Author Topic: Advanced Zombie 2.09  (Read 14279 times)

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Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Advanced Zombie 2.09
« on: December 10, 2011, 06:34:14 pm »
Advanced Zombie               As of 2.09

This server is currently offline. Advance Zombie 3, a completely new script based on Advance Zombie 2 is currently in development, if you are interested in learning more about AZ3, PM me.
Game type: CTF
Players: 4
Weapons: Removed Ruger and Barrett, Max 2 nades. Weapons selection based on class. Has a weapon mod designed for the script.
Scripts: Advanced Zombie
Current admins: Tehbugerz0r(Script Creator/Server Owner/Server Admin), STM1993(Server Admin/BETA Tester), Ninjax(Server Admin), Sgt-At-Arms Kjal(Server Admin), all admins of this server have the -AZA- (Advance Zombie Admin) tag in their names. If they do not have the exact tag in the name then they are fake.

Now that's done, on to the script:
The script is not finished but nearing completion, suggestions are welcome and wanted.

This script is an RPG zombie script, which is designed to make you feel rewarded for playing for a while. It is 100% made by me, every bit of this script was typed by my fingers and most the ideas I came up with myself (apart from all the standard RPG, scripting and zombie stuff of course) with the help of STM1993 and Sgt-at-Arms.Kjal(The Wraith). Any similarity you see to any other script is simply coincidental. So with all that dealt with, on to some useful information.

The script has all the standard RPG stuff, like when you kill a zombie you gain XP and once your XP reaches or exceeds your maximum XP you level up, which gives you increased attack, defence and various other bonus stuff, and you can also spend earned cash and skillpoints(SP) to upgrade your character.
If that's not good enough your kills and flag captures are recorded and (if you made an account) saved.

Of course, that gets boring after a while and that's where the abilities comes in. Abilities have all sorts of unusual effect, from teleporting to enemy flag to team regeneration. The shop allows you to buy certain bonuses.

There's also a class system that I will explain later.

Unlike other Zombie Modes defence does help here as the saws have reduced damage.

That's the gist of it so you can go try it now and deal with the rest of this message if you're interested, unless you're very patient.

The server has basic descriptions of commands but I'll be able to put more detail here.
Note: you need to use the / command function properly, don't press the chat button first.

"/cmd": This displays a list of commands, you'll only need them as a reminder if you read all this.

"/create *username* *password*": !Important! This allows you to create an account so you can save stats like kills, level, class, etc.

"/login *username* *password*": !Important! Logs you into an account you've created with the same username and password.(Note: you may encounter a PM from me when you log in, usually when I have updated your account to suit script updates. You also may encounter the auto updater, this has occasional errors though, it will however auto message me if it detects an error.)

"/cusdis" Info on custom display(see display section).

"/save": Saves your account, not really needed because it auto saves when you leave and every few kills.

"/logout": Saves your account and logs you out. Again not very useful.

"/lvl" Shows every player's basic status in their unique colours.

"/stats": Displays your stats like this:
Class rank Class and name
Level Playtime
Max XP
Cash (flag captures)
Attack (kills)
defence (deaths)
AP Max AP RegenSpeed

"/class": Use this to view basic information on classes.

"/myclass": Shows specific information on your current class and it's unique abilities.

"/cp": If class power is charged uses class power, if not shows how long until it is charged.

"/comment *My message*: Leaves a comment that I will read ASAP. You could post here but I may respond slower.

"/changelog": Shows the changelog, kinda messy, usually dated.

"/shop": Show Shop items and prices.

"/abt": Show Abilities and AP costs(which is relevant to current class).

"/spshop": Show Various upgrades for your character and SP cost.

"/upgrade skillname": Upgrades a skill with SP. Typing /upgrade gives you more info on how.

Shop commands:
These are what you use to buy stuff from the shop:

"/vest": Gives you vest, costs $340.

"/clust": Spawns a cluster grenade box for you, costs $410.

"/med": Heals you to full health, costs $180.

"/ber": Spawns a berserker at your location, costs $900.

"/atk+1": Increases your attack by 1, costs $48200.

"/def+1": Increases your defence by 1, costs $34700.

Ability shop commands: These are the abilities you can use with your constantly regenerating AP. See the in game "/abt" for accurate costs.

"/rush": Blood Rush.
Gives you HP boost status, increases Max HP by 50 and max HP increases by 1 for every kill. Lasts a limited amount of time but time is reduced if you are killed.

"/glory": Grenade Glory.
Temporarily grants you infinite grenades.

"/kami": Kamikaze.
Causes CRAZY explosions and kills yourself. More effective for showing off rather than killing zombies. Attention seeker's friend.

"/invade": Invade.
Teleports you to the enemy flag spawn.

"/re": Reload.
Allows you to reload your weapon instantly for a certain amount of time.

"/regen": Team Regeneration.
Temporarily grants your entire team +10 regeneration.

"/tempatk": Temporary Attack Boost.
Gives you extra attack (amount based on class) for some time.

"/tempdef": Temporary Defence Boost.
Gives you 21 extra defence for some time.

Tech only:
"/death": Instantly explodes the nearest zombie any any other zombie near him. Costs 75 AP.

"/mpfg": Display all available commands for the Tech's Multi-Purpose Field Generator. To use the commands, type "/mpfg <commandname>".

death: View cooldown for MPFG defence mechanism.

stats: View your MPFG stats.

atk / def / reg: Activates the according boost field. Costs 150 AP.

place: Rebuild MPFG at your current location. Zombies must not be 500 or nearer RDI away from you before you can place. Costs 20 AP.

This lists all the things you can upgrade, how, and what upgrading will do.

Name: Attack
How: Level up, "/atk+1" with 48200 cash, random level up bonus.
Effect: Increases the damage you do.
Amount: 1
Max: 150%

Name: Defence
How: Level up, "/def+1" with 34700 cash, random level up bonus.
Effect: Reduces the amount of damage you take.
Max: 150%

Name: Kami
How: "/upgrade kami" with 700 SP.
Effect: More explosions!
Max: 6.

Name: Regen
How: "/upgrade regen" with 1000 SP.
Effect: Increased duration.
Max: 20.

Name: Temporary Attack
How: "/upgrade tempatk" with 1700 SP.
Effect: Increased duration.
Max: 40.

Name: Temporary Defence
How: "/upgrade tempdef" with 1700 SP.
Effect: Increased duration.
Max: 40.

Name: Max AP
How: Level up, "/apup" with 5000 SP, Random level up bonus.
Effect: Allows you to have more AP at a time, and increases AP regen rate.

Name: Armour
How: "/armor" with 4000 SP.
Effect: Increases the amount of damage your armour can absorb.
Amount: 8.
Max: 23.

These are classes you can change to with "/changeclass *number*", you need only 80 SP to do this.

No Number: Major
This is the default class, completely balanced with no class powers or unique abiities.
You cannot change back to this class and wouldn't want to.
Weapons: DEagles, HK, AK, Steyr, Spas, M79, FN, SOCOM, Knife, Saw.

1: Soldier
This class has slightly more attack and good defence, but in exchange has terrible AP stats. This is a class that those who aren't fond of dealing with abilities often and who like charging right on in will enjoy. Select this for the least exotic experiance.
Max AP=70%
Best abilities: TempDefBoost, Blood Rush.
Worst abilities: Tempatk.
Unique Class Ability:  Running Regen(Passive). Regenerates HP based on how fast the Soldier is running.
Class Power: Undefeatable. Resists a certain amount of damage.
Weapons: DEagles, HK, AK, Spas, FN, SOCOM, Saw.

