Author Topic: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing  (Read 10109 times)

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Offline Shoozza

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Oh well there was no devlog on sunday, sorry about that. Actually nothing happened besides that the testers crashed Soldat in different ways ;)

Now you can do the same! Report new bugs or add more info on how the bugs can be reproduced.

Because here is it: Soldat 1.6.4rc2 ready for testing!

The server executables are now called soldatserver soldatserver.exe soldatserver_legacy, soldatserver_legacy.exe
The legacy executables are the delphi builds and are provided for people who cannot run the normal ones for some reason (e.g. because of threading bugs in soldatserver on FreeBSD).

Delphi builds of the server are deprecated builds. So please use the lazarus ones if you can.

Keep playing and have 9001 of fun!

Soldat 1.6.4rc2 changelog:
* GAME VERSION 2.6.4rc2 *

- Modified copyright year to be 2013 on soldat client exit page**
- Modified version number to be 1.6.4 on soldat client exit page**
- Fixed missing textures on objects when leaving and joining a game in fullscreen**

* GAME VERSION 1.6.4rc1 *

- Added BulletSpread WM attribute which controls bullet/pellet spread on Deagles and Spas, and base inaccuracy on other weapons
- Added Checks for Movement packets being out of order to smooth out movement of players
- Added FiltersBox position changes depending on the window size
- Added FormatFloat to script functions which fixes bug #15
- Added Join Game tab controls resize/reposition horizontally
- Added Join Game tab controls resize/reposition vertically
- Added Push WM attribute which together with a bullet's velocity on impact decides how much it pushes the target
- Added copy soldat:// link when clicking Game Server IP: label on Join game tab
- Added drawing rows in alternating colors for Serverslist
- Added flagger collides, non-flagger collides and flag collides polygon types
- Added keyboard shortcuts (1, 2, 3, 4) for the escape menu
- Added nondefault gamemode names are drawn with gray color in Serverslist
- Added options for kill sort to OldScoreBoard: 2 for old style and 3 for new style
- Added wait time for bullet and explosion push to avoid eating #234
- Added numbers to exit menu
- Added InheritedVelocity WM attribute which controls how much of the player's velocity the projectile inherits
- Modified Chainsaw to deal damage in a line all along its blade instead of just at the tip
- Modified Desert Eagles' and Spas' networking by re-creating the same pseudo-random pellet spread on all machines #260
- Modified WM loading to better support partial modding
- Modified WM loading with unparsable values gives helpful error messages
- Modified accumulating bink & self-bink to get diminishing returns as they reach higher values proportional to their configured value
- Modified adding broken bots gives helpful error messages
- Modified autodemo to record everything
- Modified bink to stack instead of resetting when being hit
- Modified bots can also do idle animations
- Modified bullet collision checks to scale their granularity proportionally with the bullet's current speed
- Modified bullets to not get a damage penalty after they pierce a body
- Modified chainsaw is able to fire and reload while rolling, backflipping and changing weapons
- Modified chainsaw to only shake screen when you're hitting flesh
- Modified client and server to use packet rate adjusting based on current player count by default
- Modified client is also able to create Dummy bots with a "Dummy=1" attribute
- Modified client-server sync method for bullets to be a bit more accurate
- Modified cursor is now centered properly when cursor.bmp is another size than 16x16 (still needs to be in power-of-two)
- Modified disabled HotTrack functionaly for Serverslist (selecting of servers when on hover)
- Modified disabled screen shaking in freecam and demo mode
- Modified holding the grenade key to only throw one grenade in order to reduce accidents #180
- Modified inaccuracy effects to spread out more evenly instead of choosing "set paths"
- Modified minimum time required to hold the grenade key before it being thrown increased by about 7% to reduce accidents
- Modified moved FiltersBox so that it has enough space to the left and top
- Modified reduced wait time when requesting servers list
- Modified removed "This option will be available after registering" label from graphics tab in config.exe
- Modified removed lobby blacklisting support
- Modified removed resolution restriction for unregistered players
- Modified renamed Mp3List ini setting to MusicList
- Modified renamed mp3 folder to music folder
- Modified renamed mp3list.txt to musiclist.txt
- Modified screenshot and demo names are now YYYY-MM-DD_HH-NN-SS_MAPNAME_TYPE
- Modified self-bink to also work on semi autos #261
- Modified self-bink to be applied on 2nd bullet fired instead of on the 4th
- Modified spent bullet shells have a slight randomness in their velocity because Fry Fry thinks that looks cooler
- Modified spent bullet shells inherit the velocity of the player when fired
- Modified team collider polygon types do not longer collide with flaggers #192
- Modified texts and positions of the Alt+F3 connection info
- Modified thrown weapons inherit the player's velocity
- Modified thrown weapons to be thrown in the direction you look
- Modified allowed both bink/self-bink and moveacc to be applied
