Author Topic: I want Soldat Union's Script?  (Read 4915 times)

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Offline MrHamsTR

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I want Soldat Union's Script?
« on: December 22, 2012, 06:27:00 am »
I searching soldat union's script, I want try it on my server
can anybody help me? can you give me download link?
Is there anybody can write script?
Good, go and play soldat ^^

Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2012, 10:12:44 am »
We are not sharing this script.

Im chill like that

Offline MrHamsTR

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2012, 02:45:27 pm »
Oh sorry, I dont know it :(
You can give another script maybe? Something like that?
Is there anybody can write script?
Good, go and play soldat ^^

Offline Drax

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 12:41:21 am »
what is this soldat union's script all about???

Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2014, 04:42:56 am »
It's a mix script.

Im chill like that

Offline Drax

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2014, 03:55:42 pm »
It's a mix script.

doesn't really tell me anything, can I get full description/explanation ??

Offline skrX

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2014, 05:19:44 pm »
It's a mix script.

doesn't really tell me anything, can I get full description/explanation ??

Something like gather
Check a similar topic

Offline dodo001

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2014, 09:25:36 am »
On the occasion that someone who i wrote this script decided to remove the information about the creator of the script, I publish you this version.
Name: Mix
Author: DODO
ScriptCore: 2
ServerCore: 2.7.7
Known bugs:
-- The script does not exclude the match after map change.
-- !sub it does not work when, if playing a player leaves the game.
!add !del !sub !status
!1v1 !2v2 !3v3 !4v4
!off !r (Vote for off match or restart)
!map <Name|PartName> - uses maplist for search
!ranmap - random map of list maplist
!p !up - Pause Unpause
!mix - List of commands mix
Download: Here

This is version poland:
Code: [Select]
GOOD = $00FF99;
BAD = $FF6666;

Mix: byte; //Mix 0 - No Match, Mix 1 - 1v1, Mix 2 - 2v2, Mix 3 - 3v3, Mix 4 - 4v4
PlayerInMix, voter: array [1..32] of boolean;
MixList: array [1..8] of string;
Time, Votes, Votes2, pause: integer;
Voterr, VoteO, matchon: boolean;
InGameSup, SupWait: array [1..32] of boolean;

function Explode(Source: string; const Delimiter: string): array of string;
var Position, DelLength, ResLength: integer;
DelLength := Length(Delimiter);
Source := Source + Delimiter;
Position := Pos(Delimiter, Source);
SetArrayLength(Result, ResLength + 1);
Result[ResLength] := Copy(Source, 1, Position - 1);
ResLength := (ResLength + 1);
Delete(Source, 1, Position + DelLength - 1);
until (Position = 0);
SetArrayLength(Result, ResLength - 1);

Procedure MixR(ID:byte);
var i: byte; c: integer;
if (PlayerInMix[ID] = false) then begin
if (c<(Mix*2)) then begin
PlayerInMix[ID] := true;
for i := 1 to 8 do if (MixList[i]='') then begin
MixList[i] := GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name');
for i := 1 to (mix*2) do if (MixList[i] <> '') then c:=c+1;
WriteConsole(0,'MIX wlaczony '+inttostr(Mix)+'vs'+inttostr(Mix)+': '+MixList[5],GOOD);
if (Mix=1) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=1,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-'),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=2) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=2,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-'),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=3) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=3,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(Mix=3,iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-')+' '+iif(MixList[5]<>'',MixList[5]+',','-=5=-')+' '+iif(MixList[6]<>'',MixList[6]+',','-=6=-'),''),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=4) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=4,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-')+' '+iif(Mix=4,iif(MixList[5]<>'',MixList[5]+',','-=5=-')+' '+iif(MixList[6]<>'',MixList[6]+',','-=6=-')+' '+iif(MixList[7]<>'',MixList[7]+',','-=7=-')+' '+iif(MixList[8]<>'',MixList[8]+',','-=8=-'),''),''),GOOD);
if (c=(mix*2)) then begin
matchon := true;
DrawTextEx(0,51,'Mecz Rozpoczety!',140,GOOD,0.075,180,2);
for i := 1 to 8 do if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active')=true) then if (PlayerInMix[i] = false) then Command('/setteam5 '+inttostr(i));
if (BravoPlayers>=AlphaPlayers) then Command('/setteam1 '+inttostr(ID)) else Command('/setteam2 '+inttostr(ID));
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Trwa teraz mecz '+inttostr(Mix)+'vs'+inttostr(Mix)+'. Brak miejsc aby dolaczyc!',BAD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Zostales juz dodany do meczu.',BAD);