2: Assassin
This class has very high attack power but very poor defence. It also has decent AP. This class is very effective for skilled players with excellent aim and dodging skills.
AP Max=115%
Best ability: TempAtkBoost.
Worst abilities: TempDefBoost, Regen.
Unique Class Ability: High Explosive Rounds(Passive). Sometimes causes bullets to explode on hit.
Class Power: Domination. Gives a very extended berserk.
Weapons: DEagles, AK, M79, SOCOM, Knife.

3: Tech
This class has poor attack power, but is unmatched in AP. This is the class for those who are interested in abilities and is also good for strategic play. Techs can see how far they are from the nearest zombie via an RDI(Radar Detection Information) interface. Also my personal favorite.
Max AP=250%
Best abilities: Reload, Kami.
Worst abilities: TempAtkBoost, Invade.

Unique Class Abilities:
Death(Active). Explodes the nearest group of zombies. Use with /death.
Multi-Purpose-Field-Generator(Mix). Creates defensive and offensive fields, use /mpfg for more.
RDI(Passive). Displays distance from nearest zombie, the direction of them, and how many are near.
Tech Prone(Passive). Regenerates AP much faster while proned.

Class Power: Death Storm. Increases AP Rate, blows up zombies near, and lowers /death cooldown.
Weapons: Steyr, M79, FN, SOCOM, Knife.

4: Gunslinger
This class has very average stats, however it can switch to any weapon at any time, but must reload them.
For those who need a very versatile class.
Max AP=100%
Best abilities: Reload, Kami, Grenade Glory.
Worst ability: Regen.

Unique Class Abilities:
Switch(Active). Change to any weapon. Use with "/sw *weaponnumber*".
Power Weapons(Active). Exchange CP to create powerful weapons. Use "/cp 1" to spawn a movable Stationary Gun(Yes, irony) and "/cp 2" to get a flamer.

Class Power: Disabled, CP charge is instead used for special weapons.
Weapons: DEagles, HK, AK, Steyr, Spas, M79, FN, Minigun, SOCOM, Knife, Saw, LAW.

5: Spy
This class has very poor health and attack, but is permanently invisible to zombies and can use a sniper rifle(M79) and knife to deal with its poor attack power. Excellent for helping the flag carrier, and for going in first.
Max AP=105%

Unique Class Abilities:
Hide. Constantly invisible to zombies.
Auto-Knife: Replaces knifes shortly after they're thrown.

Class Power: All Hide. Constantly gives all players predator and locks HP at half every second.
Weapons: DEagles, AK, Spas, M79, FN, Knife.

Status Effects:
This is the list and description of status effects that are shown in "/effects".

Name: TempATK.
Effect: Increases attack power.
Cause: Using "/tempatk".

Name: TempDEF.
Effect: Increases attack power.
Cause: Using "/tempdef".

Name: Vest.
Effect: Absorbs most damage taken until a certain amount of damage is absorbed.
Cause: Purchasing vest.

Name: Berserk.
Effect: Causes your bullets to deal 4x damage.
Cause: Purchasing berserk, Assassin's Domination.

Name: HPBoost.
Effect: Extends health beyond the normal 150. (Note: Soldat interface health bar does not represent this correctly)
Cause: Blood Rush, Soldier's Undefeatable.

Name: Reload.
Effect: Causes weapon to instantly reload while holding the reload button or speeds up reload by holding shoot.
Cause: Using "/re".

Name: Poison.
Effect: Disables all regeneration and causes health to decrease.
Cause: Getting hit by certain minibosses or bosses(Crazy Zombie, Dark Spy).

Name: Bored.
Effect: Decreases AP regeneration speed.
Cause: Adrenaline falls below 50%. (Note: Adrenaline changes based on distance to zombies, increases when close and decreases when far.)

Name: Sticky.
Effect: Diverts extra damage to you when you take damage, until it takes a certain amount of damage. (Note: This effectively does the opposite of vest.)
Cause: Getting hit by certain attacks.

Name: Armour Break.
Effect: Disables armour.
Cause: Getting hit by too many piercing bullets(Zombie Gunner's), randomly inflicted by Crazy Zombie.

This is a list of enemy types.

Enemies that are always in server.

A basic mindless Zombie. There are always 12 in server.
Attack: 116%
Defence: 96%
Weapon: Saw.

Zombie Gunner:
Zombies that retained some skills that were learned when they were human. There is always 1 in server.
Attack: 69%
Defence: 80%
Weapon: Desert Eagles.
Pierce: Damage bypasses armour.
Sticky: Randomly inflicts sticky status.
Armour Break: Causes armour to break after a few shots.

Enemies that spawn often but are easily defeated, power affected by player levels.

Dark Soldier:
A very powerful Soldier, one of the evil humans who are able to control zombies.
Attack: 105%
Defence: 125%
Weapon: HK.

Dark Assassin:
A very powerful Assassin, one of the evil humans who are able to control zombies.
Attack: 170%
Defence: 20%
Weapon: AK.
High Explosive Rounds(next version): Occasionally causes bullets to explode on hit.

Dark Spy:
A very powerful Spy, one of the evil humans who are able to control zombies.
Attack: 60%
Defence: 62%
Weapon: Ruger.
Hide: Constantly invisable.
Poison: Bullets always inflict poison.

Enemies that spawn rarely and aren't easily defeated, power affected by player levels. Currently only Crazy Zombie.

Crazy Zombie:
A zombie with a functioning brain, but is incapable of a sane thought.
Attack: 129%
Defence: 70%
Weapon: Spas.
Bomb Rain: Randomly rains explosives on nearby players.
Random Bullets: Often causes random negative status effects.

Class ranks:(dated)
Has no effect on game play, just shows others how long you've been using a class.
Try getting Ultimate Master on all classes.

Kills less than 60=Learner
kills more than 480=Skilled
kills more than 935=Professional
kills more than 1858=Very skilled
kills more than 3545=Expert
kills more than 6000=Master
kills more than 9400=Ultimate Master
kills more than 17500=True Master

This is the text that is constantly on screen, it can be turned off with /display.
This is how it works(Note: image is outdated):

Status Effects
Draw Text Override

AP               HPofEnemy

Custom Display:
This allows you to change just about anything in the display, size, text, variables displayed and where, seriously, anything:

You will want to download the attached txt file(Outdated) to get proper info unless you're willing to use the /cusdisadv commands over and over to memorize them. Will put the /cusdis commands here later. view in game.

Once you reach level 20 you gain access to the inventory system, this allows you to equip items obtained from zombies for several kinds of boosts.

Inventory slots = 20.
Equipment Slots = 2-4.

Inventory commands:(dated)

"/invhelp": This will show some help on inventory.

"/inv": Opens the inventory menu. (Auto spec)

"/equip ItemID SlotID": Equips itemID to equipment slotID, an itemID is the number of the position where the item is placed in the inventory.

"/move": This moves the equipment display to the right or left, to help with chat console conflictions.

"/desc ItemID": Display the desciption of ItemID.

"/sell ItemID": Gets rid of an item in return for some cash.

"/rateup": Use 20000 SP to increase item drop rate.

"/invshop": Shows items purchasable for inventory.

Extra info:
If you really like the server there's a few extra things you should know.

I update this post only sometimes so it may be outdated at times. It's also rather long so there might be parts that are outdated.

AP Speed is based on AP Max.

The cash, SP and XP you earn for flag capture is based on your level.