- Fixed Alpha and Bravo flags not being placed symmetrically (flipped alpha flag)
- Fixed Chat-Flood ban lasts 5 min, says 20 #244
- Fixed DirectX Graphics error when using Soldat Clicker #201
- Fixed FireInterval values being shown as ten times too high in the weapon menu when a custom WM is used
- Fixed I/O 103 Error when logs folder is missing and file logging is enabled #240
- Fixed Invisible player bug
- Fixed Lobby server connections stay open after requesting server list #254
- Fixed Lost Team packet error
- Fixed PacketRate_Adjusting=1 not adjusting much at all and making you lag worse for everyone
- Fixed RayCast returns false if both the start and end points are inside a polygon #119
- Fixed Soldat "crash" if playback device is missing and registered
- Fixed Soldat fails to display interface images when starting the game with a mod #198
- Fixed Spas always firing its first pellet straight
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass by keeping the fire button held down during reload #264
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass from the roll, weapon change and melee animations #264
- Fixed access violation if playback device is missing and not registered
- Fixed being able to throw weapon while in the weapon switching animation #129
- Fixed bug #49 with caps not being showed in the scoreboard
- Fixed bullet collision checks assumed the bullet's speed was the same as that of the equipped weapon
- Fixed bullet push now behaves correctly in the vertical direction
- Fixed bullets not hitting player if another spawning player is close
- Fixed bullets not necessarily pushing ragdolls in the bullets' direction
- Fixed bullets piercing bodies even though their speed was tiny
- Fixed cigar animation flooding server
- Fixed crosshair not centered when binked
- Fixed crosshair not resized correctly while binked and using sniper line
- Fixed crosshair not resized while binked when aiming on teammates or enemies
- Fixed cursor is resized smoothly when binked while using sniper line
- Fixed entered player name resetting to Major when left-trim was needed #208
- Fixed error sound when starting demos with enter #271
- Fixed firing animation firing in a wonky direction for some values of FireIntarval
- Fixed flag not being thrown in the direction you aim at #176
- Fixed grenades sometimes being thrown in wrong direction due to ongoing animations
- Fixed idle animation sometimes stop occurring
- Fixed idle animations locking movement controls #206
- Fixed massive self-bink after reload
- Fixed missing Flagthrow ini key shouldn't be assigned to G but to Jump+Crouch
- Fixed missing Installer additional tasks icon text
- Fixed normal mode weapons being used for comparisons in weapon selection menu in realistic mode when WM is changed #262
- Fixed not allowed weapon spam
- Fixed not being able to move while proned and reloading #188
- Fixed number keys not working in weapon menu on map start if weapon menu is disabled #270
- Fixed piercing bullets not hitting other players in the same tick
- Fixed players and dropped weapons warp inside team collide polygons #191
- Fixed players randomly rejoining server (hopefully) #85
- Fixed possible hit detection issue for Desert Eagles due to server slightly misrepresenting one bullet's horizontal speed
- Fixed possible to throw grenades through thin walls #163
- Fixed second Desert Eagle bullet not synchronized properly between clients
- Fixed self-bink being applied on the bullet that caused it
- Fixed shots not firing in the direction of the crosshair due to ongoing animations #210
- Fixed shots ricocheting or not firing when head is in ceiling #186
- Fixed some hit detection issues due to bullets from certain angles being able to slink through and miss every hitbox
- Fixed some sound popping under heavy CPU load
- Fixed some weapons not expelling a clip on reload
- Fixed weapons firing with FireInterval <= 5 not immediately propagating their status to the server #141
- Fixed while playing CTF scoreboard is not showing each team players number #20
- Fixed your secondary weapon not getting updated stats after /loadwep command
- Fixed demo music keeps playing when intro couldn't be opened
- Fixed start game tab active while join game tab is visible when demo opening failed
- Fixed smoother cursor movement on higher resolutions
- Fixed mouse cursor not resizing with higher resolutions
- Fixed mouse cursor prevented from completely reaching the screen edge
- Fixed player indicator not being centered and scaled at higher resolutions
- Fixed objects like flags, kits and loose weapons flying in almost random directions or accumulating huge speeds when hit by bullets
- Fixed power knife throwing glitch
- Fixed flags to less likely get stuck in polygons
- Fixed power flag throwing glitch
- Fixed flag throwing to more accurately transfer the player's velocity
- Fixed a death sfx was played when it shouldn't #284
- Fixed pressing shift+7 to enter a command on some keyboards layouts would also select a weapon if the weapon menu was shown #243
- Fixed M79, LAW and Flame Arrow played grenade explosion sfx when hitting a collider #153
- Fixed game mode names are not linked to the translations in server filtering options
- Fixed scope not zooming as much horizontally with wider screen resolutions #165
- Fixed partially how initiating prone resets the throw weapon animation #268
- Fixed recording demo line goes over other lines in F1 menu
- Fixed winning team result line goes over other lines in F1 menu

