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//Hide 'n Seek v2.5 Coded by Iq-Unlimited.// Improved by la la// -Out Mapper Killer// -Team Change Killer// -Suicide Msg//tPlayer Record that has all the variables in it for neatnessconst //Game constants cGame_nMaxHumanPlayers = 32; //maximum number of human players Soldat supports cPlayerID_First = 1; //first index player index number cPlayerID_Last = cGame_nMaxHumanPlayers; //last player index numbertype trPlayer = record Alive : Boolean; Offmapping : Boolean; Counts : Integer; end; type tPlayer = record it, Counting, NotPlaying, seeker, First, JustLeft: boolean; X, Y: single; count, score: integer; end;var //All the boolean variables, there's a ton in this script isn't there lol. hns, Mapbugs, last, pubserver, pop, pop2: boolean; //Maxplayers... Maxplayer, delay: byte; //Color... Color: longint; ranmap: TStringArray; //And the tPlayer array. It's the best one :D Player: array [1..32] of tPlayer; aPlayers: array [1..32] of trPlayer; function arrayHi( tester: TStringArray ): integer;begin result := GetArrayLength( tester ) - 1;end;function xsplit(const source: string; const delimiter: string):TStringArray;var i,x,d:integer; s:string;begin d:=length(delimiter); x:=0; i:=1; SetArrayLength(Result,1); while(i<=length(source)) do begin s:=Copy(source,i,d); if(s=delimiter) then begin i:=i+d; inc(x,1); SetArrayLength(result,x+1); end else begin result[x]:= result[x]+copy(s,1,1); inc(i,1); end; end; if Result[ArrayHi(Result)]='' then SetArrayLength(result,x);end; //ChooseRandomPlayer function chooses 1 random active player and returns that number.function ChooseRandomPlayer(Max: byte): byte;var i, Ran: byte;begin for i := 1 to 255 do begin Ran := Random(1, Max); if GetPlayerStat(Ran, 'Active') then begin result := Ran; exit; end; end;end; //ClearWeapons does just that, clears your weapons.procedure ClearWeapons(ID: byte);begin ForceWeapon(ID, 255, 255, 0);end; //Custom Choose Random Map function.function RandomMap: string;begin result := ranmap[Random(0,ArrayHigh(ranmap))];end;//StartGame procedure, isit: byte is the player who will be it.procedure StartGame(isit: byte);var i: byte;begin //hns := false is there to stop the OnJoinTeam out of range errors. hns := false; //Unset a bunch of variables that people might or might not have. for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin Player[i].it := false; Player[i].Counting := false; Player[i].seeker := false; Player[i].NotPlaying := false; Player[i].First := false; end; end; //player who is supposed to be it is now it. Player[isit].it := true; //Set people to their teams, seeker to alpha, all others to delta. for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active') then begin if not Player[i].it then begin Command('/setteam4 ' + inttostr(i)); end else begin Command('/setteam1 ' + inttostr(i)); WriteConsole(i, 'Ebesin!',Color); end; end; end; end; //Set some variables last := false; hns := true; //if mapbugs then wait 1 second before changing map. if Mapbugs then sleep(1000); Command('/map ' + RandomMap);end; //Stops the game and removes all variablesprocedure StopGame();var i: byte;begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin Player[i].it := false; Player[i].Counting := false; Player[i].seeker := false; Player[i].First := false; Player[i].NotPlaying := false; Player[i].X := 0; Player[i].Y := 0; Player[i].count := 0; Player[i].score := 0; hns := false; last := false; end; end; //:( you stopped teh games! WriteConsole(0, 'Game Stopped :(',Color);end;procedure ActivateServer();var i:Integer;begin for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; end; //Set some default variables hns := false; pop := false; pop2 := false; //Initialize the rest from hns.ini :D Color := strtoint(ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Colors','Color','$FFFFFF')); Maxplayer := strtoint(ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Maxplayers','32')); if ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Pubserver','false') = 'true' then pubserver := true else pubserver := false; if ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Mapbugs','false') = 'true' then Mapbugs := true else Mapbugs := false; pubserver := true; ranmap := xsplit(ReadFile('mapslist.txt'),chr(13)+chr(10));end;procedure AppOnIdle(Ticks: integer);var i: byte;begin if BravoPlayers = 1 then // to fix the problem when the round finish the team changes counts too for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; end; for i:=1 to 32 do begin if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Team') = 5 then begin // if player team is spec then reset his count aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; aPlayers[i].Alive := False; end; if (GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = True) and aPlayers[i].Offmapping then begin if aPlayers[i].Counts = 1 then //first time violating rule well you get a Warning begin WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ' Went out off the map or changed team!',$FF8000); //Shame to Out Maper in public WriteConsole(0,' This is Your "Only" Warning',$FF8000); // More Shame aPlayers[i].Counts := 3; end; if aPlayers[i].Counts = 2 then //Second time eh, not clever player Dies begin WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ' Went out off the map or changed team!',$FF8000); //Shame to Out Maper in public WriteConsole(0,' You Got Warned before, so die!',$FF8000); // More Shame Command('/kill ' + inttostr(i)); //DIE OutMAPER aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; // he died so reset the counter. end; end; end; //if not hns and pubserver is enabled then do this, im too lazy to comment it, it's pretty obvious. if ((not hns) and (pubserver)) then begin if NumPlayers = 1 then if not pop then begin WriteConsole(0, '2 more players to start Hide ''n Seek.',Color); pop := true; exit; end; if NumPlayers = 2 then if not pop2 then begin WriteConsole(0, '1 more player to start Hide ''n Seek.',Color); pop2 := true; exit; end; if NumPlayers = 3 then begin StartGame(ChooseRandomPlayer(3)); pop2 := false; pop := false; exit; end; if NumPlayers = 0 then if pop then begin pop := false; pop2 := false; exit; end; end; //if hns = true then begin if hns then begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin //If you're counting you get a black screen and you're frozen in place until the time runs out. if Player[i].Counting then begin DrawText(i,'||',200,RGB(0,0,0),40,-2500,-500); end; //if the count isnt 0 then deincriment it by 1. if Player[i].count <> 0 then begin WriteConsole(0, inttostr(Player[i].count),Color); Player[i].count := Player[i].count - 1; end; //if count = 0 then unfreeze the seekah! if Player[i].count = 0 then begin if Player[i].Counting then begin Command('/setteam1 ' + IntToStr(i)); WriteConsole(0, 'Ready or not, here I come!',Color); Player[i].seeker := true; Player[i].Counting := false; ForceWeapon(i, 7, 7, -1); end; end; end; end; //if theres only 1 or less people in the server then stop the game. if NumPlayers <= 2 then if not pubserver then StopGame() else begin pop := false; pop2 := false; StopGame(); exit; end; //If therte are too many seekers reset the game. if AlphaPlayers >= 2 then begin WriteConsole(0, 'ERROR: Too many seekers! Restarting...',Color); StartGame(ChooseRandomPlayer(3)); exit; end; //If there are no alphaplayers then reset the game. if AlphaPlayers = 0 then begin sleep(1000); StartGame(ChooseRandomPlayer(3)); exit; end; //If there are no bravoplayers start a new round. if BravoPlayers = 0 then begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do if Player[i].First then begin last := false; StartGame(i); exit; end; end; //the last bravo player wins and gets 1 point! if BravoPlayers = 1 then begin if not last then begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Team') = 4 then if not Player[i].JustLeft then begin Player[i].score := Player[i].score + 1; WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ' is the last to be caught and has won the round!',Color); last := true; Player[i].First := true; sleep(1000); Command('/kill ' + inttostr(i)); break; end; end; end; end; if delay <> 0 then begin if delay <> 1 then delay := delay - 1 else begin delay := delay - 1; exit; end; WriteConsole(0,'Oyun baslıyor: ' + inttostr(delay) + '.',Color); end; if delay = 1 then begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin if Player[i].it then begin GetPlayerXY(i,Player[i].X,Player[i].Y); Player[i].Counting := true; Player[i].count := 10; exit; end; end; end; end;end;procedure OnMapChange(NewMap: string);var i: byte;begin for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; end; //onmapchange !start message for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin if (Player[i].it and (not Player[i].counting) and (not Player[i].seeker)) then begin delay := 11; end; end; end;end;procedure OnJoinGame(ID, Team: byte);begin //if a game is going then set the new player to spec. if hns then begin Player[ID].NotPlaying := true; Player[ID].score := 0; Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(ID)); end;end;procedure OnJoinTeam(ID, Team: byte);begin if hns then begin //if you're counting or a seeker stay in alpha if ((Player[ID].it) or (Player[ID].Counting) or (Player[ID].seeker)) then if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') <> 1 then Command('/setteam1 ' + inttostr(ID)); //if you're out then stay in spec. if (Player[ID].NotPlaying) then