Author Topic: #DX4 Zombie RPG Server - RIP  (Read 3339 times)

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Offline DevilX4

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#DX4 Zombie RPG Server - RIP
« on: November 03, 2011, 11:10:56 am »
server removed.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 07:13:24 pm by DevilX4 »

Offline Dark-General

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Re: #DX4 Zombie RPG Server
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 04:16:25 am »
Some improvements you can do:

- You should overpower a bit more the Barret, since seems to do the same as the normal one and killing just 1 zombie from shot to shot, everyone will choose another weapon. I mean, you should balance it a bit more.

- Wave should be a little more overpowered too, since it sometimes don't kill or does so little damage, even leaving Zombies alive in lvl 3. We spent SP for something more... appealing, you know.

- Streaks or combos, in the end, should reward some SP (like 1 every round combo). If not, seems useless surviving and killing apart from getting XP or resplendish mana. People will just gonna cap and leave zombies away if not, since capping does SP, XP and fills mana up, so killing seems not so important.

For now, just that.

Have a nice day. ;)

From: November 09, 2011, 07:32:05 am
Sorry if it seems so spammy, but I want to add some more improvements, suggestions and questions:

- Kazi. At first, it consumes 7 mana (and I was at explosion (demolitions?) type one). Then I upgraded it thinking about the mana reduction or maybe a powering. So I upgraded it, tested and it was still consuming 7 mana without any difference. Well, seems that changing the "Kazi" type thing, done the reduction to 7>4. But I must test other kazi types to be totally sure. Or maybe I'm wrong and every kazi type has it's own (and same) mana cost? If not, seems a script bug.

- What does "Missile" do? In command !skillsinfo doesn't show any information and I want to be sure what's it or what does before spending SP. Would be nice to know any information and completing the skills info thingy.

- I played some ZRPG before and Vortex only spawned so little times but ever gave up SP on their kill. How's now? Seems like killing him twice or more, gives you a SP but not always. Even so, the Vortex I know was able to, like, teleport onto you or viceversa, hurting in the process and disarming you if you're not so bright. Now seems like a normal steroid zombie with camo, lol.

- What about a Boss-like zombie? If I can remember rightly, a zombie named Fallen Angel or something like that was spawned at high levels (like 20/25) to duel randomly the people who can really fought him. Was hard, but killing him 3 times in a row without losing any, changes you onto the zombie team and be able to kill the players temporary. And, the more you kill, the more SP cap you have in your head, so you become a real SP-Carrier-Objective to everyone, but the real deal is, that if you survive the human players in a time, you win the whole SP and not them. Will you mind to adding somewhat like this? ::)

And that's all for now.

Have a nice day. ;)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 07:32:05 am by Dark-General »

Offline Dark-General

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Re: #DX4 Zombie RPG Server
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 11:18:47 am »
Glad to help (like I told ya before) :-[

A couple of things:

- Flamer vanishes after a pair of seconds. Let's say server doesn't like it.

- Mine skill seems so... useless. I like the idea, really, but at his first level seems so useless and a waste of a precious mana. It could be like a trap mine or something that kills or just hurst the zombies in their way (temporary or not, like Turret), rather than a rain of cluster bombs that does so little.

This is so for at least what I tested so far.

See ya soon and keep it up. :P

P.D: Read that your gonna reset accounts. I'm (a little) sad, but it's ok. [retard]

From: November 10, 2011, 10:43:40 am
Im here again, more in part of the changes done lately.

Here goes the WTF thingies that should have a better balance:

- TELE-KNIFE??? Ok, so Zombie Slicers are now cheaters/hax0rs, cause they can throw you a knife in miles and you be dead without even noticing him. Did I mention they have infinite knives? Oh, yeah, dunno if could be worse lol.

- LONG SAW??? So if Kamikazis are a pain (sometimes), now they're a fu***ng nightmare. They and mummies, masters of the longsaw. Behold in they come a lot in a row, they're instoppable!

- GRENAD.. wait, NUKES??? Grenades now seems like portable mini-nukes. Throw one in the middle of a group and even you goes to hell without breathing.

- Steyr seems to shot like an old crappy and rusty weapon never used in ages.

- The Minigun now seems like when you shot, feel like a nerdy girly shoting freakingly nowhere, missing everyting in the way. (At least before was capable of holding the fire without crushing your arms lol)

- The M79 does no splash damage (and it just throws a single grenade). Well, it does, but so little that zombies even don't notice you shot them.

- Turret... Oh, well, the idea of reducing the speed is nice, but now you can shot a single bullet, go to toilet, buy on market, watch some pr0n, come back and shot another bullet. So sloooooooooow! Hope you get it XD

And well, I think just that for now, cause server is now off and can't test anything.

One more thingy: Server tends to flood-kicking me. Happened 2 times and dunno why, cause I don't spam. Maybe you could fix it or maybe reducing the spam-kick time a little.

See ya!

P.D: I'm not the only one that disagree with those changes. Just to notice you. ;D
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 10:44:43 am by Dark-General »