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I don't understand why the devs took this out. Did you do it by mistake or intentionally?
I'm pretty sure I've already suggested that somewhere - old maps ( 1.5.0 and older ) are in .PMS format, make a new map parser based on the old one but for .PMSX format, that should be easy - old maps have old bounces ( with the polybugs and all ), new maps have no polybugs but have new polytypes ( including bouncing poly and prehaps teleporter ).
I don't think they change the map format, just how the collision works.
If climbers wants to be a part of the modern, developed world they should update their favorite maps with the new defined and polished version of the bounce polygon, equipped with the new atmospheric bounce sound. I'm very happy with the changes and see nothing of value lost or a need to compromise, therefor I strictly F11 for further changes.
I'd like to see bouncing polygons back on climb maps too