if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') <> 5 then Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(ID)); //if anything else stay in bravo. if (((not Player[ID].it) and (not Player[ID].Counting) and (not Player[ID].seeker)) and (not Player[ID].NotPlaying)) then if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') <> 4 then Command('/setteam4 ' + inttostr(ID)); //Player[ID].JustLeft := false; end;end;procedure OnLeaveGame(ID, Team: byte; Kicked: boolean);var i, j: byte;begin //if the first person to get caught leaves it chooses a new random player. if Player[ID].First then begin Player[ID].First := false; for i := 1 to 32 do begin j := ChooseRandomPlayer(3); if j <> ID then begin Player[j].First := true; WriteConsole(0, 'The first to get caught has left the game! Choosing random person...',Color); break; end else continue; end; for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do if Player[i].First then WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ' is now going to be it!',Color); end; //if the seeker leaves then start a new round. if ((Player[ID].it) or (Player[ID].Counting) or (Player[ID].seeker)) then begin for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; end; WriteConsole(0, 'The seeker has left! Lamer! Resetting game...',Color); Player[ID].count := 0; Player[ID].seeker := false; Player[ID].it := false; for i := 1 to 32 do begin j := ChooseRandomPlayer(3); if j <> ID then begin StartGame(j); break; end else continue; end; end; Player[ID].it := false; Player[ID].seeker := false; Player[ID].count := 0; Player[ID].First := false; Player[ID].NotPlaying := true; //Player[ID].JustLeft := true;end;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var i: byte;begin Result := false; //all teh commands case Lowercase(Text) of '/startgame': begin StartGame(ChooseRandomPlayer(3)); for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; end; end; '/swapteams': for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; end; '/stopgame': StopGame(); '/pubserver': begin if pubserver then begin pubserver := false; WriteConsole(ID, 'Pubserver mode disabled',Color); end else begin pubserver := true; WriteConsole(ID, 'Pubserver mode enabled',Color); end; end; '/reloadini': begin Color := strtoint(ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Colors','Color','$FFFFFF')); Maxplayer := strtoint(ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Maxplayers','32')); if ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Pubserver','false') = 'true' then pubserver := true else pubserver := false; if ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Mapbugs','false') = 'true' then Mapbugs := true else Mapbugs := false; WriteConsole(ID, 'hns.ini Reloaded',Color); end; end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/choosefirst' then begin if GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '' then for i := 1 to 32 do if Player[i].First then Player[i].First := false; Player[strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1))].First := true; last := true; WriteConsole(ID, 'An admin has chosen ' + GetPlayerStat(strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1)), 'Name') + ' to be it!',Color); end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/setteam1' then begin if GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '' then begin aPlayers[ID].Counts := 0; aPlayers[ID].Alive := False; aPlayers[ID].Offmapping := False; end; end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/setteam2' then begin if GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '' then begin aPlayers[ID].Counts := 0; aPlayers[ID].Alive := False; aPlayers[ID].Offmapping := False; end; end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/setteam5' then begin if GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '' then begin aPlayers[ID].Counts := 0; aPlayers[ID].Alive := False; aPlayers[ID].Offmapping := False; end; end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/addscore' then begin if ((GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '') and (GetPiece(Text, ' ', 2) <> '')) then begin try Player[strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1))].score := Player[strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1))].score + strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 2)); WriteConsole(0, 'An admin has added ' + GetPiece(Text, ' ', 2) + ' points to ' + GetPlayerStat(strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1)), 'Name') + '''s points!',Color); except end; end; end;end; function OnPlayerCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin Result := false; if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') = 4 then if ((Lowercase(Text) = '/brutalkill') or (Lowercase(Text) = '/kill') or (Lowercase(Text) = '/mercy')) then WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Name') + ' Prefers to do Harakiri than let the seeker enjoy his/her death',$FF8000);end; procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: byte; Text: string);var i: byte;begin //if you want to see the scoreboard type !scores and it'll show. if Lowercase(Text) = '!scores' then for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do if Player[i].score > 0 then WriteConsole(ID, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ': ' + inttostr(Player[i].score),Color); //if you don't want to play this round type !sitout. if Lowercase(Text) = '!sitout' then begin if (not Player[ID].it) then begin Player[ID].NotPlaying := true; Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(ID)); end; end; if Lowercase(Text) = '!commands' then begin WriteConsole(ID, '!start to start the countdown for a game.',Color); WriteConsole(ID, '!sitout to sit out for 1 round.',Color); WriteConsole(ID, '!scores to view the amount of wins everyone has.',Color); end; if Lowercase(Text) = '!help' then begin WriteConsole(ID, 'Iq''s HnS (Hide and Seek) Server',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Alpha team is "it", Bravo team hides',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'The "it" person has to "tag" people with the M79',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'First bravo person tagged will be it next map',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Last bravo person to be found will win the round',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Typing !start will start the match and begin the countdown',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'The black screen is normal :^)',Color); end; if Lowercase(Text) = '!rules' then begin WriteConsole(ID, 'No snitching/hinting/luring/any of that crap',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'No excessive idiocy, trust me, I hate it.',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Flying off the map IS NOT allowed ANYMORE.',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Throwing the flag to reveal someone''s position is NOT',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Dibs rule applies to single spots, not big chunks of the map',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'NO POLYBUGGING',Color); end; end;procedure OnWeaponChange(ID, PrimaryNum, SecondaryNum: byte);begin //if youre not seeking and you have a weapon get rid of that shit or if you are a seeker and you dont have an m79 take one. if hns then begin if not Player[ID].seeker then if ((PrimaryNum < 50) or (SecondaryNum < 50)) then ClearWeapons(ID); if Player[ID].seeker then if (PrimaryNum <> 7) then ForceWeapon(ID, 7, 7, -1); end;end;function OnPlayerDamage(Victim, Shooter: byte; Damage: integer): integer;begin //if you're seeking or counting and you get shot dont take damage else DIE DIE DIE if hns then if ((Player[Victim].it) or (Player[Victim].seeker) or (Player[Shooter].Counting) or (Player[Victim].Counting)) then Result := -99999 else Result := Damage else result := Damage;end;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte; Weapon: string);var first: boolean;begin aPlayers[Victim].Alive := False; aPlayers[Victim].Counts := 0; //if hns then begin, blah blah blah. if hns then begin //if the seeker kills you gtfo. if Player[Killer].seeker then begin Player[Victim].NotPlaying := true; WriteConsole(Victim, 'You are out!',Color); Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(Victim)); Player[Victim].NotPlaying := true; first := false; end; //if you kill yourself also gtfo. if Killer = Victim then begin Player[Victim].NotPlaying := true; WriteConsole(Victim, 'You are out!',Color); Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(Victim)); Player[Victim].NotPlaying := true; first := false; end; end;end;procedure OnPlayerRespawn(ID: byte);begin if BravoPlayers > 1 then begin if AlphaPlayers = 1 then begin if aPlayers[ID].Alive then begin if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') <> 5 then begin // very important to not count the ppl on spec. aPlayers[ID].Offmapping := True; if aPlayers[ID].Counts = 3 then aPlayers[ID].Counts := aPlayers[ID].Counts - 1; if aPlayers[ID].Counts = 0 then aPlayers[ID].Counts := aPlayers[ID].Counts + 1; // player violated the rule so this counts how many times he has done it end end; aPlayers[ID].Alive := True; end; end;end;
