Author Topic: Mission Mod 2  (Read 6922 times)

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Offline zakath

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Mission Mod 2
« on: December 01, 2011, 05:35:48 pm »
Script Name: Mission Mod 2
Script Description: New game mode with Missions
Original Author(s): Zakath
Some Code/Ideas borrowed from Danmers Zombie script and Avarax Trenchwar/Miracle Mod
Explode function from DorkeyDear
Other ideas from Norbo,Gizd,Sandman
Credits goes to Zombie,Blacksheepboy,Dark Crusade and Blue Ninja for helping makeing missions :D
Core Version: 2.7.2
Mission Mod 2


Mission Mod is a game mode with missions, You create your character, level up eventually choose your specialization and work together with other people to finish missions.

You are a member of the Terrorist/Mercenary organisation called Alpha Force.
Atm you are however a captive in a prison on an island, so your first task is to escape prison...and then you will have your revenge at the world.

- Mission game mode: Have to "finish" each level to get to the next one
- Character system with different classes/skills/levels/etc
- Unique maps with special settings for each "level" and the game gets harder the further you get level wise

- Join a mission mod server
- start killing enimies and finish missions to earn xp
- You finish a mission by bringing the black flag to the white flag(or someone else) and then 30 % or more of the players have to get to the extraction point(which is the white flag).
- and at level 5 you will be able choose your specialization, you do this by doing
- /class <classname> for example: "/class commando" and from now on your speciality will be Commando
- when you have a class you can use different skills that each class have which can be found if you look at "/skills"
- All skills have their own command but also have a general mapping so that you can use them with taunts that is /skillX where you change X with 1-4
- other commands can be found by looking at "/help"


Soldier  (base class) Pistol, AK-47 Level2,    

Active Skills
Bio - Biological Strike that hurts the enimes around you(not kills though).
Bomb - Throws out grenades around you.
Rage - Berzerk
Flamer - Flamethrower
Stealth - Invicibility
Nuke - kills enemies around you
Reinforce - Reinforce your team members

Passive Skills
Vest - get vest at spawn(All - level 16)
Loot - Looting of grenades from killing enemies(All except Commando - level 1)
Lock and Load - Upgrade of Loot to also loot ammo(Assault - level 1)
Regen - Regeneartion of life every second(All - level 1)
Critical Hit - Chance to kill in one shot(Commando, Marine - level 1)

Expert class, requires level5
ClassLevel 5Level 8Level 12Level 16Level 20Level 25Level 30
AssaultChainsawSpasMinimi, MinigunVestRage(cooldown)N/AReinforce(cooldown)
Sniper   KnifeRugerBarretVestStealth(cooldown)N/AReinforce(cooldown)

Skill Mapping of all the skills

For Contact and Support
IRC zakath @ at quakenet
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 05:07:01 am by zakath »

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Offline croat1gamer

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Re: Mission Mod 2
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 05:44:50 pm »
Nice, i loved that one.
Could you give us a changelog from the last version?
Last year, I dreamt I was pissing at a restroom, but I missed the urinal and my penis exploded.

Offline zakath

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Re: Mission Mod 2
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 05:49:28 pm »
Nice, i loved that one.
Could you give us a changelog from the last version?

Something like:
New Mission type : Defend the flag until a timer runs out.
Uses Hardwareids instead of accounts as ppl in my experience in 9 out of 10 times failed to create accounts

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Offline Leo

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Re: Mission Mod 2
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 01:37:53 am »
Seems interesting.

Offline machina

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Re: Mission Mod 2
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 09:42:18 am »
I've never before tried any mods on my Soldat. This will be my first one ;D

Offline zetorman

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Re: Mission Mod 2
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2012, 05:25:27 pm »
I was just wondering if i could like reset my class or something?
I picked the wrong class :(

Offline Drax

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Re: Mission Mod 2
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2014, 04:36:28 am »
can this mod work with 1.6.6 version? also how do I run this thing?

Offline zakath

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Re: Mission Mod 2
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2017, 05:08:59 am »
Just adding the script+maps as an attachment as someone asked for them as the link had gone dead.

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