Soldatserver 2.7.4rc2 changelog:
* SERVER VERSION 2.7.4 - GAME VERSION 1.6.4rc2 *

- Added Password parameter to OnRequestGame script function
- Added DeactivateServer event to ScriptCore (called upon script unload)
- Added Password parameter to OnRequestGame script function
- Added scriptcore 3 alpha support
- Added DeactivateServer event to scriptcore 2
- Fixed all objects being stuck in the center on linux**
- Fixed default bots failing to load on Linux**
- Fixed CreateBullet() fireing player's weapon**
- Fixed PlaySound() doesn't work**

* SERVER VERSION 2.7.4 - GAME VERSION 1.6.4rc1 *

- Added BulletSpread WM attribute which controls bullet/pellet spread on Deagles and Spas, and base inaccuracy on other weapons
- Added Checks for Movement packets being out of order to smooth out movement of players
- Added DrawTextEx function to scriptcore
- Added FormatFloat to script functions which fixes bug #15
- Added OnGameEnd() event
- Added Push WM attribute which together with a bullet's velocity on impact decides how much it pushes the target
- Added RayCastEx function with full control over all RayCast arguments to scriptcore
- Added flagger collides, non-flagger collides and flag collides polygon types
- Added flamegod bonus to GiveBonus()
- Added wait time for bullet and explosion push to avoid eating #234
- Added OnPlayerKillEx(Victim, Killer, Weapon: Byte); (Weapon String->Byte)
- Added OnRequestGameEx(IP: String; Port: Word; State: byte; Forwarded: Boolean): Integer;
- Added OnPlayerDamageEx(Victim, Shooter: Byte; Damage: Integer; Weapon: Byte): Integer;
- Added DrawTextEx(Id, Num: Byte; Text: String; Delay: Integer; Colour: Longint; Scale: Single; X, Y: Integer)
- Added SCRIPT_NAME constant to scriptcore
- Added InheritedVelocity WM attribute which controls how much of the player's velocity the projectile inherits
- Modified AppOnIdleTimer is now available also if safemode is disabled
- Modified Chainsaw to deal damage in a line all along its blade instead of just at the tip
- Modified Desert Eagles' and Spas' networking by re-creating the same pseudo-random pellet spread on all machines #260
- Modified PlaySound script function can play files from .\Sfx folder instead of .\Downloads\Sfx folder
- Modified WM loading to better support partial modding
- Modified WM loading with unparsable values gives helpful error messages
- Modified accumulating bink & self-bink to get diminishing returns as they reach higher values proportional to their configured value
- Modified adding broken bots gives helpful error messages
- Modified bink to stack instead of resetting when being hit
- Modified bots can also do idle animations
- Modified bullet collision checks to scale their granularity proportionally with the bullet's current speed
- Modified bullets to not get a damage penalty after they pierce a body
- Modified chainsaw is able to fire and reload while rolling, backflipping and changing weapons
- Modified client and server to use packet rate adjusting based on current player count by default
- Modified client-server sync method for bullets to be a bit more accurate
- Modified hints are now shown also when compilation succeeds
- Modified inaccuracy effects to spread out more evenly instead of choosing "set paths"
- Modified minimum time required to hold the grenade key before it being thrown increased by about 7% to reduce accidents
- Modified number of allowed drawtext layers from 3 to 255
- Modified removed lobby blacklisting support
- Modified script will display now proper info whenever dll file is not found or there's any other error with script other than syntax error
- Modified script will now display line and column number on error, if such info is available
