Author Topic: 2062  (Read 2488 times)

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« on: March 28, 2012, 07:20:35 am »
probably since the moment we could identify the passage of time as a constant i reckon humans have always thought about what the future holds in store for us. i think it would be a good basis for some fun subject matter

lets examine the world as it potentially could be in 50 years time. thats the year 2062 for those of you mathematically gifted. ive chosen 50 years because its small enough that it makes responses easier to craft and large enough that saves the responses from being trivial e.g. playstation 4

some pinpoint questions i guess i can offer up are the following:
  • whether or not you believe mankind can sustain itself for that period of time (if no why. if yes what kind of state do you think we will be in? wars, culture, economy etc.)
  • what about religious groups. in the past century we have seen the coming of new religions and vast changes to old ones. how do you think these will hold up in terms of power and weight in government etc.
  • technologically speaking we are obviously going to invent new things and make oceans of scientific discoveries but what about the consequences and lifestyle changes that will bring
  • what things do you think will change most dramtically in our lives like the computer for our generation or what things you think will change the least like how housing has remained relatively unchanged
  • i would also be interested in hearing opinions about which (if you could choose) year you would most prefer to live in considering your own viewpoint

im more interested in hearing the opinions of anyone else but i will say that personally i believe that at some point before 2062 we will have managed to find a way to effectively 'link-up' a brain to a computer. not at a crazy matrix style level though i might add. i just figure that by that time we will be working towards cutting out the input devices for computers like keyboards and mice. i believe there will be a point where merely thinking what you are writing on notepad will actually 'be' what you are writing on notepad. an article i read recently about MIT having discovered the location of memories in brain cells inspired me to branch off into that. you can find that particular article here if it is of any interest to you

one of the main reasons for me bringing this up is that i find for some reason that although most people have strong opinions on where the world is going and there tend to be passionate answers about what is best for us as a species there doesnt tend to be much symmetry among them. i guess im trying to establish a collective viewpoint. whatever. on to the discussion

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Re: 2062
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 06:36:39 pm »
I think the rate at which children will learn at a younger age will be quicker. For example, I remember the highest math I took in middle school was pre-algebra in 8th grade. Now I've come across 8th graders taking advanced algebra 1.

I don't know, just an observation.
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Offline ginn

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Re: 2062
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2012, 06:37:19 am »
mankind will still exist, though, bans for using some things may have been made.

Religion will be a lot weaker.

I can't imagine how much will be discovered in 50 years and how much more advanced life will be.

I doubt the nowadays computer will exist anymore, and we'll most likely have  options to get computerized implants etc. Maybe even have options for "cyborg" stuff.

Any time for when eternal life is found, so that I could watch how far mankind will go ;O...

Offline Fryer

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Re: 2062
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2012, 11:42:51 am »
I don't know how fast research with quantum computing is progressing atm, but it maybe there will be some kind of expensive supercomputer by then based on it. Maybe it will even somehow go into mass production and everyone will be walking around with devices including quantum processors. Now imagine what that would mean for programmers like me, to get a totally different view on programming, with weird stuff as bits that can be both 0 and 1 at the same time... :P

Also, apparently oil prices are going up, while prices for energy from other sources, like solar energy, are going down. According to my sources solar energy will be much cheaper than oil in 50 years. Another potential energy source that is currently under development are these mysterious fusion reactors. From what I've heard, if they are successfull, they will be well up and running in 2062. It will sure be interesting to see what this new energy source changes if it happens.

I guess people will try to introduce new religions to fit the new discoveries made and some people will even try to transform current/old religions to fit the change in social life and new technology. Old religions will probably still exist, but it seems like it's moving toward a situation where people more and more interpret religious writings as symbolic stories rather than actually treating them as correct.

As for what year I would like to live in... I can't really imagine being born any other year than 1992 being better than how it is now. Computers being developed enough to be able to find much of the information I need, while there is still a huge void in the internet to fill with more knowledge and awesome creations of my own. Similar things can probably be said about other years, but this is what I'm used to now, so my mind is wired to think it's the perfect time for me. (Am I being too positive here?) :)
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Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: 2062
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2012, 08:04:39 pm »
I think we'll still be using oil as a resource, if that's not a surprise to anyone; but that's kind of political, and not very fanciful--but here's a dry one: desktop computers will be obsolete.

I think the US, if still around, will be some sort of dumbed down 'Eutopia' of sorts, politically controlled by things such as a department of religious control.. but then again, the homosexual agenda doesn't set up for a very 'nuclear family' future such as in the 60's, so I suppose more like "Brave New World"--sexually, and familially. I don't know if I see domination of nations, such as China dominating us, though that may happen; what would they do with so many of us? I dunno, maybe population control, absolving (for lack of better word) us into them? We'd be a completely different country ([retard]).

On another note, I know there's [were] plans such as making Canada, US, and Mexico as sort of whole, like Europe, but whatever

Offline jrgp

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Re: 2062
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2012, 09:00:28 pm »
I think we'll still be using oil as a resource, if that's not a surprise to anyone; but that's kind of political, and not very fanciful--but here's a dry one: desktop computers will be obsolete.


People said the same thing when laptops first came out. They also said the same thing when ipads/tablets started getting popular.

Desktops will not die.
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Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: 2062
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2012, 10:53:53 pm »
I guess desktops will always pwn, as space = win, such as for "future super-computing". You can only get so small.

Well you can set up ipads with screens and keyboards, yeah? Just need a constant power source. But for buffy computing, desktops..

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Re: 2062
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2012, 12:57:47 am »
I guess desktops will always pwn, as space = win, such as for "future super-computing". You can only get so small.

Well you can set up ipads with screens and keyboards, yeah? Just need a constant power source. But for buffy computing, desktops..

iPads with screens/keyboards will not replace PC's because you can't just buy an iPad, unpack the box and begin using it. You need to hook it up to a real computer, configure it with iTunes, etc.

I can see tablet devices getting powerful and having external displays/keyboards etc and laptops in the future being uber powerful, but I doubt these will replace a badass desktop.
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Re: 2062
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 08:06:04 am »

Offline santa22

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Re: 2062
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2012, 05:51:09 pm »
50 years from now, people would be looking back on people from this time
and be like: "i wonder what life was like back then" they will see our videos we posted on youtube, see things that we made and will look at my comics lol

and they will think about how simple things were back then. and they will look at there techology and see how much things have progressed.

Offline Antipathy

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Re: 2062
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2012, 03:57:06 am »
I believe we are rapidly approaching a rebirth of life through the relentless encroachment of technology. Singularity is a withered husk of a term regarding the concept, but essentially, it flawlessly describes this possibility. My only fear is that in the process, as individuality is rendered obsolete beyond the power of memory, our rebirth would be only as painless as it would be joyless.

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Re: 2062
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2012, 03:59:40 pm »
Daydreaming fools. And people wonder why the revolution is coming.