The whole team earns a share of SP, cash and XP when a player captures. The shared cash and SP is a third of the amount the person who capped earned.

Some timers may be off, please notify me if you notice this.

I need more maps! Please suggest some good zombie ones!

The ranking system still has a few problems, please comment if you notice any.

Please comment after playing, if you have problems with it or think I should take it in a different direction I'll be very

pleased to hear your opinion!

Thanks to STM1993 again for helping and encouraging me to update this topic.

Top 5 Players:  (2:56 PM, 05/05/2012, GMT+8)
Name=-AZA- Ninjax
Name=Blue Bonnette
Name=-AZA- Tehbugerz0r
Name=Robert Burneika

To do list:
Refine Gunslinger's CP.

Advanced RPG 2.46 > Advanced Zombie changed intro message,
several balance alterations, added The Gravekeeper, added Zombie,
added, added Zombie Gunner, added Crazy Zombie, added Zombie system. > EXP fix, instant level up fix, AppOnIdle errors fixed. > Rank fix, public version. > 0.62: Fixed bot reward increase.
0.62 > 0.64: Removed special spawns.
0.64 > 0.68: Fixed zombie gunner 1 hit kills, fixed incorrect HP display,
way less message spam, altered class balance.
0.68 > 0.74: Removed pierce, added random death, fixed gunner power,
fixed /lvl, fixed any gun on spawn, increased flag reward.
0.74 > 0.79: changed join game, fixed tempdef, readded regen, fixed /lvl,
added personal color.
0.79 > 0.80: Changed join game, modified shop costs, fixed barret altering damage.
0.80 > 0.84: Added Spy, altered class balance, increased tempatk and tempdef,
added keycheck, better AP regen system, changed class ranks.]
0.84 > 0.85: Fixed another def bug, added reset def, altered balance, changed Ninja to assassin.
0.85 > 0.86: Altered balance, added /apsup.
0.86 > 0.97: added /classpower, changed balance, lowered gunner attack,
added crazy zombie and Grave keeper special spawns, added classes to /lvl
0.97 > 1.02: fixed Assassin's class power, fixed class power time inaccuracy,
fixed bosses taking way too long too spawn, reduced HP boost for Soldier's class power
added class rank to /lvl, increased Crazy Zombie HP and reduced attack
reduced Assassins defence and improved other classes stats,
fixed out of time message displaying without boss.
1.02 > 1.09: Changed /death to kill nearest zombie and only works for tech,
added tehbugerbot command, added Enemy Distance direction and amount near(RDI = Radar detection information)
to Tech display, added death cooldown, added Tech regen AP faster while proned,
Defender regen HP, more while proned or a little more while crouched, Tech classpower upgraded,
slightly changed SP balance, lowered shop prices.
1.09 > 1.11: Fixed random regen and /med instant kill, added playtime, added average team health to /team,
added auto login by HWID.
1.11 > 1.24: Soldier regen by running, Playtime fix, increased /death range,
added tech MPFG system, gave regen a much deserved time nuke, halfed armour efectiveness,
doubled armour max level, added /MPFG, added ask bot to change class,
added auto account creator, added able to reset during HP boost with /kill without
losing HP, added Crazy Zombies resets when it hits a death poly.
1.24 > 1.26: Fixed MPFG not resetting on leave, added M79 as a replacement for ret,
removed ret and rug, made CZ unable to grab flag.
1.26 > 1.29: Added Defender Attack/Defence boost while proned, class balance adjustments,
doubled Soldier running regen, increased Defender regen, reduced cost for change class,
added AI for the bot, added !CP! to display when CP is charged.
1.29 > 1.35: Added custom display (/cusdis), Large Spy stats change, small class alterations,
made spy always invisable, removed /hide.
1.40 > 1.53: Added inventory system and commands, fixed attack/defence caps
made kami more accurate and satisfying, /comment improved, gave character mininum to /comment,
add ban list to /comment to deal with spammers, max kami level increased to 6(+2),
fixed tech respawn bug, fixed spy kill all bug.
1.53 > 1.59: Many undocumented bug fixes, added CP bar, added HP boost bar,
added Domination bar, added /cpbar to cusdis,
added flashing domination display, added flashing low health display.
1.59 > 1.68: Added 45 items, added spy auto knife when has fist with delay,
added armour bar to custom display, added 10 extra inventory slots,
added inventory pages, reduced m79 damage against CZ,
changed tech class power to death storm.
1.68 > 1.76: Added fusion system, readded rankings, replaced berserker,
replaced vest, fixed Resister, fixed flamer.
1.76 > 1.80: Text cleanup, added dark soldier, added dark assassin,
increased CZ attack, decreased berserk damage to CZ, fixed bot saying wrong lines,
added inventory guide to page 4 of inventory, increased max levels for upgrades.
1.80 > 1.85: Undocumented fixes, added /invshop, changed rateup to cost SP,
added ring purchasing, added 10 ranks, added "/top number" to view ranks up to 15,
improved kami.
1.80 > 1.85: Undocumented fixes, added /invshop, changed rateup to cost SP,
added ring purchasing, added 10 ranks, added "/top number" to view ranks up to 15,
improved kami.
1.85 > 1.94: Fixed several fusion problems, added paid storage, change the way stats reset,
changed team recognisation, fixed MPFG death activating while owner in spectator.
1.94 > 2.00: Removed Defender, replaced Defender with Gunslinger(can get a weapon any time),
added status effect system, changed TempATK, TempDEF, Reload and HPBoost into status effects,
added poison status effect, added sticky status effect, added boredom status effect,
added Armour Break status effect, added /effects, added crazy zombie special attacks,
added Blood Rush ability, added Grenade Glory ability,
stopped using American spelling(tired of it), added adrenaline level(50% = bored),
Assassin's bullets occasionally explode, added /myclass.
2.00 > 2.04: Minibosses and Bosses stats are based on average player level,
various balance alterations, changed class weapon system,
Custom Display v3: Added editmode to advance, added status effect time(/eftdis),
added /del to advance, added public custom display file saving and loading
to advance.
2.04 > 2.05: Bosses spawning with insane power bug fixed.
2.05 > 2.09: AP system completely altered, AP Max now affects AP speed,
removed /apsup, removed AP speed upgrades, added secret item,
added Dark Spy, changed bosses don't spawn with no players,
fixed Crazy Zombie not spawning, added shop stock, removed AP Boost,
added SP to XP and Cash to XP, added GS Stat gun/flamer CP.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 02:15:03 am by Tehbugerz0r »

Offline STM1993

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Re: Advanced Zombie
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2011, 10:49:03 pm »
It's been a long time since I've played a zombie mod, this is great!

* Might want to show Cash stat alongside the XP and AP stat.
* /death (ID) is... kinda pointless no?
* Is there any use in upgrading /pierce since zombies have a fixed health and /armor ?
* For zombie games, a defender class is pretty much useless considering the strength of the chainsaw and the importance of attack over defense. Similarly, a tech class is kinda pointless without some kind of very beneficial skill like setting up stat guns and some kind of mines.
* Just curious, why CTF instead of INF?

Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2011, 12:56:48 am »
Well I'm glad you like it. BTW, don't forget this is a conversion from my PVP RPG script, and my biggest concern right now is fixing bugs and getting rid of useless variables. I haven't really bothered to edit the main post either(I just copied it over and changed a couple of things).

