I try to run RC1 on Windows 2000 I get "I/O error 105" on startup and after that a lot of things are messed up. I can join in server and play, but in game I cannot see text in the teams select menu or in weapon select menu. Also when I try to start my own game, the maps select and bot select lists are both empty.
Could you please try the full install and tell me if the problem still exists then?

By the way if I copy the complete "Soldat.INI' file from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0. will it work properly? or there were some changes in this file?
Nope there are a few changes afaik it will not work.

Minor bug here - in lower right corner there's frag count - sometimes it misses "+" when you have more kill than your opponent. Have no way to reproduce though. Occurred many times.
I remember changing that because it didn't work like expected. Will have to check it again I guess :P.
Oh Soldat rendering code^^


at a Realistic & Survival server (some probably reproducable in any gamemodes)

1. Death score bug

When you're f.e. Alpha, then go Spec, then back Alpha, your death count reduces by 1. Doing this while having 0 deaths makes the count go over 6000

2. Bouncy Polygons don't make players bounce anymore

Tested only on one map though

3. Following a teammate while being dead yourself still allows you to see an enemy behind your teammates back

according to this:
"Modified Dead/Spectator players in Realistic mode can only see enemies the player they are following can see"

the enemy should not be visible. It works well with walls, dead player can't see enemies behind any walls or pieces of map, but they can still see behind teammates back which has to be fixed.

4. Changing or restarting maps other than default ones (didn't test defaults, but i saw no complaints) gets you to the lobby and back to the server (even if you have the maps already) making players see unneccesery disco of jumping windows.

Not a bug, but i have to note that this change:
"Modified Spectators can only use Team Chat in Survival Mode while a round is active. Only applies to Spectator team"

will probably be not welcome by ANYONE. This is no solution to anything and will only be annoying at most times. No one requested such feature, Enesce (i suppose he's the one doing the anti-spy features) went a little too far with this one. Each of the other features are awesome and i'm looking forward to be using them, but i think this particular one should be removed and most likely this would be backed up by most of survival mode games.

great work by the way!

1) Ok will look in the death scroe bug.
2) The bounce polygons work different now and maps should be remade to use boncy polys instead of the old way (sry climbers :S)
3) Yeah sounds wrong to me. Lets hope it isn't too difficult to fix.
4) Sounds like a new bug added by the autoupdate and rejoin feature which was added :O

Yeah the spectator chat changes sound bad. I played in some DB servers and the spectator chat make the game more fun there :P
Wonder if it should be an option or if it should just be removed.

I really don't get what is so hard in deleting 1 map and copy pasting the other.
Bring back Viet!

Not just that, but people were complaining about the change 2 years ago and the devs/mappers simply ignored the complaints about replacing a popular map and now claim it's too late to change. l0l

I could argue until I am blue in the face as to why the new viet is a poor replacement (again), but it would fall on deaf ears (again).
Good point, read the reply I made a few quotes above. I'm intesteded in your arguments :)

I don't think this is noted here: When choosing a fullscreen custom widescreen resolution (for example 854x480) and the device isn't reported to support the mode then the first suitable larger fullscreen mode is used, which is good, but the related handler also apparently overwrites the configuration setting and sets it to the found resolution (for example 1024x768) and yet use the widescreen perspective (with vertical bars) - the problem is that the next time the game's run it will use the last stored resolution and respectively handle the perspective's width (so if the stored resolution is 1024x768 it will display it in 4:3 ratio next time (instead of a 854x480 image upscaled (while maintaining the ratio) sufficiently for the width to meet that of 1024x768, 768, and adding vertical bars as it would do the first time the game's run)). So the solution would be not storing the found compatible mode as a setting and just displaying the image in that resolution (the user should probably be notified of this somehow though) as it does the first time. This only affects fullscreen as windowed mode does not rely on screen-modes (although if you choose a custom resolution that has a greater width than the maximum reported resolution's width then it automatically uses a smaller resolution, yet this does not apply in case of height (the game-window will simply go out of the screen) or if a pre-defined resolution is used that has width or height higher than the desktop resolution (then it will also simply 'go out of screen' rendering the game's interface more or less unusable)).Damn, that's a sentence... Sorry about possible failures in wording or otherwise as I've barely gotten as much rest as I could have used during the past few days. Regardless, I hope I've managed to deliver the point. :]
Next time please make it easier to read :P
The resolution changes shouldn't be saved then yeah.