Procedure MixON(ID, Typ:byte);
var i:byte;
if (Mix=0) then begin
//for i := 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active')=true) and (i<>ID) then Command('/setteam5 '+inttostr(i));
Mix := Typ;
for i := 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active')=true) then if (i<>ID) then WriteConsole(ID,'Wpisz !add aby dolaczyc!',GOOD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Trwa juz mecz '+inttostr(Mix)+'vs'+inttostr(Mix)+'! Wpisz !add aby dolaczyc.',BAD);

Procedure OnJoinTeam(ID, Team: byte);
var i: byte; c:integer;
InGameSup[id] := false;
SupWait[id] := false;
DrawTextEx(ID,55,'!mix - Zagraj Mecz!',1000,GOOD,0.200,30,340);
if (Team=1) or (Team=2) then if (matchon=true) then if (PlayerInMix[ID] = false) then begin
Command('/setteam5 '+inttostr(ID));
WriteConsole(ID,' ---> Wpisz !add aby dolaczyc. <---',BAD);
if (Team=5) then begin
if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
for i := 1 to 8 do if (MixList[i] = GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name')) then MixList[i] := '';
PlayerInMix[ID] := false;
c:=0; for i := 1 to 8 do if (MixList[i] = '') then c:=c+1;
if (c=8) then Mix:=0;
if (Mix=1) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=1,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-'),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=2) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=2,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-'),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=3) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=3,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(Mix=3,iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-')+' '+iif(MixList[5]<>'',MixList[5]+',','-=5=-')+' '+iif(MixList[6]<>'',MixList[6]+',','-=6=-'),''),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=4) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=4,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-')+' '+iif(Mix=4,iif(MixList[5]<>'',MixList[5]+',','-=5=-')+' '+iif(MixList[6]<>'',MixList[6]+',','-=6=-')+' '+iif(MixList[7]<>'',MixList[7]+',','-=7=-')+' '+iif(MixList[8]<>'',MixList[8]+',','-=8=-'),''),''),GOOD);
WriteConsole(ID,' ---> Wpisz !add aby dolaczyc. <---',BAD);

procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: byte; Text: string);
var i:byte; mapy: TStringArray; t:byte; c:integer;
begin //!del !add !off !status !p !up
if regExpMatch('^!(sub)$',lowercase(Text)) then begin
if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
if (InGameSup[ID] = false) then begin
InGameSup[ID] := true;
WriteConsole(ID,'Zostales dodany do kolejki aby sie zmienic!',GOOD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Jestes juz w kolejsce zmiany!',BAD);
for i:= 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i,'active')=true) then begin
if (SupWait[i]=true) then begin
Command('/setteam5 '+inttostr(ID));
Command('/setteam'+inttostr(t)+' '+inttostr(i));
InGameSup[ID] := false;
SupWait[i] := false;
WriteConsole(0,'Pomyslnie zamieniono graczy: '+GetPlayerStat(ID,'name')+' i '+GetPlayerStat(i,'name'),GOOD);
end else
if (SupWait[ID] = false) then begin
SupWait[ID] := true;
WriteConsole(ID,'Zostales dodany do kolejki!',GOOD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Jestes juz w kolejsce do zagrania meczu!',BAD);
for i:= 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i,'active')=true) then begin
if (InGameSup[i]=true) then begin
Command('/setteam5 '+inttostr(i));
Command('/setteam'+inttostr(t)+' '+inttostr(id));
InGameSup[i] := false;
SupWait[id] := false;
WriteConsole(0,'Pomyslnie zamieniono graczy: '+GetPlayerStat(ID,'name')+' i '+GetPlayerStat(i,'name'),GOOD);
if regExpMatch('^!(ranmap)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
mapy := Explode(ReadFile('mapslist.txt'),chr(13)+chr(10));
Command('/map '+mapy[Random(1,GetArrayLength(mapy))]);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Nie mozesz zmienic mapy nie bedac w trakcie meczu.',BAD);
if MaskCheck(lowercase(Text),'!map *') then if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
if (GetPiece(Text,' ',1)<>'') then begin
mapy := Explode(ReadFile('mapslist.txt'),chr(13)+chr(10));
for i:= 1 to (GetArrayLength(mapy)-1) do begin
if (ContainsString(lowercase(mapy[i-1]),lowercase(GetPiece(Text,' ',1)))=true) then begin
if (mapy[i-1] <> '') then Command('/map '+mapy[i-1]) else WriteConsole(ID,'Nie znaleziono mapy!',BAD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Musisz wpisac nazwe mapy lub jej czesc.',BAD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Nie mozesz zmienic mapy nie bedac w trakcie meczu.',BAD);
if regExpMatch('^!(mix|cmdmix)$',lowercase(Text)) then begin
WriteConsole(ID,'Podczas meczu:',BAD);
WriteConsole(ID,'                  !del - Wyjscie z trwajacego meczu, !ub - Unbanlast.       ',BAD);
WriteConsole(ID,'                  !p - Wlaczenie pauzy, !up - Wylaczenie pauzy.             ',BAD);
WriteConsole(ID,'                  !off !r - Glosowanie za wylaczeniem|zrestartowaniem meczu.',BAD);
WriteConsole(ID,'                  !map <name> - Zmiena mapy na wskazana. !ranmap randommap. ',BAD);
WriteConsole(ID,'                  !add - Dolacz do meczu, !status - Status graczy w meczu.  ',GOOD);
WriteConsole(ID,'                  !1v1 !2v2 - Rozpoczecie meczu 1v1 lub 2v2.                ',GOOD);
WriteConsole(ID,'                  !3v3 !4v4 - Rozpoczecie meczu 3v3 lub 4v4.                ',GOOD);
WriteConsole(ID,'Script Creator: dominikk26',BAD);
if regExpMatch('^!(1v1)$',lowercase(Text)) then MixON(ID,1);
if regExpMatch('^!(2v2)$',lowercase(Text)) then MixON(ID,2);
if regExpMatch('^!(3v3)$',lowercase(Text)) then MixON(ID,3);
if regExpMatch('^!(4v4)$',lowercase(Text)) then MixON(ID,4);
if regExpMatch('^!(add)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (Mix <> 0) then MixR(ID) else WriteConsole(ID,'Aktualnie nie trwa zaden mecz.',BAD);
if regExpMatch('^!(del)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (Mix <> 0) then Command('/setteam5 '+inttostr(ID)) else WriteConsole(ID,'Aktualnie nie trwa zaden mecz.',BAD);
if regExpMatch('^!(off)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
if (Voterr=false) then begin
if (voter[id] = false) then begin
if (Voteo=false) then inc(Time,15) else inc(Time,5);
voter[id] := true;
Voteo := true;
end else WriteConsole(0,'Juz glosowales!',BAD);
for i := 1 to (mix*2) do if (MixList[i] <> '') then c:=c+1;
if (Votes>=iif(c>=mix,mix,c)) then begin
DrawTextEx(0,51,'Vote to OFF - Powodzone!',140,GOOD,0.075,180,2);
Votes := 0;
Time := 0;
Mix := 0;
matchon := false;
for i := 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active')=true) then begin
PlayerInMix[i] := false;
voter[i] :=false;
for i := 1 to 8 do MixList[i] := '';
Voteo :=false;
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Trwa glosowanie za zrestartowaniem meczu.',BAD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Nie mozesz wylaczyc meczu, gdy w nim nie uczestniczysz.',BAD);
if regExpMatch('^!(r|reset|restart)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
if (Voteo = false) then begin
if (voter[id] = false) then begin
if (Voterr=false) then inc(Time,15) else inc(Time,5);
voter[id] := true;
Voterr := true;
end else WriteConsole(0,'Juz glosowales!',BAD);
for i := 1 to (mix*2) do if (MixList[i] <> '') then c:=c+1;
if (Votes2>=iif(c>=mix,mix,c)) then begin
DrawTextEx(0,51,'Vote to Restart - Powodzone!',140,GOOD,0.075,180,2);
Votes2 := 0;
Time := 0;
for i := 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active')=true) then voter[i] := false;
Voterr := false;
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Aktualnie trwa glosowanie za wylaczeniem meczu.',BAD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Nie mozesz zrestartowac meczu, gdy w nim nie uczestniczysz.',BAD);
if regExpMatch('^!(ub|unbanlast)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then Command('/unbanlast') else WriteConsole(ID,'Nie mozesz odbanowywac graczy.',BAD);
if regExpMatch('^!(status)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (Mix<>0) then begin
WriteConsole(ID,'MIX wlaczony '+inttostr(Mix)+'vs'+inttostr(Mix)+': '+MixList[5],GOOD);
if (Mix=1) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=1,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-'),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=2) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=2,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-'),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=3) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=3,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(Mix=3,iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-')+' '+iif(MixList[5]<>'',MixList[5]+',','-=5=-')+' '+iif(MixList[6]<>'',MixList[6]+',','-=6=-'),''),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=4) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=4,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-')+' '+iif(Mix=4,iif(MixList[5]<>'',MixList[5]+',','-=5=-')+' '+iif(MixList[6]<>'',MixList[6]+',','-=6=-')+' '+iif(MixList[7]<>'',MixList[7]+',','-=7=-')+' '+iif(MixList[8]<>'',MixList[8]+',','-=8=-'),''),''),GOOD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Aktualnie nie trwa zaden mecz.',GOOD);
if regExpMatch('^!(p|pause|pauza|stop)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
WriteConsole(0,GetPlayerStat(ID,'name')+' wlaczyl pauze!',GOOD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Nie mozesz dac pauzy nie bedac w trakcie meczu.',BAD);
if regExpMatch('^!(up|unpause|unpauze|play)$',lowercase(Text)) then if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
if (pause=0) then begin
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Pauza nie jest wlaczona.',BAD);
end else WriteConsole(ID,'Nie mozesz anulowac pauzy nie bedac w trakcie meczu.',BAD);