I don't think cash needs to be checked so urgently, my aim was to compact the display as much as I could so it wasn't too hard to get used to.
I've been thinking a cheaper random death might better suit zombie and help.
I totally forgot to remove pierce and as for armor;
Actually I reduced the power of saws in the weapon mod(I don't think they even do 1 hit kills), with good defense you have a better chance of surviving a large bunch of zombies. Also, I plan on giving the gunner a bit more attack(which I nuked in the recent version), he's really more of an annoyance than a threat.
Also, defender is the only class that can use minigun, which can be used to keep the zombies back(true it can also be used to push team mates into them, but all you would achieve with that is a kick or ban).
I've already made abilities just for Tech, but they're not ready for public use. There's no way I'm taking out Tech otherwise I wouldn't like my own script anymore.
CTF is more popular, I really wanted to make it INF but I was too concerned about filters.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 01:01:34 am by Tehbugerz0r »

Offline STM1993

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Re: Advanced Zombie
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2011, 02:36:37 am »
Here I have a list of INF maps which I have played a long time ago in a certain Japanese zombie server that no longer exists. The links I got them from Google. I didn't check the waypoint for Alpha team, but the waypoints for Bravo team definitely work and it should be quite unlikely for the zombies to grab the red flag.

And here is an entire map pack by Hacktank, which may include a few of the maps I already listed above.

Don't underestimate these maps, they were hard as hell and the server which hosted these maps had an account system that allowed you to get a damage and defense up to over 200+%, and I used to rely on an old Spas-reload-shoot trick which has been fixed recently. Games can damn well last very long and simply using /invade doesn't guarantee you will make it (and may very well land you right in a zombie's saw).
« Last Edit: December 13, 2011, 02:48:16 am by STM1993 »

Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2011, 03:05:55 am »
Okay updated the post a lot... Spent an hour on it... Those who read it before might wanna have a look at the classes and the changelog again.

Offline The Wraith

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2011, 10:43:20 am »
Sgt. Kjal here, ignore the username, used to be old callsign on Soldat waaay back.

Here's some ideas that you wanted, seperated into Skills and Abilities

Skills (Upgradeable effects)
- Henchman => +HP per upgrade, Upgrade Weapon every 5 upgrades(?)
"." and I thought summonable allies is useful, though I have no idea what it might do to the player limit and shiz. It says what it says on the can, adds a bot to Alpha under user. Best if limit one, I suppose, and cheap if summoned by Defender, really expensive on others. Possible ability command would be "/goon". Suggested weapon would be SOCOM, don't want the helper to become a weapon of mass execution. Upgrading the weapon isn't necessary, but a nice touch. Would be useless in maps without Alpha team waypoints though, but might make them into good guardians. Skill upgrade might cost around the 7000s of SP, maybe? Also, shouldn't be a permanent thing for defenders, maybe needs 400 AP to summon, lasts for 10 minutes per summon?

- Survive => Recover HP when hit, more HP when upgrade, -optional- ability-like (+Soldier/Defender -Spy/Assassin)
It is what it says, every hit causes you to recover a little HP. Would not be very useful against the GODDAMN THAT'S A TSUNAMI OF CHAINSAWS WITH LEGS or powerful gun-based zombies that tehbugerz0r might shove in the future. Increased skill level causes it to recover ever more HP per hit, but very slightly. If anything, it'll let'll you survive a random Zombie Gunner encounter or a short brush from a random chainsaw spawnkiller a few upgrades in. Max Level shouldn't be too high, lest it is abused. Give or take an ability worth 6000 SP for an upgrade, IMO. An optional condition would be to make it a temporarily activated ability, cheaper by Soldiers and Defenders, harder to use by Spies and Assasins. Seems fitting for the former pair.

Abilities (Constant, class seperated)
- Deploy Stat Gun (+Tech/Defender -Assassin/Spy) => Creates temp stat gun
Sure, it might be ripoff, but it's a staple skill. Stationary guns could deliver firepower to spaces that need something that travels fast and hits hard. Alternatively, you can make it spit out Law shells at a low speed to make an artillery effect (It'll disappear if it travels into the air at a certain distance, resulting in no explosion, but if it hits, at least you could make it do a pushback effect with low splash damage. Of course, all explosions have a chance to instakill with a direct hit, but won't work on tehbugerz0r's harder zombies...I think, haven't tried it on them yet. Hacktank's/DX4's-rehash mod lets Law insta-kill them, so no idea how it goes). Suitable to Techs and Defenders, hard to use by Assasins and Spies. I'll leave duration and/or spawn management to you, people never like it when zombies start using stat guns against them.

- Solid Slugs (+Soldier/Defender -Assassin) => 33% creates a knockback effect (using cluster baby)
Makes it that 1/3 hits on a zombie spawn a cluster baby (those tiny bombs from clusternades). I have no idea if this works, I haven't done weapon modding in a while. If it doesn't, replace with 0 damage grenade spawn. If anything, it SHOULD push the zombie back without much damage to it, so it won't cause OVERKILL MODE. Something for Soldiers and Defenders again (they need looove), Assasins shouldn't use them since they're already knocking shiz dead into yesteryear.

- Grenade Glory (+Soldier/Spy -Tech/Defender) => User gets a grenade box every 3/4 seconds for 1 minute
I suggested it earlier, but I still think nades need some love. Not really used, only used for killing zombies in downward inclines anyways, and kills a few, IF you're lucky. 1 box every 3/4 seconds should be enough to prevent grenade spamming and/or griefing, I guess. Soldiers makes sense for this skill, but Spy should have it, just for the "STOP" sign effect that it has on zombies. Techies/Defenders don't need it really, though it might help, but not suitable for them, since they're not really meant for frontline/solo killing.

Aaaand that's it. Will come back with more if brain is willing to work. I'm avoiding using "magical-like effects", since all of your skills/abilities so far make it seem like a "sci-fi" feel to the zombie-killing spree.
I'm Mini G Master, but I lost my account, so I made The Wraith.


Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2011, 11:16:43 am »
Sgt. Kjal here, ignore the username, used to be old callsign on Soldat waaay back.

Hey Sgt.Kjal I'm glad you made your post nice and clean! Good job!

Here's some ideas that you wanted, seperated into Skills and Abilities

Skills (Upgradeable effects)
- Henchman => +HP per upgrade, Upgrade Weapon every 5 upgrades(?)
"." and I thought summonable allies is useful, though I have no idea what it might do to the player limit and shiz. It says what it says on the can, adds a bot to Alpha under user. Best if limit one, I suppose, and cheap if summoned by Defender, really expensive on others. Possible ability command would be "/goon". Suggested weapon would be SOCOM, don't want the helper to become a weapon of mass execution. Upgrading the weapon isn't necessary, but a nice touch. Would be useless in maps without Alpha team waypoints though, but might make them into good guardians. Skill upgrade might cost around the 7000s of SP, maybe? Also, shouldn't be a permanent thing for defenders, maybe needs 400 AP to summon, lasts for 10 minutes per summon?

I've considered this but I really don't think it's a good idea for the several maps where Alpha waypointing is broken, and for most of these maps the zombies don't even go to Alpha base. It's a shame I can't really put this in considering how much detail you put into it.

- Survive => Recover HP when hit, more HP when upgrade, -optional- ability-like (+Soldier/Defender -Spy/Assassin)
It is what it says, every hit causes you to recover a little HP. Would not be very useful against the GODDAMN THAT'S A TSUNAMI OF CHAINSAWS WITH LEGS or powerful gun-based zombies that tehbugerz0r might shove in the future. Increased skill level causes it to recover ever more HP per hit, but very slightly. If anything, it'll let'll you survive a random Zombie Gunner encounter or a short brush from a random chainsaw spawnkiller a few upgrades in. Max Level shouldn't be too high, lest it is abused. Give or take an ability worth 6000 SP for an upgrade, IMO. An optional condition would be to make it a temporarily activated ability, cheaper by Soldiers and Defenders, harder to use by Spies and Assasins. Seems fitting for the former pair.

