-M(+C)-, which stands for Madness Combat, is the official, Krinkels approved clan based on the flash animation series.
Unfortunately for us, one of the sub-admins went berzerk and fucked the old page up. Now I have taken the old link and ported it to a new (hopefully temporary, but I am planning for the worst) forum page. We need HTML coders and others that could assist in page building, because operating from the forum, although possible, isn't as professional as a full "site". We do have a .TK page though.
www.MadnessCombatClan.tkWe use the -M(+)C- tag normally, but if a game disallows those characters, we use -(MC)-
I am the clan leader, although we like to think that we (were) fairly democratic.
You can contact us through the forums above. Also, the forums can also be found at
www.armleg.com/mcWe've had several clans for well over 2 years, but a year ago we all unified into the official clan.
We don't have a favorite game mode.
We used to have a server, and we also used to have a modder named Doodle who made a Madness Combat mod. It included several maps and new skins along with re-skinned weapons and a new interface. If you can't join a server, it's probably because f that, but we lost all record of that mod because of the clansites intrerruption.
Since we are simply rebuilding the clan to it's old glory, we
WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICANTS We only ask that you don't double-post, use proper grammar, and don't flame.
Tryouts are uneccasary
We don't care what weapon you use.
We haven't any record of previous matches.
We are a multi-clan. That means we represent any multiplayer PC game. Our focus, though, is Soldat and GunZ. I don't play gunz.
The clan started as several individual clans dedicated to several different games, all using the variations of our clan tag and name. I personally consolidated and brought all these clans together. I am also the most active in keeping the clan alive, despite special circumstances. Though the clan is not even close to how it was 2 months ago, it is probably going to bounce back into shape. We are DESPERATE for members.
- Clantag / name
- Clan leader / Squad leader
- How to contact (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC)
- Homepage (if you have one)
- Clan age (Clan exists since... ?)
- Favourite gamemodes
- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?)
- Requirements in skill and character
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?
- If you only need players who use a certain weapon, don't forget to mention it.
- Clan results (Clanwars played, tournaments won, etc.)
- Aims of the clan (just a funclan, or to take part in a tournament/league)
Additional information, interesting but not essential:
- Clan history
- Description of the current members
- ...