Hey so recently I decided to change adminlogs on my servers and after doing so they won't start up anymore. I tried using clean soldat.ini but that didint work either.
Server Encountered an error:
'' is not a valid integer value
Shutting down server...
Exception EDivByZero in module soldatserver at 08059E45.
Division by zero.
Possible causes of this:
[12:13] <@Shoozza> maybe its some other config in the server which works togehter with that change
[12:14] <@Shoozza> or the ini file has some weird chars you didn't notice
[12:14] <@Shoozza> or the line endings are different
[12:14] <@Shoozza> or you read the adminlog in scripts and the scripts are different or have weird chars
http://pastebin.com/uzY0Feb5If anyone came upon this bug please tell me what youve done to fix it.