I don't really understand this one, how exactly is this different to increasing defense?

Abilities (Constant, class seperated)
- Deploy Stat Gun (+Tech/Defender -Assassin/Spy) => Creates temp stat gun
Sure, it might be ripoff, but it's a staple skill. Stationary guns could deliver firepower to spaces that need something that travels fast and hits hard. Alternatively, you can make it spit out Law shells at a low speed to make an artillery effect (It'll disappear if it travels into the air at a certain distance, resulting in no explosion, but if it hits, at least you could make it do a pushback effect with low splash damage. Of course, all explosions have a chance to instakill with a direct hit, but won't work on tehbugerz0r's harder zombies...I think, haven't tried it on them yet. Hacktank's/DX4's-rehash mod lets Law insta-kill them, so no idea how it goes). Suitable to Techs and Defenders, hard to use by Assasins and Spies. I'll leave duration and/or spawn management to you, people never like it when zombies start using stat guns against them.

I've been tossing up adding stat guns since version 1.32 of the PVP version(a freaking long time). My main concern is balance and stat gun spam. But I'll give it extra thought with the info you provided here.

- Solid Slugs (+Soldier/Defender -Assassin) => 33% creates a knockback effect (using cluster baby)
Makes it that 1/3 hits on a zombie spawn a cluster baby (those tiny bombs from clusternades). I have no idea if this works, I haven't done weapon modding in a while. If it doesn't, replace with 0 damage grenade spawn. If anything, it SHOULD push the zombie back without much damage to it, so it won't cause OVERKILL MODE. Something for Soldiers and Defenders again (they need looove), Assasins shouldn't use them since they're already knocking shiz dead into yesteryear.

Now this is a cool idea, although I had an idea of adding explosive rounds it was different to this pushback one that uses cluster fragments. However I'm not sure what ping would have to say about this, and also it could have an opposite effect, that is, pushing them towards you. Worth adding if it passes the BETA test.

- Grenade Glory (+Soldier/Spy -Tech/Defender) => User gets a grenade box every 3/4 seconds for 1 minute
I suggested it earlier, but I still think nades need some love. Not really used, only used for killing zombies in downward inclines anyways, and kills a few, IF you're lucky. 1 box every 3/4 seconds should be enough to prevent grenade spamming and/or griefing, I guess. Soldiers makes sense for this skill, but Spy should have it, just for the "STOP" sign effect that it has on zombies. Techies/Defenders don't need it really, though it might help, but not suitable for them, since they're not really meant for frontline/solo killing.

Hmm, simple but I didn't actually think of this. Will add in some form.

Aaaand that's it. Will come back with more if brain is willing to work. I'm avoiding using "magical-like effects", since all of your skills/abilities so far make it seem like a "sci-fi" feel to the zombie-killing spree.
Oh it's fine, come up with "magical-like effects" and I'll probably find a way to make them suit the theme.

Offline The Wraith

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2011, 07:16:30 pm »
Agh, I see.

- Skill/Ability: Henchmen
They don't need to move much, they're just bait with weapons. It might sound cruel, but even sometimes PLAYERS become bait, baiting is a good way to drag the zombies away from potential flag routes, or at least make them too busy to kill anyone who is farther than the bait. They'll move to kill when they see zombies, just like any other bots without waypoints. But if it is a silly idea, it is a silly idea.

- Skill: Survival
Shamefully, it practically is, when I typed that out. It's just another way to extend your health without actually giving you god mode. Spy + using /tempdef is already super effective against chainsaws (not invincible though, Zoid still dies, but still, he'll just /def+1 his way to joy even if he maxes out /tempdef, assuming that /def+1 has no limits. It IS cheaper to upgrade than /atk+1), but I think Soldiers should live a little longer, and mebe defenders as well, since it's their job, I guess?

Basically, it's substituting defense with health. You could also call it  a sort of secondary regeneration (or "second wind", fancy phrase, that is). When your armor is down to the dirt because of That Damn Zombie Gunner, at least you'll have a little something to keep your spirits (or rather, your Health) up. Until you face the gunner again, cause you're screwed with no armor against guns, as far as I can tell.

- Ability: Solid Slugs
Ah crap, Lag. Forgot about that. Still hopin' it works.

Moar suggestions of things!

- Ability: MINDFUDGE Zombie (+Spy/Tech -Everyone else)
I understand that henchmen is a questionable thing, so here's another "summon bait" alternative. Using /death mechanics, randomly cause one zombie to switch sides where they stand, if possible? If it is, then it'll give Spy more zombie-slowing abilities. It'll probably be less effective in wide open maps, but hey, can't attract everything. Oh, and it should probably make the confused zombie get armor/additional defense, and remove his chainsaw. He's bait, not a killer. Also should be a timed thing again, don't wanna convert the entire enemy team at once. You could either add a cooldown + small AP use, or medium AP use to prevent bait spam. The former lets Spy to keep his AP in case he needs it for something else, unless cooldown is too complicated. Tech COULD use it, but make it slightly more expensive than Spy's cost.


And so he died, while the spy slipped away, having given his team more time to advance their position.

- Shop Item (OR) Ability: Request Weapon (If Ability, it's E for EVERYONE aka same price)
Sometimes you just wanna keep killing even if that last zombie managed to punch your weapon off you, or you accidentally press throw weapon into a pit of death on your way to Zombie Base. Effect is random weapon given to you, all primary weapons except minigun and M79 should be good. Maybe not Barret, but it should at least give the spy a chance at his favoured weapon. If it seems ineffective, also add a COMPLIMENTARY USSOCOM, ABSOLUTELY FREE. ORDER YOURS TODAY TermsAndConditionsApplyDeliveryChargesMayVary.

It MIGHT seem useless, but when you're in a biiig map, in a nice position to bait zombies/kill zombies before they get into tight corridors that might get your teammates killed, but out of weapons/your weapon ain't suitable, then might as well try to make it better.

It's either a shop item or an ability, your choice. Maybe best if shop item, gotta make you spend cash another way than just saving it up for /def+1 or /atk+1.

- Ability: Suppress Zombie (+Spy -Everyone but Tech)
This is another suggestion to a Spy-centered ability, but it feels hard to implement, but have it anyway.

2 ways: Either use the Spy as the center point, or makes the spy drop a "marker", which causes any zombies in radius to suffer slow downs (in the form of spawning shotgun pellets directly close to them, with 0 damage and either 0 speed, or SOME speed pointed DOWNwards from above them).

This MIGHT make them slow down, I can't test the effects of 0 speed shotgun pellets myself. Not to mention it might affect players who are too close to a zombie, or UNDER one for that matter.

- Skill: Auto-kami
Sometimes you just don't give a fudge. On/off skill, every upgrade gives you a higher change to activate /kami of a the level 1 variety when you die yourself. At least level 1 won't go HOLY SHIZNIT THE WORLD IS ON FIRE that might affect team mates. On the other hand, the explosion MIGHT send zombies their way, but I think it's more likely to kill.

Skills are normally not class-centered, so it's for EVERYONE! Yaaaaay.

