Author Topic: ctf_Rapidy  (Read 3463 times)

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Offline Maekl

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« on: February 19, 2013, 01:31:58 pm »

Someone told me to make something new and keep competetiveness in mind, and this is my first try. I used new polytypes, and you can see how they are located in the picture above. The map is optimal for 3vs3, but it actually works as a duel map aswell.

-Waypointed (works, room for improvement)
-Map mostly ice, so turbosliding!
-Best for 3v3 competetive matches
-Normal jet
-No weather, steps none

Running around vid:

(Special) gameplay features:
-quick and hectic gameplay, has some features relatively similar to ctf_Blade. <-- Great map, props for that zakath.  ;)
-flaggers can escape quickly to the lower routes through a non flagger collide poly's
-players can shoot to the enemy flag area from the middle area of their own side (hurting poly's to prevent over-use)
-also ability to shoot the enemy flag down to the low route from the same middle spot. This can be used to make enemy capping difficult or as a part of other tactic.
-the low route is completely ice and with skilled turbosliding it is almost as quick route as the upper one.

This is the first version released for bublic testing. Special thanks to Fryer and Alexoner for feedback and ideas in beta testing. (not sure if those are their forum nicks, correct me if I'm wrong)

« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 10:03:56 am by Maekl »

Offline As de Espada

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2013, 07:49:03 pm »
yes, we definitely need some crazy maps like that one. Looks are kind of pale, I would make those roots on the border of the map with a 3d effect
I added this map to #soldat.mapping so we can test it, it is the only way to make a proper critic about gameplay

good job, keep them comming
All my maps | my latest map: SoldatX Racing Mappack
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Offline chutem

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2013, 08:48:45 pm »
Looks good, but seems like you should make it more obvious that there are special properties to some of the polys, such as a different colour or scenery over the only non-flaggers collide polys

Offline Maekl

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2013, 04:09:19 am »
Looks good, but seems like you should make it more obvious that there are special properties to some of the polys, such as a different colour or scenery over the only non-flaggers collide polys

Ty. Hmm, I'll try to do something about that.  ;)

yes, we definitely need some crazy maps like that one. Looks are kind of pale, I would make those roots on the border of the map with a 3d effect
I added this map to #soldat.mapping so we can test it, it is the only way to make a proper critic about gameplay

good job, keep them comming

Yeah its kinda pale, but I aimed for an icy look, so I didnt use strong coloring. I guess one could, but its not something that I am used to work on that much. Fance looks/coloring isnt my thing.  :P But yeah, I'll possibly change some things. The map was already on #soldat.mapping, but still thanks for showing your intrest. :) I hope we get a gather going next saturday or earlier.

Offline As de Espada

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2013, 11:16:41 am »
Looks good, but seems like you should make it more obvious that there are special properties to some of the polys, such as a different colour or scenery over the only non-flaggers collide polys
Agree. I think the most critic one is the non-flagger. There must be definitely a scenery for that, maybe something similar to the one in ctf_Crucifix

I hope we get a gather going next saturday or earlier.
I can play next saturday, lets call another players, hopefully we'll get our testing
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 11:19:04 am by As de Espada »
All my maps | my latest map: SoldatX Racing Mappack
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Offline Maekl

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2013, 01:05:52 pm »
Update photo.

-I figured that the only red&blue collide poly's are enough to block players from running through the middle, so I extended them and removed the only players collide polys altogether from the middle. Added scenery to show the line between only blue collide & only red collide poly's. Gameplay wise the middle is the same it was, but you cant throw nades inside it anymore. That was unintended but still a good thing imo.

-As requested I added scenery to the only non flaggers collide poly's.

Offline rOy

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2013, 01:56:04 pm »

Nice map I think
Resembles a little map ctf_blade ;)

Offline NamelessWolf

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2013, 12:54:12 am »
I suppose the middle is meant for flag throws, but doesn't "blue player collides" also collide the blue flag and vice versa? This would make the middle useless, cause flag throwing across would be impossible.
Also, isn't there still that bug that on realistic mode sometimes kills players passing through "X player collides" types of polygons, or that was fixed already?

My suggestion would be to simply put one pillar made of "only player collides" polygons in the middle and remove the others.

Offline Maekl

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2013, 02:57:43 am »
I suppose the middle is meant for flag throws, but doesn't "blue player collides" also collide the blue flag and vice versa? This would make the middle useless, cause flag throwing across would be impossible.

Watch the running around vid. So no. There are currently no otherwise non collide poly's that would collide with flags aswell.  There will be only flag collide polys in 1.6.4.  :) I was originally going to make the middle in such a fashion that it would collide with flags but you still could shoot through, but I found out that not being possible yet. Also in small scale playtesting we noticed that you could "cap spam" really fast if you threw the flag through the middle and you had a friend waiting on the other side. So I made that a little more difficult by stopping players from entering the middle area of their enemy side.

My suggestion would be to simply put one pillar made of "only player collides" polygons in the middle and remove the others.

It originally was kinda like that. Then I realised that it would be a sprayfest and it would pretty much ruin the gameplay because of way too easy and fast capping, so I added the only blue&red bullets & players collide poly's in that way. Watch the running around vid so you'll understand how the middle works. I updated the map slightly after the vid, but it is still pretty much the same.

There will be a maptest gather in soldat.mapping tomorrow (saturday) so we'll then find out how it works.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 03:00:09 am by Maekl »

Offline As de Espada

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2013, 06:52:24 pm »
the scenery fo the non-flager-collide polys went pretty cool.
I'll be at #soldat.mapping tomorrow to play :)
All my maps | my latest map: SoldatX Racing Mappack
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Offline zakath

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2013, 06:23:04 am »
Good attempt at trying to think out of the box layout wise, also really like the youtube video where you show what your ideas are behind the map Good job. Looking forward to seeing your maps in the future ;)

#soldat.mapping - - #soldatladder - #soldat.gather.nordic

Offline Maekl

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2013, 10:02:37 am »
Thanks :) I'm already scetching in my mind the next map I'm gonna make. Competetive maps are for now the way to go for me.   :)

Updated the download link for the latest version.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 10:04:20 am by Maekl »

Offline As de Espada

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Re: ctf_Rapidy
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2013, 05:42:14 pm »
I'll have dinner out, but after that I can play (so in 2 or 3h from now). Hope to see you to test this map at #soldat.mapping
All my maps | my latest map: SoldatX Racing Mappack
me making a map on youtube: ctf_FastMade