//Hide 'n Seek v2.5 Coded by Iq-Unlimited.// Improved by la la// -Out Mapper Killer// -Team Change Killer// -Suicide Msg//tPlayer Record that has all the variables in it for neatnessconst //Game constants cGame_nMaxHumanPlayers = 32; //maximum number of human players Soldat supports cPlayerID_First = 1; //first index player index number cPlayerID_Last = cGame_nMaxHumanPlayers; //last player index numbertype trPlayer = record Alive : Boolean; Offmapping : Boolean; Counts : Integer; end; type tPlayer = record it, Counting, NotPlaying, seeker, First, JustLeft: boolean; X, Y: single; count, score: integer; end;var //All the boolean variables, there's a ton in this script isn't there lol. hns, Mapbugs, last, pubserver, pop, pop2: boolean; //Maxplayers... Maxplayer, delay: byte; //Color... Color: longint; ranmap: TStringArray; //And the tPlayer array. It's the best one :D Player: array [1..32] of tPlayer; aPlayers: array [1..32] of trPlayer; function arrayHi( tester: TStringArray ): integer;begin result := GetArrayLength( tester ) - 1;end;function xsplit(const source: string; const delimiter: string):TStringArray;var i,x,d:integer; s:string;begin d:=length(delimiter); x:=0; i:=1; SetArrayLength(Result,1); while(i<=length(source)) do begin s:=Copy(source,i,d); if(s=delimiter) then begin i:=i+d; inc(x,1); SetArrayLength(result,x+1); end else begin result[x]:= result[x]+copy(s,1,1); inc(i,1); end; end; if Result[ArrayHi(Result)]='' then SetArrayLength(result,x);end; //ChooseRandomPlayer function chooses 1 random active player and returns that number.function ChooseRandomPlayer(Max: byte): byte;var i, Ran: byte;begin for i := 1 to 255 do begin Ran := Random(1, Max); if GetPlayerStat(Ran, 'Active') then begin result := Ran; exit; end; end;end; //ClearWeapons does just that, clears your weapons.procedure ClearWeapons(ID: byte);begin ForceWeapon(ID, 255, 255, 0);end; //Custom Choose Random Map function.function RandomMap: string;begin result := ranmap[Random(0,ArrayHigh(ranmap))];end;//StartGame procedure, isit: byte is the player who will be it.procedure StartGame(isit: byte);var i: byte;begin //hns := false is there to stop the OnJoinTeam out of range errors. hns := false; //Unset a bunch of variables that people might or might not have. for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin Player[i].it := false; Player[i].Counting := false; Player[i].seeker := false; Player[i].NotPlaying := false; Player[i].First := false; end; end; //player who is supposed to be it is now it. Player[isit].it := true; //Set people to their teams, seeker to alpha, all others to bravo. for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active') then begin if not Player[i].it then begin Command('/setteam2 ' + inttostr(i)); end else begin Command('/setteam1 ' + inttostr(i)); WriteConsole(i, 'You are it!',Color); end; end; end; end; //Set some variables last := false; hns := true; //if mapbugs then wait 1 second before changing map. if Mapbugs then sleep(1000); Command('/map ' + RandomMap);end; //Stops the game and removes all variablesprocedure StopGame();var i: byte;begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin Player[i].it := false; Player[i].Counting := false; Player[i].seeker := false; Player[i].First := false; Player[i].NotPlaying := false; Player[i].X := 0; Player[i].Y := 0; Player[i].count := 0; Player[i].score := 0; hns := false; last := false; end; end; //:( you stopped teh games! WriteConsole(0, 'Game Stopped :(',Color);end;procedure ActivateServer();var i:Integer;begin for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; end; //Set some default variables hns := false; pop := false; pop2 := false; //Initialize the rest from hns.ini :D Color := strtoint(ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Colors','Color','$FFFFFF')); Maxplayer := strtoint(ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Maxplayers','32')); if ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Pubserver','false') = 'true' then pubserver := true else pubserver := false; if ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Mapbugs','false') = 'true' then Mapbugs := true else Mapbugs := false; pubserver := true; ranmap := xsplit(ReadFile('mapslist.txt'),chr(13)+chr(10));end;procedure AppOnIdle(Ticks: integer);var i: byte;begin if BravoPlayers = 1 then // to fix the problem when the round finish the team changes counts too for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; end; for i:=1 to 32 do begin if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Team') = 5 then begin // if player team is spec then reset his count aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; aPlayers[i].Alive := False; end; if (GetPlayerStat(i,'Active') = True) and aPlayers[i].Offmapping then begin if aPlayers[i].Counts = 1 then //first time violating rule well you get a Warning begin WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ' Went out off the map or changed team!',$FF8000); //Shame to Out Maper in public WriteConsole(0,' This