That's it for now. Sure, it feels spy-centric around here, but hey, it's what the spy is supposed to do, right? Right now, it's doing a good job of surviving a lot, and...that's about it.

Also, when you really think about it, zombie RPG attack skills mostly center on "YOU HAVE THIS MANY WAYS YOU CAN KILL A ZOMBIE WITH". And right now, we mostly have attack % boosting to kill with. Anything else that we add is just going to be killing with fancy moves, say SUMMON CLUSTER RAIN, or INFINITE HOLY KNIVES TO SHIV AND THROW, and maybe RAMBOWWWWWW MOOODE.

Maybe I'll finally think of more magical skills to use. Later maybe!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 07:19:16 pm by The Wraith »
I'm Mini G Master, but I lost my account, so I made The Wraith.


Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2011, 10:24:30 pm »
Sorry about the off time, turns out the server went offline while I was away. It's back up now but I won't have the money to pay for anything above 2 players until friday.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 02:48:02 am by Tehbugerz0r »

Offline The Wraith

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2011, 12:27:45 am »
Goddamn, buddy, I was worried somethin' happened to ya. Good to hear ya still alive, and no rush!

Suggestions, in order just not ta post empty posts of feeeeelings!

We already discussed one extra zombie type, have a few more (may or may not contain ripoffs, because sometimes, can't ALWAYS have unique types of zombies):

Brute Zombie :- Your regular zombie, WITH EXTRA x4 HP! AND MAKE HIM HIT WITH FISTS! Or stick to chainsaw, works either way. Of course, you already knew this since we discussed it. Duh.

Grenade Zombie :- Apply constant "Grenade Glory" to the grenade zombie, and you get a challenging lil' bugger. Mebe a little more HP, since grenades don't have reach. Fists only, crank up dat grenading frequency for BOMBING MANUEVERS

Creeper Zombie :- If you can manage it, predator zombie, who hides, then reveals himself, when he starts punching like mad. He's like the "Spy" of the zombie team, punching people so that they'll lose their weapons. HP is should be either rather low or rather high, due to his seeming lameness, and xp reward should be less than a regular zombie. Scripting it this way seems complicated. but a perma-predator zombie is outdated, not to mention usually ANNOYING AS HELL when they kill in one hit. At least you could see this one if he already creeps up close, mostly trying to dislodge your weapon and/or stop you from shooting his friends.

Here's a miniboss:
NECROMANCER: HE HAS ABILITIIIES! He can /tempatk or /tempdef other zombies, /"teleport other zombies to his position to create SURPRISE ASSAULT and also as meatshields", and anything else ya choose. He needs to be quite tough, maybe a little less than a Crazeh Zombie? Reward also should be significant.

...Also, on second thought, /tempatk might be overkill for a bunch of zombies who are already a speedy, swaying mass of CHAINSAW MASSACEREs. Buuut up to you.

As for his relation to the gravekeeper, let's just say he ain't no REGULAR gravekeeper. Why would death carry a scythe when he can carry a M249 SAW?

/awww yeahh

And now to top it off with an ability:
Ability: Artillery Tracer (+Tech -Assassin/Soldier)
This might take some scripting, not sure if affective. Effect is 3 level 1 or level 2 "/kami"-sized explosions, reduced damage could be preferable, but there are many ways you could choose to deliver it (you only have to pick one!):

Technique 1: On Hit, Delayed -
It's like the "Solid Slugs" ability, but the explosion is centered on the target, and will explode 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds after hit. In the case of splash or multi-damage weapons (Barret, Spas, LAW), only the FIRST target is "marked".

Technique 2: Ground Marker, INSTANT -
Somehow drop a marker onto the ground, explosive mine-style, and will explode on the first enemy to cross the area of detection. I don't know HOW this works, Hacktank somehow makes it by dropping rambo arrows as markers (or maybe it's just for show, I never knew how it works), and explodes on contact.

Technique 3: Ground Marker, Timed -
It's like Technique 2, but rather then "target detection", make it sort of a timed bomb. It could be useful for blowing up chokepoints or narrow horizontal corridors (or once again, send zombies your way), to clear out the way, or eliminate zombie flag-chasers.

Explosions play a pretty large part in enjoying zombie games, I believe. Too bad it ironically can also send zombies your way!
I'm Mini G Master, but I lost my account, so I made The Wraith.


Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2011, 01:54:21 am »
EDIT: WTF quotes are broken. !admin

Quote from: The Wraith
- Skill/Ability: Henchmen
They don't need to move much, they're just bait with weapons. It might sound cruel, but even sometimes PLAYERS become bait, baiting is a good way to drag the zombies away from potential flag routes, or at least make them too busy to kill anyone who is farther than the bait. They'll move to kill when they see zombies, just like any other bots without waypoints. But if it is a silly idea, it is a silly idea.

There's just too many maps where alpha bots will never encounter the zombies. There's no real way to move bots.

- Skill: Survival
Shamefully, it practically is, when I typed that out. It's just another way to extend your health without actually giving you god mode. Spy + using /tempdef is already super effective against chainsaws (not invincible though, Zoid still dies, but still, he'll just /def+1 his way to joy even if he maxes out /tempdef, assuming that /def+1 has no limits. It IS cheaper to upgrade than /atk+1), but I think Soldiers should live a little longer, and mebe defenders as well, since it's their job, I guess?

Basically, it's substituting defense with health. You could also call it  a sort of secondary regeneration (or "second wind", fancy phrase, that is). When your armor is down to the dirt because of That Damn Zombie Gunner, at least you'll have a little something to keep your spirits (or rather, your Health) up. Until you face the gunner again, cause you're screwed with no armor against guns, as far as I can tell.

So this is just another replacement for defense? Or perhaps you want me to do something like make a skill that sometimes initiates a second wind where they regen all HP once low? Former=pointless, latter=good.

- Ability: Solid Slugs
Ah crap, Lag. Forgot about that. Still hopin' it works.

Perhaps I could make sort of a replacement of how incendiary rounds work, so a bullet makes a small explosion every couple of rounds.

- Ability: MINDFUDGE Zombie (+Spy/Tech -Everyone else)
I understand that henchmen is a questionable thing, so here's another "summon bait" alternative. Using /death mechanics, randomly cause one zombie to switch sides where they stand, if possible? If it is, then it'll give Spy more zombie-slowing abilities. It'll probably be less effective in wide open maps, but hey, can't attract everything. Oh, and it should probably make the confused zombie get armor/additional defense, and remove his chainsaw. He's bait, not a killer. Also should be a timed thing again, don't wanna convert the entire enemy team at once. You could either add a cooldown + small AP use, or medium AP use to prevent bait spam. The former lets Spy to keep his AP in case he needs it for something else, unless cooldown is too complicated. Tech COULD use it, but make it slightly more expensive than Spy's cost.


And so he died, while the spy slipped away, having given his team more time to advance their position.

Well it wouldn't be easy, as you can't move bots like you can with players. I think it's possible to manipulate spawns for this sort of thing though. I'm unsure about this idea, I may or may not add it.

- Shop Item (OR) Ability: Request Weapon (If Ability, it's E for EVERYONE aka same price)
Sometimes you just wanna keep killing even if that last zombie managed to punch your weapon off you, or you accidentally press throw weapon into a pit of death on your way to Zombie Base. Effect is random weapon given to you, all primary weapons except minigun and M79 should be good. Maybe not Barret, but it should at least give the spy a chance at his favoured weapon. If it seems ineffective, also add a COMPLIMENTARY USSOCOM, ABSOLUTELY FREE. ORDER YOURS TODAY TermsAndConditionsApplyDeliveryChargesMayVary.

