Hello marishka , if you're new i suggest you to try to play more on public server and find a gamemode that suits you , for example there are 7 mods : infiltration , deathmatch, teammatch , normal mode ctf , realistic ctf and realistic/survival ctf , hide and seek and also snipe'N'slice but i didnt count it. So i suggest you to play alot in the lobby servers of your gamemode , for example if you play normal mode CTF , try to play in public servers of that mode and then you're gonna get better and maybe you'll make some friends and join their clan but if you're interested in competitive gameplay , have a look in
www.sctfl.net , thats the competition side of normal ctf , but there is also competitive gameplays in everygame modes.
btw What gamemode are you playing in ?
And by the way , ignore the haters like chas !