is Your "Only" Warning',$FF8000); // More Shame aPlayers[i].Counts := 3; end; if aPlayers[i].Counts = 2 then //Second time eh, not clever player Dies begin WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ' Went out off the map or changed team!',$FF8000); //Shame to Out Maper in public WriteConsole(0,' You Got Warned before, so die!',$FF8000); // More Shame Command('/kill ' + inttostr(i)); //DIE OutMAPER aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; // he died so reset the counter. end; end; end; //if not hns and pubserver is enabled then do this, im too lazy to comment it, it's pretty obvious. if ((not hns) and (pubserver)) then begin if NumPlayers = 1 then if not pop then begin WriteConsole(0, '2 more players to start Hide ''n Seek.',Color); pop := true; exit; end; if NumPlayers = 2 then if not pop2 then begin WriteConsole(0, '1 more player to start Hide ''n Seek.',Color); pop2 := true; exit; end; if NumPlayers = 3 then begin StartGame(ChooseRandomPlayer(3)); pop2 := false; pop := false; exit; end; if NumPlayers = 0 then if pop then begin pop := false; pop2 := false; exit; end; end; //if hns = true then begin if hns then begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin //If you're counting you get a black screen and you're frozen in place until the time runs out. if Player[i].Counting then begin DrawText(i,'||',200,RGB(0,0,0),40,-2500,-500); end; //if the count isnt 0 then deincriment it by 1. if Player[i].count <> 0 then begin WriteConsole(0, inttostr(Player[i].count),Color); Player[i].count := Player[i].count - 1; end; //if count = 0 then unfreeze the seekah! if Player[i].count = 0 then begin if Player[i].Counting then begin Command('/setteam1 ' + IntToStr(i)); WriteConsole(0, 'Ready or not, here I come!',Color); Player[i].seeker := true; Player[i].Counting := false; ForceWeapon(i, 7, 7, -1); end; end; end; end; //if theres only 1 or less people in the server then stop the game. if NumPlayers <= 2 then if not pubserver then StopGame() else begin pop := false; pop2 := false; StopGame(); exit; end; //If therte are too many seekers reset the game. if AlphaPlayers >= 2 then begin WriteConsole(0, 'ERROR: Too many seekers! Restarting...',Color); StartGame(ChooseRandomPlayer(3)); exit; end; //If there are no alphaplayers then reset the game. if AlphaPlayers = 0 then begin sleep(1000); StartGame(ChooseRandomPlayer(3)); exit; end; //If there are no bravoplayers start a new round. if BravoPlayers = 0 then begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do if Player[i].First then begin last := false; StartGame(i); exit; end; end; //the last bravo player wins and gets 1 point! if BravoPlayers = 1 then begin if not last then begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Team') = 2 then if not Player[i].JustLeft then begin Player[i].score := Player[i].score + 1; WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ' is the last to be caught and has won the round!',Color); last := true; Player[i].First := true; sleep(1000); Command('/kill ' + inttostr(i)); break; end; end; end; end; if delay <> 0 then begin if delay <> 1 then delay := delay - 1 else begin delay := delay - 1; exit; end; WriteConsole(0,'Game Starting in: ' + inttostr(delay) + '.',Color); end; if delay = 1 then begin for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin if Player[i].it then begin GetPlayerXY(i,Player[i].X,Player[i].Y); Player[i].Counting := true; Player[i].count := 20; exit; end; end; end; end;end;procedure OnMapChange(NewMap: string);var i: byte;begin for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; end; //onmapchange !start message for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do begin if getplayerstat(i,'active') then begin if (Player[i].it and (not Player[i].counting) and (not Player[i].seeker)) then begin delay := 11; end; end; end;end;procedure OnJoinGame(ID, Team: byte);begin //if a game is going then set the new player to spec. if hns then begin Player[ID].NotPlaying := true; Player[ID].score := 0; Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(ID)); end;end;procedure OnJoinTeam(ID, Team: byte);begin if hns then begin //if you're counting or a seeker stay in alpha if ((Player[ID].it) or (Player[ID].Counting) or (Player[ID].seeker)) then if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') <> 1 then Command('/setteam1 ' + inttostr(ID)); //if you're out then stay in spec. if (Player[ID].NotPlaying) then if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') <> 5 then Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(ID)); //if anything else stay in bravo. if (((not Player[ID].it) and (not Player[ID].Counting) and (not Player[ID].seeker)) and (not Player[ID].NotPlaying)) then