It MIGHT seem useless, but when you're in a biiig map, in a nice position to bait zombies/kill zombies before they get into tight corridors that might get your teammates killed, but out of weapons/your weapon ain't suitable, then might as well try to make it better.

It's either a shop item or an ability, your choice. Maybe best if shop item, gotta make you spend cash another way than just saving it up for /def+1 or /atk+1.

I think I should add buy a flamer instead.

- Ability: Suppress Zombie (+Spy -Everyone but Tech)
This is another suggestion to a Spy-centered ability, but it feels hard to implement, but have it anyway.

2 ways: Either use the Spy as the center point, or makes the spy drop a "marker", which causes any zombies in radius to suffer slow downs (in the form of spawning shotgun pellets directly close to them, with 0 damage and either 0 speed, or SOME speed pointed DOWNwards from above them).

This MIGHT make them slow down, I can't test the effects of 0 speed shotgun pellets myself. Not to mention it might affect players who are too close to a zombie, or UNDER one for that matter. UNQUOTE

Sounds too unreliable.

- Skill: Auto-kami
Sometimes you just don't give a fudge. On/off skill, every upgrade gives you a higher change to activate /kami of a the level 1 variety when you die yourself. At least level 1 won't go HOLY SHIZNIT THE WORLD IS ON FIRE that might affect team mates. On the other hand, the explosion MIGHT send zombies their way, but I think it's more likely to kill.

Actually I haven't been paying attention to kami. I'll think it over.

Brute Zombie :- Your regular zombie, WITH EXTRA x4 HP! AND MAKE HIM HIT WITH FISTS! Or stick to chainsaw, works either way. Of course, you already knew this since we discussed it. Duh.UNQUOTE

Could get confusing, but worth considering for a replacement for gunner. Gunner role=Deal with campers, what gunner usually does=Kill non campers.

Grenade Zombie :- Apply constant "Grenade Glory" to the grenade zombie, and you get a challenging lil' bugger. Mebe a little more HP, since grenades don't have reach. Fists only, crank up dat grenading frequency for BOMBING MANUEVERS UNQUOTE

Can't trust the AI to support this.

Creeper Zombie :- If you can manage it, predator zombie, who hides, then reveals himself, when he starts punching like mad. He's like the "Spy" of the zombie team, punching people so that they'll lose their weapons. HP is should be either rather low or rather high, due to his seeming lameness, and xp reward should be less than a regular zombie. Scripting it this way seems complicated. but a perma-predator zombie is outdated, not to mention usually ANNOYING AS HELL when they kill in one hit. At least you could see this one if he already creeps up close, mostly trying to dislodge your weapon and/or stop you from shooting his friends. UNQUOTE

Only a permanent invisible solution is possible, as there is no RemoveBonus. I don't want an invisible asshole.

Here's a miniboss:
NECROMANCER: HE HAS ABILITIIIES! He can /tempatk or /tempdef other zombies, /"teleport other zombies to his position to create SURPRISE ASSAULT and also as meatshields", and anything else ya choose. He needs to be quite tough, maybe a little less than a Crazeh Zombie? Reward also should be significant.

...Also, on second thought, /tempatk might be overkill for a bunch of zombies who are already a speedy, swaying mass of CHAINSAW MASSACEREs. Buuut up to you.

As for his relation to the gravekeeper, let's just say he ain't no REGULAR gravekeeper. Why would death carry a scythe when he can carry a M249 SAW? UNQUOTE

So you want me to work on an ability based AI for this bot? Hard but doable.

And now to top it off with an ability:
Ability: Artillery Tracer (+Tech -Assassin/Soldier)
This might take some scripting, not sure if affective. Effect is 3 level 1 or level 2 "/kami"-sized explosions, reduced damage could be preferable, but there are many ways you could choose to deliver it (you only have to pick one!):

Technique 1: On Hit, Delayed -
It's like the "Solid Slugs" ability, but the explosion is centered on the target, and will explode 1.5 seconds or 3 seconds after hit. In the case of splash or multi-damage weapons (Barret, Spas, LAW), only the FIRST target is "marked".

Technique 2: Ground Marker, INSTANT -
Somehow drop a marker onto the ground, explosive mine-style, and will explode on the first enemy to cross the area of detection. I don't know HOW this works, Hacktank somehow makes it by dropping rambo arrows as markers (or maybe it's just for show, I never knew how it works), and explodes on contact.

Technique 3: Ground Marker, Timed -
It's like Technique 2, but rather then "target detection", make it sort of a timed bomb. It could be useful for blowing up chokepoints or narrow horizontal corridors (or once again, send zombies your way), to clear out the way, or eliminate zombie flag-chasers.UNQUOTE

So this is like mines? I don't really wanna do mines in this.

Explosions play a pretty large part in enjoying zombie games, I believe. Too bad it ironically can also send zombies your way!UNQUOTE

Don't they play a large role in any shooter?

Just had an idea, chat to Tehbugerbot, example: "@Bot: How many at base?" if he's at base: "2 zombies are near flag" if not "I dunno, I'm not there." or "@Bot: Give me your weapon.".

Also I wanna make tech regen more AP when proned.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 02:01:42 am by Tehbugerz0r »

Offline The Wraith

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2011, 04:03:04 am »
Hey, hey, it's aaaalllll suggestions.

You are the boss man! I am just the guy who's just throwing ideas around 'cause he never spent any time learning Soldat scripting when he could. It's now about what you can do, what you want to, and what you'd like to do!

If I'm throwing around shite ideas, shove 'em aside. If it's great, evaluate and work on them! What I am giving you here is ideas, instigations, skeletons of what might be. It's up to your ability to flesh them out, fix 'em up and/or make 'em real!

I'll add comments on top of your decisions, if it ain't here, consider it condemned (whether it is going to be done, or going to be discarded)!

GREEN is skills/shop-stuff, BLUE is abilities/classes, RED is enemies or challenges or general scripting(etc,etc).

as a second-wind type of upgradeable skill? Why didn't I think of that!? Sounds good!

Solid Slugs
You can do that? Daaaaamn. I thought you'd need a percentage number generator, or a RNG to get this idea through. I guess one in every few bullets will work!

Buy A Flamer (Ex-Request Weapon)
I'm not one to complain, but Buy A Flamer is okay, I guess. It wouldn't be effective when you're rushing through zombies, but it will for killing masses of them through a chokepoint, or from above an entranceway.

Necromancer (Miniboss)
No pressure, no pressure. What you can script him with, is what he can do.

Artillery Tracer
Well, I gave you three options, and two of them are mine-like, so...I guess Technique 2 and Technique 3 is out of the question. Technique 1 is what'd you get from combining Solid Slugs and a level 2 /kami explosion. It's not a mine at least, it's a delayed blast charge, much like how you stick a dynamite and then RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAYYY!

Hellll yeah. But in Soldat, explosions = vector displacers + most-likely to kill yourself with. I know, cause I always do! Wooooooo

Chat with Tehbugerbot
Hmmm, interesting. It could be helpful! Shouldn't make the command/chat too long, maybe you'll need a list of preset recognizeable short questions and commands? Either like:
@Bot: Base?
or maybe
@Bot: 1

Where "1" will reference a list of questions in /cmd, and replies appropriately. As for what you want the guy to be able to reply and answer what questions, that'll be up to you!

