Author Topic: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!  (Read 48219 times)

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Offline DutchFlame

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2013, 02:26:53 pm »
- Shoot + sliding causes weird bouncing on ice

I confirm this, its just a visual fix though, the head of the character seems to headbang against the ground, its kinda funny :D

Offline `Kryptonite

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2013, 02:40:52 pm »
Bug*** every 2 or 3 respawns while playing CTF my weapon would be already down on ammo when I spawned Id have like 6 bullets sometimes 1 bullet so I'd have to reload after I respawn everytime. Seemed like the bug was mostly with the Autos it happened alot on map ctf_Rotten

Offline ExHunter

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2013, 04:04:13 pm »
The scripting variable "NumPlayers" is bugging (keeps 0) on the delphi build.

I don't know about the others. Probably they're bugged, too.

On the Lazarus build it's fine.

Offline 14th_account

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #43 on: January 02, 2013, 04:18:59 pm »
Got 1 grenade available while Max_Grenades=0 set in soldat.ini
Strange. I'll fix it for next beta.

can't drop nades at your feet like you could earlier.
Not sure what you mean exactly. The minimum time until a nade is thrown increased by ~7% or ~17 milliseconds. Maybe the changed timing is tripping you up?

clean ruger (head?)shots don't register occasionally. had it happen to me several times that i shoot at someone two-three times in a row without doing damage.
My first thought would be that it's lag because I haven't noticed it. We'll keep our eyes open for it though.

(the initial velocity of empty shells is ridiculously slow. even though this could seen as a perspective issue, if you want them to look good make them get out of the chamber faster!! an empty flying shell broke one guy's front teeth when i was in the army)
This is apparently super duper important for you. :P I'll try to conjure up something better-looking.

there seems to be a problem with centering the cursor on bigger resolutions. while a cursor of which dimensions are 2048*2048 is centered perfectly when the game resolution is 854*480 (default 16:9), on my resolution (1044*600) the aiming spot seems to be at 640*640 edit: the correct aiming spot would be 1024*1024 but the aim is actually at 1664*1664, that is +640px to both X and Y-axes
Strange. I don't get it myself. I'll investigate it though.

screenshot i took was still .bmp
Oops, PNG screenshots shouldn't have been in the changelog. We pushed up the PNG screenshots to version 1.7 because there were some technical issues that had to be properly solved first. I noticed that the changelog Shoozza posted is riddled with inaccuracies. I'll clean it up in a short while...

- When something explodes near player, such as nade or m79 bullet, it takes like 0.2 seconds for the boost to effect the player
Yeah, the delay becomes noticeable with high ping, but it should fix some hit detection issues.

- Dropping a weapon has similiar interval like the exploding bug above
Might be same story as above, but I'll double check just to be sure...

- Shoot + sliding causes weird bouncing on ice
I don't see it. Could you (or anyone) record a demo of it?

- Shoot + throw weapon = weird bug.
Yeah, it's an old bug. But it isn't really harmful so I'll fix it if I'm not feeling too lazy :P

Offline Dusty

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2013, 04:50:41 pm »
can't drop nades at your feet like you could earlier.
Not sure what you mean exactly. The minimum time until a nade is thrown increased by ~7% or ~17 milliseconds. Maybe the changed timing is tripping you up?

actually now that i tried both 1.6.3 and 1.6.4b it seems to be the same so yeah guess it's the timing.

however i really don't agree with the change cause nades have always been a big part of both gunfights and getting around the map. changing it to "prevent accidents" is just wrong imo and afaik they don't even use nades in HnS/runmode. yeah, i'm assuming the delay was added because some runner complained. i do it too and have that accident happen to me from time to time but it still doesn't make any sense. tapping the nade key to stop different animations is bug abusing afterall.

probably that's not the only reason for the change but adding delays here and there isn't the way to go. i'd even remove both LAW and barrett's delays if it was up to me.

Offline Rzaba

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #45 on: January 02, 2013, 05:19:04 pm »
- My dedicated server is not shown when I request local servers.
- Soldat lobby stops working after starting a single game multiple times. (Start a single game and exit to menu many times then try to request servers). After that I can't join any server too and have to restart soldat.
Tools: LSA

Offline ExHunter

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2013, 05:36:13 pm »
"Push="-Value isn't affected to M79 and LAW bullets. (I am guessing for all explosive bullets)

If you increase the SPEED-Value of Chainsaw it can from certain distances shoot through polygons.


Code: [Select]
(14:14:36) /clientlist (*.*.*.*)
(14:14:36) [?] ExHunter: ARSSE dev

seems like the charset isn't properly working on the lazarus build (didn't test it on the delphi build)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 08:18:42 am by ExHunter »

Offline ginn

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2013, 11:30:07 pm »
how about removing the standing up animation altogether? this way "running" wouldn't be based on bug abusing anymore, you wouldn't need to fuck with the nade delay and going fast would become more simple. i don't see simplifying the advanced movementzzz that little as a bad thing at all, the real skill comes from balancing between movements and aiming anyway.
The more things you can improve on the better, people who are better at timing should be faster.

