Author Topic: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible  (Read 2631 times)

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Offline Mangled*

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Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« on: October 31, 2011, 02:46:40 pm »
Time to revisit the past and dig up some fun
To learn a thing or two you may have glossed over the first time
To understand the thought processes of someone wise
To see the world through Mangled eyes...

Valid Question: Is the Bible erotic literature? - Hook, line and sinker. I spark a debate over the porny parts of the Bible that the preachers like you to forget about. As ever the debate circles around evidence and interpretation. I explain science for the Nth time.

Quote Of The Thread:

The validity of a person's beliefs are defined by if they have any plausibility, logical explanation or evidence to back them up. I don't believe in God for exactly the same reasons that I don't believe in ghosts, zombies or the tooth-fairy.

Wisdom Behind The Quote:

Here I am pointing out that any person isn't the best to judge their own beliefs. There are personal, psychological insentives that are deeply routed in our behaviour that make it preferable to comfort ourselves and shield ourselves from the insecurity of being wrong. Even if that means disregarding the facts and blatant truths. This outlines the basic importance of science and impartiality of evidence.

The world didn't end... again - I poke a little fun at religious prophecies after the latest apocalypse fails to occur - as intended it deteriorates into a short religious debate, we discuss religious propaganda, the fallacious 'Abbasi era', homosexuality and AIDS.

Quote Of The Thread:

"My mind may shake, but my faith won't quake". Now doesn't that sound like propaganda? In it's purest form, self-affirmation of ideology. Of course it doesn't sound like propaganda to you, you are the impressionable person on which it has already taken affect. You may aswell be one of the smartly dressed smiling insincere people who try to shove church flyers into my hand on a daily basis.

Wisdom Behind The Quote:

Something demoniac93 says strikes a 'chord' with me. Phrases like this are comparative to war-time political propaganda. I capitalize on the opportunity. It's amazing how impressionable gullible people can be, it never ceases to amaze me.

Stop what you're doing and laugh at the U.S. - Anti-evolution bills are being passed in America's bible belt in an attempt to corrupt science education in favour of Christian teaching, also creationist theme parks are springing up all over the place. - A long argument involving most of the active forum members ensues. The debate circles around evidence vs faith and the ignorant among us make themselves known.

Quote Of The Thread:

The truth people are scared of is the one that they disregard if it conflicts with their beliefs. There IS such thing as fact and fiction, and there is a way of determining the difference. There is no evidence that conflicts with my beliefs because I believe in the value of evidence and therefore reality.

This was actually a tough choice, that thread is full of dynamite quotes.

Wisdom Behind The Quote:

I reason that religious people hold science and objective reality in low regard and why they are always on the defensive, and thusly why religious organisations set out to discredit science.

Osama Bin Laden is Dead - Osama Bin Laden's death is announced and sparks a discussion on conspiracy theories. demoniac93 believes the CIA could have found Osama Bin Laden at any time because 'the U.S is the most technologically advanced nation' regardless of how little evidence they had - I put him in his place and use his own faulty logic against him.

Quote Of The Thread:

Quote from: Mangled*
People who thought:

No evidence is enough evidence for US intelligence agencies to track down Osama.

Also thought:

No evidence is enough evidence to prove that we were created in 6 days by supreme being that looks like Santa Claus.

Wisdom Behind The Quote:

People with low standards of evidence or a lack of critical thinking are more likely to believe in things that require low standards of evidence or a lack of critical thinking in order to accept - such as supernatural entities, unfounded conspiracy theories and religious beliefs.

I shall endeavour to
Continue this collection
And share my reflection
In batches of four I will submit
Amusing moments I will committ.

"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." - Ezekiel 23:20

Offline Mittsu

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Re: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2011, 02:59:32 pm »
wow you need to get over yourself
<+elerok> soldat is dead
<+AThousandD> shit happens

Offline Mangled*

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Re: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2011, 03:07:30 pm »
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." - Ezekiel 23:20

Offline ds dude

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Re: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2011, 06:47:12 pm »
wow you need to get over yourself

do you need to get spoonfed you little shit? WAAAH WAAAH ARE YOU A FUCKING BABY? do you want to suck on your mommy's titties? WAHH WAAH  IM MITTSU IM A FAG THAT TRIES TO LOOK COOL ON SF BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE LEFT TO BE COOL.

Read Mangled's post and reflect bitch.

This signature was borked. Now it is not.

Offline Mittsu

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Re: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2011, 07:06:05 pm »
<+elerok> soldat is dead
<+AThousandD> shit happens


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Re: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2011, 07:14:22 pm »


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Re: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2011, 09:26:27 am »
one common point of prominence you can notice with these threads is that it tends to be more of a clash of egos than actual ideologies

theyre awash with it. really dilutes the arguments

Offline Mangled*

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Re: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2011, 10:39:52 am »
one common point of prominence you can notice with these threads is that it tends to be more of a clash of egos than actual ideologies

theyre awash with it. really dilutes the arguments

Style always wins.
"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." - Ezekiel 23:20

Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: Blasts From The Past & My wisdom made accessible
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2011, 09:14:09 pm »
wow you need to get over yourself

do you need to get spoonfed you little shit? WAAAH WAAAH ARE YOU A FUCKING BABY? do you want to suck on your mommy's titties? WAHH WAAH  IM MITTSU IM A FAG THAT TRIES TO LOOK COOL ON SF BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE LEFT TO BE COOL.

Read Mangled's post and reflect bitch.