procedure OnLeaveGame(ID, Team: byte; Kicked: boolean);
var i: byte;
if (PlayerInMix[ID] = true) then begin
for i := 1 to 8 do if (MixList[i] = GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name')) then MixList[i] := '';
PlayerInMix[ID] := false;
for i := 1 to 8 do if (MixList[i] = '') then Mix:=0;
if (voter[id] = true) then begin
if (Votes > 0) then dec(Votes,1);
if (Votes2 > 0) then dec(Votes2,1);
InGameSup[id] := false;
SupWait[id] := false;
if (Mix=1) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=1,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-'),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=2) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=2,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-'),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=3) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=3,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(Mix=3,iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-')+' '+iif(MixList[5]<>'',MixList[5]+',','-=5=-')+' '+iif(MixList[6]<>'',MixList[6]+',','-=6=-'),''),''),GOOD) else if (Mix=4) then WriteConsole(0,iif(Mix=4,iif(MixList[1]<>'',MixList[1]+',','-=1=-')+' '+iif(MixList[2]<>'',MixList[2]+',','-=2=-')+' '+iif(MixList[3]<>'',MixList[3]+',','-=3=-')+' '+iif(MixList[4]<>'',MixList[4]+',','-=4=-')+' '+iif(Mix=4,iif(MixList[5]<>'',MixList[5]+',','-=5=-')+' '+iif(MixList[6]<>'',MixList[6]+',','-=6=-')+' '+iif(MixList[7]<>'',MixList[7]+',','-=7=-')+' '+iif(MixList[8]<>'',MixList[8]+',','-=8=-'),''),''),GOOD);