Also the mod starter doesn't work for me, it doesn't launch soldat at all even if I execute it as administrator
Same here, it doesn't work.

Plus this:
Quote from: #soldat.devs
[22:55]   SyavX: hm. just noticed that 1.6 doesn't "see" interface elements saved with *.png extension
[22:56]   SyavX: old trick with renaming them to *.bmp works, but 1.5 worked with png's without any bypasses
[23:02]   SyavX: hm. one correction: it tries to load BMP 1st, if there is a BMP, it looks for PNG. if there is PNG - it loads PNG
[23:02]   SyavX: BUT !! if there is no BMP it doesn't try to look for PNG...
[23:04]   SyavX: it should look for PNG 1st and try to load BMP if there was no PNG..
[23:09]   SyavX: btw, there still is an old issue with interface graphics: they doesn't clears/resets on interface change
[23:09]   SyavX: e.g. if I've used one interface, then changed it via Options dialog, and there are some (or even all) graphic files missed in the second interface - Soldat will show the last loaded graphics from previous interface
[23:10]   SyavX: it shouldn't be like that
Heh yeah it shouldn't ignore png's. Will look into that if I have the time.

Good job!

-Is it just me or is there a problem with the Reg-stars not showing?

-I just want to remind you of an old bug that I think you should consider to fix for this release:  When m79 is reloading the gun is locked at 90 degrees, this makes it impossible to throw flag at any other direction, as the flag will go where your gun points instead in your cursor direction. This is true for all guns, m79 is the best example.

-Btw, is it possible to have the option to choose wether I want UP+DOWN flagthrowing to work? Because I like that best and I rarely tab them by mistake.
Will have to check why the stars disappear.
When and on which servers does it happen? Need some info to find the bug :P

Interesting flagthrow bug.
Sounds like it will be hard to fix as the weapon direction is sent to the server and not the mouse pos :S
I don't want to modify the netcode so late in the release...

Jump+Crouch will work yep see above.

First of all: Nice job to all the devs! :)

- unnecessary space (not used on any tab)
- the Internet connection speed is still very 1999...if it does actually make any change (does it?) why not updating it for nowadays connections?

- when using a widescreen connection the ESC-menu is overlapping the "Default Keys" stuff (the ESC-menu should always appear in the middle of the screen)
- when changing any key to another one this small window still appears for like 1/10 second (and while we're at this screenshot: for widescreen resolutions move the menu to the mid...I mean at the top not in the middle of the screen so Fitt's law still has it's effect)
- Keep in mind that using ASProtect on "Soldat.exe" gives it one more false positive (in total 4) at VirusTotal (compared to the old 1.5.0 "Soldat.exe").

Oh and btw (once again :p): Plzzz consider changing the updater to the one MM is using for his Link-Dead engine (the one he also uses for King Arthur's Gold). There were many many updates already (especially some small ones) and it worked very well. (Of course after the 1.6.0 version so you can release hotfixes without much hassle.)
Soldat needs no "installer"-updater. It's just this simple small game which you can zip, put on your USB-stick, take it to your friend and it still works. There are no reg-keys which needs to be updated or other strange difficult stuff. Simply checking one text-file (with only the version number inside) against the server, if the server says "my version is newer than yours" start hashing all neccessary files (exe, dll, ...) and compare those hashes with the hashes on the server. Those that differ get downloaded and replaced (maybe also always save the last version of a file"filename_OLD.extension" as a fallback).
Edit: Oh well...just read this. Seems like you're planing to make it a bit more complicated. But since all the core files (dll and exe) stay at the default installation folder this suggestion could still work imo because those are really the files which need to be updated for small fixes.
The space in config exe is because of the different tabbar width with different translation.
The empty space will be filled with more 16:9 resolutions so it's no problem anymore :D

Why change the Internet connetion speed stuff if soldat doesn't need it?