Tech AP Regen while Prone Boost
I like. I like very much. I'd ask to let the defender regen additional health in the same way, in addition to /regen bonuses, and that might be pushing my luck, but still! Might encourage defenders to do what they SHOULD do best.

Looks like you got your grubby hands on some ideas to work on! Are you gonna need more ideas, be needing something else, or just more INPUUUUUUT on your designs?
I'm Mini G Master, but I lost my account, so I made The Wraith.


Offline TheOne

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2011, 05:17:10 am »
Inivisiblity isn't necessarily permanent.
You can disable it by using setteam - I implemented such in Miracle Mode, however, respawning a player is inconvenient for him, he has to pick a weapon first. Bots should be able to do this in no time.

Code: [Select]
procedure DeCloak(ID: byte);
var i,n: byte;
      spawn: array of byte;
      X, Y: Single;
      Team, HP: byte;
      Team := Soldier[ID].Team; //Just use your zombieteam here
      HP := GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Health');
      GetPlayerXY(ID, X, Y);

      for i:=1 to 254 do
        If GetSpawnStat(i,'Active') = true then
          If GetSpawnStat(i,'Style') = team then
              n:=n + 1;
      MayChange := True;  //You probably don't need this, it's an OnJoinTeam-Protection
      Command('/setteam' + inttostr(Team) + ' ' + inttostr(ID));
      If n > 0 then
        for i:=0 to n-1 do
      DoDamageBy(ID, ID, MAXHEALTH - HP);  //MAXHEALTH = 65 for realistic, 150 for normal mode

Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.02
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2011, 08:24:27 am »
Inivisiblity isn't necessarily permanent.
You can disable it by using setteam - I implemented such in Miracle Mode, however, respawning a player is inconvenient for him, he has to pick a weapon first. Bots should be able to do this in no time.

Code: [Select]
procedure DeCloak(ID: byte);
var i,n: byte;
      spawn: array of byte;
      X, Y: Single;
      Team, HP: byte;
      Team := Soldier[ID].Team; //Just use your zombieteam here
      HP := GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Health');
      GetPlayerXY(ID, X, Y);

      for i:=1 to 254 do
        If GetSpawnStat(i,'Active') = true then
          If GetSpawnStat(i,'Style') = team then
              n:=n + 1;
      MayChange := True;  //You probably don't need this, it's an OnJoinTeam-Protection
      Command('/setteam' + inttostr(Team) + ' ' + inttostr(ID));
      If n > 0 then
        for i:=0 to n-1 do
      DoDamageBy(ID, ID, MAXHEALTH - HP);  //MAXHEALTH = 65 for realistic, 150 for normal mode

You didn't actually have to bother to put code and I'd actually prefer if you hadn't because I'm not using other peoples code in this.
But yeah, didn't think of using set team so thanks. Still don't really want to implement the original idea anyway so it doesn't really matter. Will keep it in mind though

Quote from: The Wraith
I'd ask to let the defender regen additional health in the same way,

That actually sounds good. Good way of getting defenders to hold position, and give them "some love".

Quote from: The Wraith
Looks like you got your grubby hands on some ideas to work on! Are you gonna need more ideas, be needing something else, or just more INPUUUUUUT on your designs?

I never let my hands get grubby, I'm actually freakish about keeping them clean.  :P
Never got too many ideas. But yeah, I've got some work to do.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 08:34:54 am by Tehbugerz0r »

Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.09
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2011, 02:17:22 am »
I just uploaded version 1.09! So here's what's new so you don't have to read the post again:

*Tech now has Radar Detection Information(RDI) added to the Display , which shows Distance of nearest zombie, Direction of where the nearest zombie is and how many zombies are near.

*/death Now only works for Tech, kills nearest zombie and has a short cooldown

*Can now ask team bot how many zombies are near the red flag by chatting "@bot base"

*Tech can regen AP faster while proned.

*Defender regens HP all the time, 3 per second normally, 6 while crouched, 10 while proned.

*Techs Class Power is now a mix of all the class powers.

*Changed shop prices and SP shop prices.

Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.11
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2011, 01:50:26 am »
Okay everybody we're back to 8 players now! Please note the new server port: 23077.
And a new update to go with it:
Fixed random regen and /med instant kill, although it may come back because it's so random it's hard to test.
Added playtime.
Added average team health to /team.
Added auto login by HWID.

Offline Tehbugerz0r

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.29
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2012, 07:32:00 pm »
It seems I had completely forgotten about this post, somehow... Anyway, my last update was for 1.11, and the script is now at 1.29, so there's some stuff people might want to know:

*Soldiers now regen by running, the amount regenerated is based on how fast they're running.

*Playtime display is fixed now, I messed it up last version and just displayed seconds.

*/death is now far more effective, rather than killing the nearest single enemy it kills a group of enemies.

*Added tech MPFG (Multi-Purpose Field Generator) system, this allows you to create regen, tempatk and tempdef fields that boost anyone in range. Also occasionally kills a nearby zombie.

*Regen doesn't last forever now.
*Halved armor effectiveness, doubled armor max level.

*You can now ask the bot to change his class with "@bot classname". He can use any except Spy. Why would you want to change him to Tech? Well...

*Added ability AI for the bot, this means he can use certain abilities in certain situations. Very limited currently.

*Added auto account creator, for those who just can't be bothered to use any commands. Activated on first level up.

*You can now reset after getting a HP boost by using /kill, this will not cause you to lose HP

*Crazy Zombies now reset when they hit a death poly.

*Added M79 as a replacement for Barret, people were abusing Barret for its zombie bugging ability.

*Removed Barret and Ruger.

*Removed Spas from Assassin, overpowered.

*Crazy Zombie is no longer a red flag hogging jerk.

*Defender gets Attack and Defence boost when proned.

*Defender regen increased.

*Reduced cost for change class.

*Added !CP! to display when CP is charged.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 10:59:32 am by Tehbugerz0r »

Offline Umezega

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.54
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2012, 02:19:11 pm »
Hey, this is Shadow. I got banned from this server because I saved up a ton of AP (Tech) and kept on using /invade on ctf_Run and capped several times relatively quickly. It was a server vote kick for possible cheating, and someone else also initiated a votekick for hacking.

If you could unban me, that'd be fantastic. Also, it seems that a lot of people don't understand that there are abilities, and they just assume that a person is hacking. Perhaps there should be a notice of some sorts to avoid such confusion in the future?

Offline STM1993

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.54
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2012, 06:57:51 am »
Hey, this is Shadow. I got banned from this server because I saved up a ton of AP (Tech) and kept on using /invade on ctf_Run and capped several times relatively quickly. It was a server vote kick for possible cheating, and someone else also initiated a votekick for hacking.

If you could unban me, that'd be fantastic. Also, it seems that a lot of people don't understand that there are abilities, and they just assume that a person is hacking. Perhaps there should be a notice of some sorts to avoid such confusion in the future?
Okay I contacted tehbug, he said you should be unbanned by now and he has removed all bans that weren't personally issued by him. Do let us know again in future (preferably to tehbug via PM) if it happens again.

Currently when you first enter the server there is an intro message that requests users to type /cmd, so anyone who isn't dumb or knows how to ask questions would know this is a scripted server. In addition, tehbug plans to add a "X has invaded the base" message for /invade seeing as /invade seems like a hacking teleport atm for those who are none the wiser.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 07:03:01 am by STM1993 »

Offline Umezega

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Re: Advanced Zombie 1.54
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2012, 10:12:53 am »
Glad to see that the confusion is being handled.

Unfortunately, however, I am still banned =/