Hey there guys. We have been hosting soldat servers since September, 2012 and now we thought that it's time to introduce them to you.
Website of our community:
www.soldatarena.comIRC Channel: #soldatarena
We are currently hosting 6 public servers and 2 gather servers. Public servers are located in Turkey and Gather servers are located in Germany.
Here's a list of the public servers:
Public Soldat ServersSoldat Arena CTF ServerIP and Port: server.soldatarena.com:23073Max Players: 16
Time Limit: 10 min.
Score Limit: 10
Scripts: Team balancer and a script that adds a bot when you are alone in server.
Soldat Arena DM ServerIP and Port: server.soldatarena.com:23074Max Players: 16
Time Limit: 10 min.
Score Limit: 30
Scripts: only "!join" and "!spec"
Soldat Arena Climb ServerIP and Port: server.soldatarena.com:23078Max Players: 16
Time Limit: 20
Scripts: BravoMaps, NadeMaps, ClimbStatistics, Anti-Damage, RandomMaps, "!nextmap" and "!report" script(for reporting non-playable maps)
Soldat Arena VS ServerIP and Port: server.soldatarena.com:23077 Password: vsMax Players: 10
Time Limit: 10
Score Limit: 20
Scripts: "!join", "!spec", "!map" and a script that disables "!join" when already a match is being played.
Soldat Arena FCW ServerIP and Port: server.soldatarena.com:23075Password : fwMax Players: 10
Time Limit: 10 min.
Score Limit: 10
Scripts: !p, !up, !r, !map, !rteams(a script that randomizes current teams, only works for 3v3), stats system
Soldat Arena CW ServerIP and Port: server.soldatarena.com:23076Password: cwMax Players: 12
Time Limit: 10 min.
Score Limit: 10
Scripts: A special script for clans to make their CW easily
TeamSpeak ServerIP: server.soldatarena.com
Port: 9987
Invite link :
http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/server.soldatarena.comIf you seek servers located EU or Turkey to rent, you can simply visit our website or e-mail me.