Yep the ESC menu overlays the Default keys info - oh the rendering code again^^
The little Ok window was removed ;)

The GUI in soldat window isn't that easy to change. I tried some changes but I will take longer then expected.
So not in 1.6.0 you should ask for it again later though.

Thanks for the false positive issue message didn't notice that some antivirus fail again :P

Yeah the updater KAG uses is nice :) but it's written in c++ not Delphi.
The current updater will have to go someday (it's only working on windows and has some limitations).

Nice. Must be a lot of work keeping this game bug less.
Yeah there are enough bugs for everyone :P

05:17:34 ‹xmRipper› hey guys, I've got a "fps" lag issue.

I've done some testing:

FPS Limit: OFF
HRT: OFF / ON (same for both)
- lags every 3 seconds. 100+ fps.

FPS Limit: OFF
HRT: OFF / ON (same for both)
- laggy just for a moment every 5 secs! irritating. 60-65 fps.

FPS Limit: ON (60)
- laggy as hell all the time. 40 fps static.

FPS Limit: ON (60)
- THE BEST. NO PROBLEM AT ALL. 59 fps static.

FPS Limit: ON (60)
- looks ok, but feeling is NOT best as when vsync was on.

So thats all and I don't know how to conclude.

From: August 16, 2011, 11:19:58 pm

Shortcut icon issue. Check the screenshot in attachment.
You guys must already realized, but I'm going to report it anyway.

Both are Soldat 1.6.0. Upper one is Soldat.exe, lower one is uninstall thing.
Well you found your solution :) so it's ok.
Soldat needs some profiling but we don't have tools for that :S

Oh actually didn't notice the icon stuff.

Modified players can no longer grab the flag when a round of Survival has already ended. You can still capture or return

please define what do you mean by "grab"/"capture" because i'm confused. Anyway, this doesn't work (seems to work with bots though, from what i've heard)
Grap = take enemy flag
Capture= bring enemy flag to your flag at the base
Return = return your flag to your base by touching it

If I understand it correctly (I didn't do that modification).

I played a gather today and saw an old bug that I thought had long since been extinct:

High-ping player (Canadian playing on eu server) gets killed in enemy base, respawns in enemy base.

it's around 5-20

//edit: I also noticed a mapbug on laos, that I believe wasn't there before: using the mid route to exit left base, there is some kind of polybug/bump in the ramp, toward the beginning of the ramp. it makes it difficult to run up the ramp + gain speed, and is therefore a critical problem to me.

PS: IS there a proper bugtracker for this yet/again?
Oh you know soldats netcode ... will have to have a look but I don't think I'll manage to fix it in 1.6.0...

Could you make a screenshot of the exact point where it polybugs on laos?

We dont use the bugtracker for now. After 1.6.0 it will be cleaned up and then we will use it.

This one goes to ramirez

Meh the interfaces and sizes... So you want dynamic colum positioning heh.
The interface needs some cleanup not sure if we should fix that for 1.6.0 or wait and fix the whole interface later.

1. Patch is applied, game went to unregistered version.
2. Can't set native resolution at startup: GMA 950
3. Can't dispaly visual/pop-up items error occured, after switching to desktop
4. Acess violation at adress .............

Thos are bugs that i noticed in first 2 minutes of using rc version.
Could you give more details on how the messages looked like so I can try to fix it

And about the resolution change:
I'm not really happy about that we have different ratios now.
When it was implemented I expected it to just have black bars on the sides.
But now lets just check out if Fryers fix is good enough.
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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #127 on: August 18, 2011, 01:05:26 pm »
By the way I wanted to mention you guys are doing a remarkable job here and I wanna thank you deeply for keeping this game alive. Soldat Community has faith in you developers!

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #128 on: August 18, 2011, 01:27:37 pm »
Are weapon changes always added to the changelog? Or how was it for old releases?