if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') <> 2 then Command('/setteam2 ' + inttostr(ID)); //Player[ID].JustLeft := false; end;end;procedure OnLeaveGame(ID, Team: byte; Kicked: boolean);var i, j: byte;begin //if the first person to get caught leaves it chooses a new random player. if Player[ID].First then begin Player[ID].First := false; for i := 1 to 32 do begin j := ChooseRandomPlayer(3); if j <> ID then begin Player[j].First := true; WriteConsole(0, 'The first to get caught has left the game! Choosing random person...',Color); break; end else continue; end; for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do if Player[i].First then WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ' is now going to be it!',Color); end; //if the seeker leaves then start a new round. if ((Player[ID].it) or (Player[ID].Counting) or (Player[ID].seeker)) then begin for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; end; WriteConsole(0, 'The seeker has left! Lamer! Resetting game...',Color); Player[ID].count := 0; Player[ID].seeker := false; Player[ID].it := false; for i := 1 to 32 do begin j := ChooseRandomPlayer(3); if j <> ID then begin StartGame(j); break; end else continue; end; end; Player[ID].it := false; Player[ID].seeker := false; Player[ID].count := 0; Player[ID].First := false; Player[ID].NotPlaying := true; //Player[ID].JustLeft := true;end;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var i: byte;begin Result := false; //all teh commands case Lowercase(Text) of '/startgame': begin StartGame(ChooseRandomPlayer(3)); for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; end; end; '/swapteams': for i:=1 to 32 do begin aPlayers[i].Counts := 0; aPlayers[i].Alive := False; aPlayers[i].Offmapping := False; end; '/stopgame': StopGame(); '/pubserver': begin if pubserver then begin pubserver := false; WriteConsole(ID, 'Pubserver mode disabled',Color); end else begin pubserver := true; WriteConsole(ID, 'Pubserver mode enabled',Color); end; end; '/reloadini': begin Color := strtoint(ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Colors','Color','$FFFFFF')); Maxplayer := strtoint(ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Maxplayers','32')); if ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Pubserver','false') = 'true' then pubserver := true else pubserver := false; if ReadINI('scripts/' + ScriptName + '/hns.ini','Settings','Mapbugs','false') = 'true' then Mapbugs := true else Mapbugs := false; WriteConsole(ID, 'hns.ini Reloaded',Color); end; end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/choosefirst' then begin if GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '' then for i := 1 to 32 do if Player[i].First then Player[i].First := false; Player[strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1))].First := true; last := true; WriteConsole(ID, 'An admin has chosen ' + GetPlayerStat(strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1)), 'Name') + ' to be it!',Color); end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/setteam1' then begin if GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '' then begin aPlayers[ID].Counts := 0; aPlayers[ID].Alive := False; aPlayers[ID].Offmapping := False; end; end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/setteam2' then begin if GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '' then begin aPlayers[ID].Counts := 0; aPlayers[ID].Alive := False; aPlayers[ID].Offmapping := False; end; end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/setteam5' then begin if GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '' then begin aPlayers[ID].Counts := 0; aPlayers[ID].Alive := False; aPlayers[ID].Offmapping := False; end; end; if Lowercase(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 0)) = '/addscore' then begin if ((GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1) <> '') and (GetPiece(Text, ' ', 2) <> '')) then begin try Player[strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1))].score := Player[strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1))].score + strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 2)); WriteConsole(0, 'An admin has added ' + GetPiece(Text, ' ', 2) + ' points to ' + GetPlayerStat(strtoint(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1)), 'Name') + '''s points!',Color); except end; end; end;end; function OnPlayerCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;begin Result := false; if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') = 2 then if ((Lowercase(Text) = '/brutalkill') or (Lowercase(Text) = '/kill') or (Lowercase(Text) = '/mercy')) then WriteConsole(0, GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Name') + ' Prefers to do Harakiri than let the seeker