Author Topic: what is it to eat?  (Read 1973 times)

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Offline panda_bear_smoking

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what is it to eat?
« on: September 21, 2011, 02:27:45 am »
I feel eating is ping based "I may be wrong" but I've seen so many people use it as an insult. from what I've seen it appeals to be based on how your ping match up with your enemy if you have the same ping your UN-likely to eat against each other. am I wrong and can you be pro and use the word eater "in-game"?
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Offline Blue-ninja

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Re: what is it to eat?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2011, 04:47:27 am »
Bullets hitting a player may not register, and therefore it looks as if the person being hit by the bullets has simply eaten them, avoiding harm to himself.

Yes, this is ping-based

Offline Ymies

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Re: what is it to eat?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2011, 11:31:50 am »
actually even bots sometimes eat shots when playing offline so hits not registering is not ping-based, although a high ping may increase the phenomenon occuring


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Re: what is it to eat?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 11:43:14 am »
There is no "eating" when you play offline. The effect only occurs online.

Offline panda_bear_smoking

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Re: what is it to eat?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2011, 03:20:51 am »
Bullets hitting a player may not register, and therefore it looks as if the person being hit by the bullets has simply eaten them, avoiding harm to himself.

Yes, this is ping-based
did you read my commemt before posting, did not intend to ask the question of "what dose eating mean" im asking how it occurs, why dose it not register. i tend to eat alot and alot of people eat to me from my persective, could it be base on the fact of my ping being at 33-50"have sex with server for it"  on sns when most player tend to be around 150 or more.  im saying if i had an more average ping i would eat less and that i eat more because i have a lower ping then most.
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Offline ginn

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Re: what is it to eat?
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2011, 05:33:27 am »
eat = your client calculates it hit, but the server didn't.

Typically when somebody bounces (eat) from a nade, it means that his client registered the hit and therefore applied the nade push. The server got the packets too late and does not add any damage (or less than it should) to the victim.
Bullets eats are probably just faulty positions between the players, making the bullets miss. The attacker/victim position might be off, counting with the attackers position and the angle he fires at might not hit the victim on the server, so no damage is applied, but it looks like it hits for both the players.

Offline 12th_account

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Re: what is it to eat?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2011, 04:28:56 pm »
There is no "eating" when you play offline. The effect only occurs online.

Eats (or hitregs as we called them back in the day) also occur in offline mode, but only due to a bug that involves specific angles, hitboxes, and high bullet speeds (ruger, barrett). MM improved on this issue for ~1.4 or something, but the bug is still largely there. These types of hitregs are most likely also present online, but are a lot harder to reliably reproduce due to lag and synchronization issues.

If you're bored enough you can create a dummy bot (copy an existing bot and remove the secondary weapon attribute value) and fire at him from various directions with a ruger to observe if for yourselves. It shouldn't take too long before you fire a shot that passes clean through the bot without damaging him.

Offline Fryer

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Re: what is it to eat?
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2011, 04:40:31 am »
Packet loss from client can also cause eat.

Imagine someone shoots with barrett... Normally the client will send a message to the server saying: "Hey server, I shot a bullet from my barrett". Sometimes, more often on bad network connections, the message gets lost somewhere on it's way to the server. The client still sees the bullet flying through some player, but the server knows nothing about it.
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<DutchFlame`> i once heard running runescape in the background gave you a speedboost
<Mr> yes, it allocates more electrons, so there are more electrons available for Soldat -> they are streched less and it is more fluent

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