I'm the one in the middle that looks like Paul Newman.
Anyway, there was plenty of hard work done but not that much to show for. Fry Fry made some fixes to hopefully get rid off some eats and better sync the bullets between clients and server. He also worked on the bug that causes you to suddenly rejoin the game, and sent out a test build for some people to try and see if it helped. Unfortunately the problem still existed, and he's still working on the bug.
Shoozza is working on a solution to the server list requests not fetching LAN servers.
I worked on resizing all the menus to scale nicely with the resolution, but had to scrap that for now since our GUI framework can't properly center-align texts vertically, making it all look weird on higher resolutions. I've also continued working on making screenshots save in PNG instead of BMP. It works great on some systems, but crashes Soldat on others for unknown reasons. So I'll continue working on that.