Author Topic: Soldat - sms pomocy !  (Read 6887 times)

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Offline MistrzOstrza

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Soldat - sms pomocy !
« on: January 03, 2013, 02:56:14 pm »
Przepraszam za spam :p . Wysłałem sms za 12 zł i za 30 zł aby kod rejestracyjny do mnie doszedł ale nic , przez 5 godzin dalej nic nie dostałem na e-maila . Teraz moje pytanie , pisać wiadomość do twórcy gry że mam problem czy czekać aż dojdzie ? Btw. Gdzie ten kod wpisać ?! Moim zdaniem powinni te wszystkie pytania na stronie głównej opisać bo w polskiej wersji strony są napisane zalety jak zapłacisz za grę i opcje pratności + informacja o kodzie że przyjdzie na e-mail . A mi wiadomość przychodzi na kome (z kodem jakimś) . I drugie pytanie , mam 2 kody z sms , czy nie można było zrobić coś takiego że masz konto na stronie główniej i tymi kodami za sms jakby doładowujesz swoje konto ? Czyli wysyłasz co jakiś czas sms za 12 zł i dostajesz kod , wpisujesz i tak parę razy aż możesz kupić za tą sumkę Soldat :P . Wiem że to dziwny sposób ale może coś z tego wyjdzie .
EDIT : Zobaczyłem (na stronie po angielsku bo widze że przy tej stronie więcej wysiłku włożyli ) że w kodzie dostaje się pełną wersję (na email) ale ja NIE dostaje tej wiadomości ! (powtarzam się) Mam 2 kody które mogą to potwierdzić że wysłałem sms'y . Wkońcu nie chcem stracić 40 zł ...
Sorry for spam: p. I sent a text message for 12 zł 30 zł and the registration code that came to me but nothing for 5 hours on nothing got an e-mail. Now my question, write a message to the developers that I have a problem or wait until you reach? Btw. Where is the code to enter?! My answer to all these questions should be on the main page as described in the Polish version of the page is written to pay for the benefits of play and options pratności + information about the code that will come to your e-mail address. A message comes to me kome (a code). And the second question, I have 2 codes from sms, or you could do something like that you have an account on the website and these codes mainly for sms if your deposit? So from time to time send sms for 12 zł and get the code and enter it a few times until you can buy for this sum of money Soldat. I know it's a strange way, but maybe something will come of this.
EDIT: I saw (on the English side because I see that on this side and put more effort) in the code that gets the full version (for email), but I do NOT get this message! (I repeat myself) I have 2 codes that can be confirmed that sent short messages. At last do not want to let lose 40 zł ...
Is't translate in google translate, may be errors for which I apologize.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 04:28:54 pm by MistrzOstrza »

Offline Furai

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Re: Soldat - sms pomocy !
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 03:43:11 pm »
First of all - on our forum all the posts should be in English only.
Second - wrong section, moved to appropriate board. (I was able to tell that it is the case because I understand Polish.)
Third - please restate your problem in English, preferably editing the original post above this. I'm not able to help you myself but Shoozza should be.

EDIT: Google translation of above message with few fixes (not to many though).
Sorry for spam: p. I sent a text messages for 12 zł and 30 zł to get the registration code but I got nothing for 5 hours on nothing was sent to an e-mail. Now my question, write a message to the developers that I have a problem or wait until it will bes sent? Btw. Where to enter this code ?! In my opinion the answer to all these questions should be on the main page, in the Polish version of the page it is written about the benefits you get and options of payment + information about the code that will come to your e-mail address. But I get a message on my phone (a code). And the second question, I have 2 codes from sms, could you do something like that you have an account on the website and use these codes to top up your account? So from time to time send sms for 12 zł and get the code and enter it a few times until you can buy for this sum of money Soldat: P. I know it's a strange way, but maybe something will come of this.
EDIT: I saw (on the English site because I see that on this site and put more effort) in the code that gets the full version (for email), but I do NOT get this message! (I repeat myself) I have 2 codes that can be confirmed that sent short messages. At last do not want to let lose 40 zł ...
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 03:54:21 pm by Furai »
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Offline Shoozza

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Re: Soldat - sms pomocy !
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2013, 03:10:23 am »
Hello MistrzOstrza,

please PM me the details (username you registered with, email and sms details).
I will check it and send you the key.
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Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Soldat - sms pomocy !
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2013, 06:36:49 am »
Shoozza could you add your email to the register section on to avoid more confusion, there's only mms email stated there.

Im chill like that

Offline Shoozza

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Re: Soldat - sms pomocy !
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2013, 09:25:24 am »
Shoozza could you add your email to the register section on to avoid more confusion, there's only mms email stated there.
Well when they email MM he forwards to me. So it's not a big issue ;)
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Offline Furai

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Re: Soldat - sms pomocy !
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2013, 09:37:16 am »
Shoozza could you add your email to the register section on to avoid more confusion, there's only mms email stated there.
Well when they email MM he forwards to me. So it's not a big issue ;)
Soon I'll be taking care of all that. [sarcasm]I'm looking forward to it.[/sarcasm]
I guess I like to torture myself. E-mail will probably get replaced with "support [at]".
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Offline MistrzOstrza

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Re: Soldat - sms pomocy !
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2013, 11:12:33 am »
I sent PM Shoozza . Thanks for answer.