procedure AppOnIdle(Ticks: integer);
var i: byte;
DrawTextEx(0,49,'MIX '+iif((mix<>0),'ON','OFF')+'!',140,iif((mix<>0),GOOD,BAD),0.075,533,2);
if (mix<>0) then DrawTextEx(0,50,'('+inttostr(mix)+'vs'+inttostr(mix)+')',140,iif((mix<>0),GOOD,BAD),0.075,545,13);
if (Votes>0) then if (Time>0) then begin // VOTE TO OFF
DrawTextEx(0,51,'Vote to OFF - '+inttostr(Votes)+'/'+inttostr(mix)+' ('+inttostr(time)+'s)',140,GOOD,0.075,180,2);
end else
Votes := 0;
Time := 0;
for i := 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active')=true) then voter[i] := false;
Voteo := false;
DrawTextEx(0,51,'Vote to OFF - Niepowodzone!',140,BAD,0.075,180,2);
if (Votes2>0) then if (Time>0) then begin //VOTE TO RESET
DrawTextEx(0,51,'Vote to Restart - '+inttostr(Votes2)+'/'+inttostr(mix)+' ('+inttostr(time)+'s)',140,GOOD,0.075,180,2);
end else
Votes2 := 0;
Time := 0;
for i := 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active')=true) then voter[i] := false;
Voterr := false;
DrawTextEx(0,51,'Vote to Reset - Niepowodzone!',140,BAD,0.075,180,2);
if (pause > 0) then begin
if (pause > 0) then WriteConsole(0,inttostr(pause)+'...', GOOD) else begin
WriteConsole(0,'GO GO GO!',GOOD);

procedure ActivateServer();
var i: byte;
Mix := 0;
for i := 1 to 32 do if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active')=true) then begin
PlayerInMix[i] := false;
voter[i] := false;
InGameSup[i] := false;
SupWait[i] := false;
for i := 1 to 8 do MixList[i] := '';
Votes := 0;
Votes2 := 0;
Voteo := false;
Voterr := false;
matchon := false;
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 09:33:54 am by dodo001 »

Offline SneS

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2014, 10:02:19 am »
After open a script:

WriteConsole(ID,'Script Creator: dominikk26',BAD);

So dodo001 = dominikk26. He probably never would be wise... :| And again, I see the stolen pieces of code + the script clearly slows down the server.

Offline Akinaro

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2014, 10:42:22 am »
True that he is well known cheater and he like borrow others peaces of code but still its better to use his script than not having it at all or use old like hell scripts that always need some fix to run...

I'm not defending him, but you have to admit that he is the one of few people who actually update/fix/upload script for past couple of months...

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2014, 05:11:34 pm »
After open a script:

WriteConsole(ID,'Script Creator: dominikk26',BAD);

So dodo001 = dominikk26. He probably never would be wise... :| And again, I see the stolen pieces of code + the script clearly slows down the server.


I have little idea :D

Code: [Select]
    BAD = $FF0000;
procedure OnJoinTeam(ID, Team: byte);
    if (GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name') = 'dominikk26') then begin
    WriteConsole(ID,'Script Creator: dominikk26',BAD);
    WriteConsole(ID,'Bye, dominikk26 :D',BAD);

Offline MrHamsTR

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Re: I want Soldat Union's Script?
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2014, 08:32:06 am »
Thanks a lot guys guys.
Is there anybody can write script?
Good, go and play soldat ^^