I think the stupid thing that remains is that you can't have good aim. Your bullets will have random spread and there's nothing you can do about it, like you could previously by balancing self-bink over movement acc. Either make it like it was before, or remove movement acc all together, and make guns to always shoot straight instead of depend on an animation file.
Barrett obviously would need nerfing, maybe having movement acc that is predictable. Like, the faster your moving, the higher up the bullet will go.

Offline Leo

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #48 on: January 03, 2013, 02:51:04 am »
All these are in the changelog already:

- Holding nade button will only throw one nade, then it stops
Oh man, I can't remember how many I have died from this in rs gathers by killing myself.... Special if you play a bit drunk this is a "killer" :P

Offline AdamD

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #49 on: January 03, 2013, 09:06:47 am »
this version is very clunky, it doesn't feel at all fluid, which is one of the strengths of soldat. this isn't a matter of 'getting used to it' either.

also, please revert changes to the knife.

it is really restricted, and has lost 50% of its effectiveness, because you cannot throw it backwards (run backwards and throw it to see what i mean).

soldat is a game in which you are constantly moving directions. you can't dodge or strategically move and throw the knife. you can't really throw the knife soon after spawning.

it is more difficult to use. this isn't a good thing. not only for older players, but for newer players, there are now so many variables with knife to consider.

the knife is primarily a defensive, one-shot weapon. 1.6.3 was perfect. please keep it that way.

this version in general feels like a version for 'runners' and people who move at 'extreme' speeds. which isn't very good in my opinion.

p.s. the weapon mod needs a lot of work
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 09:11:36 am by AdamD »
vam; dicko
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Offline Seigen

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #50 on: January 03, 2013, 11:10:26 am »
I agree with the above, why has there been such a significant change to knife now, when there wasn't anything wrong before? Maybe this is a case of fixing something that's not broken.

This being said, all the other work regarding bug fixes are fully appreciated and thanks for the continuous good work from dev team.

Offline homerofgods

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #51 on: January 03, 2013, 11:34:20 am »
- Added keyboard shortcuts (1, 2, 3, 4) for the escape menu
Would it be better if I added 1, 2, 3, 4 in all the translations so it looks like this?

Offline McWise

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2013, 11:57:11 am »
"V" Menu for reports is not visible. You can still send messages, but they won't play any sound.
I'm talking about "Enemy spotted down." etc.
3 other people besides me reported the same issue.

Tested on this server: soldat://

Offline ExHunter

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2013, 11:59:44 am »
"V" Menu for reports is not visible. You can still send messages, but they won't play any sound.
I'm talking about "Enemy spotted down." etc.
3 other people besides me reported the same issue.

Tested on this server: soldat://

Then for sure are radio taunts deactivated on that server. Worked for me fine.

Offline Bistoufly

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2013, 12:15:45 pm »
- Added keyboard shortcuts (1, 2, 3, 4) for the escape menu
Would it be better if I added 1, 2, 3, 4 in all the translations so it looks like this?

Good Idea!

Offline xurich

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #55 on: January 03, 2013, 12:28:11 pm »
you got to be fucking retarded to make such a retarded weapon mod

Please don't post ableist nonsense here. Seriously.

Offline Icebullet

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #56 on: January 03, 2013, 12:49:26 pm »
The flagger colliders prevent flaggers from passing, and the players dont get killed in them no longer, but you still can throw flags in them and they pass. ctf_Crucifix had always a buggy mid way, now you can throw the flag in it, which the flagger colliders should prevent.Then when you try to grab the flag again you get killed, or with luck you survive and manage to pass the mid way.

Do the old flagger colliders on other maps still work?

I apologise if anyone posted this before.

Offline Furai

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #57 on: January 03, 2013, 12:50:30 pm »
"V" Menu for reports is not visible. You can still send messages, but they won't play any sound.
I'm talking about "Enemy spotted down." etc.
3 other people besides me reported the same issue.

Tested on this server: soldat://

Then for sure are radio taunts deactivated on that server. Worked for me fine.

Worth mentioning - it was TeamMatch.
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Offline Fryer

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #58 on: January 03, 2013, 12:53:59 pm »
"V" Menu for reports is not visible. You can still send messages, but they won't play any sound.
I'm talking about "Enemy spotted down." etc.
3 other people besides me reported the same issue.

Tested on this server: soldat://

Then for sure are radio taunts deactivated on that server. Worked for me fine.

They were not deactivated.
Worth mentioning - it was TeamMatch.

So does it work in other game modes?
...PC vs Mac is like AK47 vs M4A1...
<DutchFlame`> i once heard running runescape in the background gave you a speedboost
<Mr> yes, it allocates more electrons, so there are more electrons available for Soldat -> they are streched less and it is more fluent

Soldat PolyWorks - AimMode - Aim practise gamemode script - Fryer's SoldatStream Mod

Offline Furai

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4b4 public beta ready for testing!
« Reply #59 on: January 03, 2013, 01:40:23 pm »
Worth mentioning - it was TeamMatch.
So does it work in other game modes?
Just joined random CTF in latest beta and it was working like it should. Could be problems with your servers, Fryer.
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