enjoy his/her death',$FF8000);end; procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: byte; Text: string);var i: byte;begin //if you want to see the scoreboard type !scores and it'll show. if Lowercase(Text) = '!scores' then for i := 1 to MaxPlayer do if Player[i].score > 0 then WriteConsole(ID, GetPlayerStat(i, 'Name') + ': ' + inttostr(Player[i].score),Color); //if you don't want to play this round type !sitout. if Lowercase(Text) = '!sitout' then begin if (not Player[ID].it) then begin Player[ID].NotPlaying := true; Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(ID)); end; end; if Lowercase(Text) = '!commands' then begin WriteConsole(ID, '!start to start the countdown for a game.',Color); WriteConsole(ID, '!sitout to sit out for 1 round.',Color); WriteConsole(ID, '!scores to view the amount of wins everyone has.',Color); end; if Lowercase(Text) = '!help' then begin WriteConsole(ID, 'Iq''s HnS (Hide and Seek) Server',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Alpha team is "it", Bravo team hides',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'The "it" person has to "tag" people with the M79',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'First bravo person tagged will be it next map',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Last bravo person to be found will win the round',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Typing !start will start the match and begin the countdown',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'The black screen is normal :^)',Color); end; if Lowercase(Text) = '!rules' then begin WriteConsole(ID, 'No snitching/hinting/luring/any of that crap',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'No excessive idiocy, trust me, I hate it.',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Flying off the map IS NOT allowed ANYMORE.',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Throwing the flag to reveal someone''s position is NOT',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'Dibs rule applies to single spots, not big chunks of the map',Color); WriteConsole(ID, 'NO POLYBUGGING',Color); end; end;procedure OnWeaponChange(ID, PrimaryNum, SecondaryNum: byte);begin //if youre not seeking and you have a weapon get rid of that shit or if you are a seeker and you dont have an m79 take one. if hns then begin if not Player[ID].seeker then if ((PrimaryNum < 50) or (SecondaryNum < 50)) then ClearWeapons(ID); if Player[ID].seeker then if (PrimaryNum <> 7) then ForceWeapon(ID, 7, 7, -1); end;end;function OnPlayerDamage(Victim, Shooter: byte; Damage: integer): integer;begin //if you're seeking or counting and you get shot dont take damage else DIE DIE DIE if hns then if ((Player[Victim].it) or (Player[Victim].seeker) or (Player[Shooter].Counting) or (Player[Victim].Counting)) then Result := -99999 else Result := Damage else result := Damage;end;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte; Weapon: string);var first: boolean;begin aPlayers[Victim].Alive := False; aPlayers[Victim].Counts := 0; //if hns then begin, blah blah blah. if hns then begin //if the seeker kills you gtfo. if Player[Killer].seeker then begin Player[Victim].NotPlaying := true; WriteConsole(Victim, 'You are out!',Color); Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(Victim)); Player[Victim].NotPlaying := true; first := false; end; //if you kill yourself also gtfo. if Killer = Victim then begin Player[Victim].NotPlaying := true; WriteConsole(Victim, 'You are out!',Color); Command('/setteam5 ' + inttostr(Victim)); Player[Victim].NotPlaying := true; first := false; end; end;end;procedure OnPlayerRespawn(ID: byte);begin if BravoPlayers > 1 then begin if AlphaPlayers = 1 then begin if aPlayers[ID].Alive then begin if GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team') <> 5 then begin // very important to not count the ppl on spec. aPlayers[ID].Offmapping := True; if aPlayers[ID].Counts = 3 then aPlayers[ID].Counts := aPlayers[ID].Counts - 1; if aPlayers[ID].Counts = 0 then aPlayers[ID].Counts := aPlayers[ID].Counts + 1; // player violated the rule so this counts how many times he has done it end end; aPlayers[ID].Alive := True; end; end;end;
if GetPlayerStat(i, 'X') <> Player[i].X then MovePlayer(i, Player[i].X, Player[i].Y) else if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Y') <> Player[i].Y then MovePlayer(i, Player[i].X, Player[i].Y);
WriteConsole(0, 'Ready or not, here I come!',Color);
Command('/setteam1 ' + IntToStr(i));
Yes counting down, server kicked the seeker.
I want hiders be delta, not bravo or charlie, same as EU Hide and Seek; players in delta.And I want counting down be seeing drawtext, not writing on console, players see that on his screen with red?