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ScrCnv (automatic screenshot converter)

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ScrCnv ? is a tool for automatic conversion of Soldat screenshots.

[*]"on-the-fly" screenshots conversion, right after they have been taken;
[*]force displaying of scoreboard (F1 menu) at the end of the match1;
[*]with "Delete" option enabled original screenshot files wouldn't even be written to disk (e.g. to conserve the use of your HDD/SSD);
[*]with "SmartDeletion" feature you are able to prevent saving endgame screenshots of unwanted maps and/or map restarts;
[*]with "SmartRenaming" feature you are able to structurize your screenshot files/folders in various ways;
[*]up to 35% better 24-bit PNG compression level (compared with current Soldat's encoder);
[*]8-bit PNG encoding (with optional dithering);
[*]browse most important folders (Soldat, \screns, \demos, \profiles);
[*]run any *.exe file (except of Soldat.exe and unins####.exe) via tray menu;
[*]close Soldat via tray menu;
[*]app's tray menu is integrated with Soldat's tray icon (click RMB to show it);
[*]auto-launch with Soldat.
1 ? for now, ForceF1 feature doesn't work when match ends because of points limit in non-team based game modes (DM, PM & RM).

--- Code: (ScrCnv.ini) ---[General]
; Conversion format:
; 0 - PNG, 1 - JPEG, 2 - JPEG 2000
Format = 0
; Encoding quality (for JPEG & JPEG 2000 formats only):
; 0 - worst, 10 - maximum
Quality = 10
; Image color depth (for PNG format only):
; 8 - 8-bit, 24 - 24-bit
Depth = 8
; Apply dithering (for 8-bit PNG format only):
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
Dithering = 0
; Delete original screenshots:
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
Delete = 1
; Force displaying of scoreboard (F1 menu) at the end of the match:
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
ForceF1 = 1
; Log debug messages into ScrCnv.log file:
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
Debug = 0

; Delete 'endgame' screenshots following the rules described below:
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
Enabled = 1
; Time in seconds within which the 'endgame' screenshots will be automatically deleted.
; So, if you don't want to store 'endgame' screens created while early map restarts
; (e.g. first minute of the game), then set value to '60':
Time = 60
; A space-separated list of maps, 'endgame' screenshots of which will be automatically deleted
; (e.g. 'HallOfHeroes Lothic'):
Maps =

; Rename converted screenshots using file name masks and placeholders listed below:
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
Enabled = 1
; Placeholders that could be used in rename masks for different game modes:
; %yyyy   - year   number, 4 digits
; %yy     - year   number, 2 digits
; %mm     - month  number with     leading zeros
; %m      - month  number without  leading zeros
; %dd     - day    number with     leading zeros
; %d      - day    number without  leading zeros
; %hh     - hour   number with     leading zeros
; %h      - hour   number without  leading zeros
; %ii     - minute number with     leading zeros
; %i      - minute number without  leading zeros
; %ss     - second number with     leading zeros
; %s      - second number without  leading zeros
; %mmmm   - month         full     localized name
; %mmm    - month         short    localized name
; %ww     - day of week   full     localized name
; %w      - day of week   short    localized name
; %map    - map name (e.g. 'ctf_Ash')
; %type   - screenshot type ('endgame' or 'screenshot')
; %mode   - game mode ('DM', 'PM', 'TM', 'CTF', 'RM', 'INF', 'HTF')
; %score1 - score of Team 1 (CTF, HTF, INF & TM modes only)
; %score2 - score of Team 2 (CTF, HTF, INF & TM modes only)
; %score3 - score of Team 3 (TM mode only)
; %score4 - score of Team 4 (TM mode only)
; Tip: Use empty string to prevent files from being saved
DM = %yyyy-%mm-%dd_%hh-%ii-%ss_%map_%type
PM = %yyyy-%mm-%dd_%hh-%ii-%ss_%map_%type
TM = %yyyy-%mm-%dd_%hh-%ii-%ss_%map_%type
CTF = %yyyy-%mm-%dd_%hh-%ii-%ss_%map_%type
RM = %yyyy-%mm-%dd_%hh-%ii-%ss_%map_%type
INF = %yyyy-%mm-%dd_%hh-%ii-%ss_%map_%type
HTF = %yyyy-%mm-%dd_%hh-%ii-%ss_%map_%type

--- End code ---

This tool is not the first try to make an automated screenshots conversion tool for Soldat (take a look at Soldat Screenshot Converter by Toumaz), but it has a list of advantages.

Advantages:[*]doesn't require renaming of Soldat.exe;
[*]doesn't require administrator permissions;
[*]doesn't require .Net Framework;
[*]doesn't overwrite recent screenshots[/list]

Install:[*]extract the "IdnDL.dll" file from the attached archive into a Soldat folder.[/list]

Uninstall:[*]delete "IdnDL.dll" and "ScrCnv.ini" files from a Soldat folder.[/list]

[*]v0.4.1 ? Soldat 1.7.1
[*]v0.4 ? Soldat 1.7.0
[*]v0.3 ? Soldat 1.6.6
[*]v0.2 ? Soldat 1.5.0 - 1.6.2 (tested with 1.5.0, 1.6.0 and 1.6.2 versions)

+ Added feature | - Removed feature | ~ Fixed feature | % Modified feature | * Comment

Version 0.4.1 [build 759] (15 Jul 2016):
+ Added compatibility to work with Soldat 1.7.1

Version 0.4 [build 757] (06 Feb 2016):
+ Added GUI config
+ Added more placeholders for SmartRenaming feature (see ScrCnv.ini)
- Removed Separate feature (could be done with SmartRenaming now)
% Modified SmartRenaming to create folders structure for custom save paths
% Modified interception method of screenshot files creation (should work faster and more stable now)

Version 0.3 [build 378] (02 Mar 2014):
+ Added Separate feature
+ Added ForceF1 feature
+ Added SmartDeletion feature
+ Added SmartRenaming feature
+ Added Browse, Run, Close functions
+ Added intergated tray menu with Soldat's tray icon
* Code has been rewritten. Next changelogs will use this version as their base

Version 0.2 (09 Feb 2012):
+ Added "Rename converted BMPs" option (adds current map name & scores in CTF/HTF/INF modes)
+ Added "Open 'screens' folder" function

Version 0.1 (23 Jan 2012):
* Initial release

This software is provided "AS-IS", without any express or implied warranty.
In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.


--- Quote from: SyavX on January 23, 2012, 06:10:03 am ---Features:[*]"on-the-fly" screenshot conversion, right after they have been created;

--- End quote ---

I'm liking what you've done here, but I have a question. How does the on the fly screenshot detector work? Something similar to inotify on Windows?[/list]

It's hard for me to compare a way it works in Linux, but it looks similar:
FindFirstChangeNotification and/or ReadDirectoryChangesW

Nice, but didn't Toumaz do the same thing long time ago? Why is that one app better?


--- Quote from: machina on January 23, 2012, 02:27:57 pm ---Nice, but didn't Toumaz do the same thing long time ago? Why is that one app better?

--- End quote ---

 :-\ is this what the community has become?

--- Quote from: SyavX on January 23, 2012, 06:10:03 am ---This tool is not the first try to make an automated screenshots conversion tool for Soldat (take a look at Soldat Screenshot Converter by Toumaz), but it has a list of advantages.

Advantages:[*]no need to rename Soldat.exe;
[*]doesn't require administrator permissions;
[*]no need of  .Net Framework;
[*]recent screenshots lost (overwriting) issue has been bypassed (that's why there are temporary BMPs)[/list]

--- End quote ---


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