A line such as this would suffice:

Code: [Select]
Modified weapon balance (check weapons.ini for details)

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #129 on: August 18, 2011, 04:38:14 pm »
1. When resolution ratio is more then 16:9, game screen displays with 4:3 ratio and black bars (that is OK) but F1 menu and weapon stats menu are not centred. On smaller resolutions it sometimes overlap the black bar on the right (seems like status text on the bottom overlaps it too). See screenshots:

2. When you respawn with weapons menu enabled and F1 menu (or weapon stats menu) opened, the weapons menu is not showed but still waits for player's choice. So you should left click a mouse or press hot key (1-9) or press weapons menu toggle key (Tab) to be able to move.
Btw, you could click in the area of the invisible weapons menu to change a weapon...

It concerns to 1.5 and 1.6rc1.

3. Usability improvement suggestion (Config.exe): make the 'Custom' radio button checked, when one of resolution spins got focus/clicked.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 04:55:29 pm by SyavX »

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #130 on: August 18, 2011, 11:48:04 pm »
will be fixed in 1.6.1 remind us if we forget about it :D
Not neccessary since you promised to use Mantis after 1.6. You "just" need to make sure to migrate the most important bugs in there and also publicly announce it so people start using it. Mantis will then make sure you do not forget even the smallest bug. :P

Why change the Internet connetion speed stuff if soldat doesn't need it?
I don't know. Actually my question was if it has an purpose at all. I mean...does it change some variables in the netcode or did MM just add it years ago because he thought "hey, other games have this. I need it too."? I just thought that adjusting it would maybe lower the laggyness or something for some people...
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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #131 on: August 19, 2011, 12:39:57 am »
(Shoozza`) any idea for a good key combo for weaponstats?
(xmRipper) f3 for wepstats and shift+f3 for fps stuff
(xmRipper) useful and no s**t

Any problem?

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #132 on: August 19, 2011, 10:02:02 am »
I wish sorting the scoreboard by kills in CTF would still remain as an option.

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #133 on: August 19, 2011, 10:09:13 am »
gotta love those 'option' wishes.... just make it sort after kills, or give 20 points on cap (while still showing how many caps you've made).

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #134 on: August 19, 2011, 10:52:52 am »
gotta love you

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #135 on: August 19, 2011, 11:39:12 am »
Make the weapon stats reset every map.

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #136 on: August 19, 2011, 11:51:59 am »
Thanks for the feedback and bugreports sofar!

Now that I finally have the time I'll try to answer all questions and ask some stuff myself :)

The script core using Indy 10 seems to have introduced some new issues...

Did this work with Soldatserver 2.6.4? If it did then it's a bug - let me know if it is :)

Yes, this worked with Soldat server v2.6.4.
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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #137 on: August 19, 2011, 01:17:25 pm »
Why all 1.6.0 servers in lobby have (WM) in front of their name btw ?  ???

Offline Illuminatus

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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #138 on: August 19, 2011, 01:43:20 pm »
(Shoozza`) any idea for a good key combo for weaponstats?
(xmRipper) f3 for wepstats and shift+f3 for fps stuff
(xmRipper) useful and no s**t
I would do it like this:
[F3]: weaponstats --> [F3]: FPS stuff --> [F3]: none --> [F3]: weaponstats --> ...

@Leo: It's already fixed in the next rc according to the corkboard (Fix servers using the new weapon mod get the "(WM)" tag (fry)).
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Re: Soldat 1.6.0 Release Candidate
« Reply #139 on: August 19, 2011, 01:56:56 pm »
(Shoozza`) any idea for a good key combo for weaponstats?
(xmRipper) f3 for wepstats and shift+f3 for fps stuff
(xmRipper) useful and no s**t
I would do it like this:
[F3]: weaponstats --> [F3]: FPS stuff --> [F3]: none --> [F3]: weaponstats --> ...

But it would be annoying if you want to check your weapon stats quickly while respawn counting down.

Nobody is checking fps in a rush. So ctrl or shift + f3 is good for fps stuff.
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