- Modified team collider polygon types do not longer collide with flaggers #192
- Modified thrown weapons inherit the player's velocity
- Modified thrown weapons to be thrown in the direction you look
- Modified allowed both bink/self-bink and moveacc to be applied
- Modified removed threadfuc from scriptcore as it was very unstable
- Fixed /pm crashing the server (#250)
- Fixed Access violation in /BANDWIDTH command #212
- Fixed Alpha and Bravo flags not being placed symmetrically (flipped alpha flag)
- Fixed Invisible player bug
- Fixed Lost Team packet error
- Fixed OnWeaponChange was sometimes not triggered
- Fixed RayCast returns false if both the start and end points are inside a polygon #119
- Fixed Spas always firing its first pellet straight
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass by keeping the fire button held down during reload #264
- Fixed StartUpTime bypass from the roll, weapon change and melee animations #264
- Fixed StrToInt doesn't throw an exception when value is invalid (#83)
- Fixed WriteConsole doesn't output text if it has less than 2 chars #214
- Fixed being able to throw weapon while in the weapon switching animation #129
- Fixed bug #49 with caps not being showed in the scoreboard
- Fixed bullet collision checks assumed the bullet's speed was the same as that of the equipped weapon
- Fixed bullet push now behaves correctly in the vertical direction
- Fixed bullets not hitting player if another spawning player is close
- Fixed bullets not necessarily pushing ragdolls in the bullets' direction
- Fixed bullets piercing bodies even though their speed was tiny
- Fixed cigar animation flooding server
- Fixed console parameters not working (#227)
- Fixed firing animation firing in a wonky direction for some values of FireIntarval
- Fixed flag not being thrown in the direction you aim at #176
- Fixed grenades sometimes being thrown in wrong direction due to ongoing animations
- Fixed idle animation sometimes stop occurring
- Fixed memory leak in when calling ReadINI in soldatserver script
- Fixed normal mode weapons being used for comparisons in weapon selection menu in realistic mode when WM is changed #262
- Fixed not being able to move while proned and reloading #188
- Fixed piercing bullets not hitting other players in the same tick
- Fixed players and dropped weapons warp inside team collide polygons #191
- Fixed players randomly rejoining server (hopefully) #85
- Fixed possible hit detection issue for Desert Eagles due to server slightly misrepresenting one bullet's horizontal speed
- Fixed possible to throw grenades through thin walls #163
- Fixed second Desert Eagle bullet not synchronized properly between clients
- Fixed self-bink being applied on the bullet that caused it
- Fixed shots not firing in the direction of the crosshair due to ongoing animations #210
- Fixed shots ricocheting or not firing when head is in ceiling #186
- Fixed soldatserver shell_exec doesn't work on Windows 64 bit (you need cmd.exe now, old Windows version support for shell_exec dropped)
- Fixed some hit detection issues due to bullets from certain angles being able to slink through and miss every hitbox
- Fixed weapons firing with FireInterval <= 5 not immediately propagating their status to the server #141
- Fixed your secondary weapon not getting updated stats after /loadwep command
- Fixed flags to less likely get stuck in polygons
- Fixed power flag throwing glitch
- Fixed flag throwing to more accurately transfer the player's velocity
- Fixed adminport replacing special characters with questionmarks (#150)

Maps 2.7.4rc1 changelog:


Fixed several polybugs

Fixed players getting burried from the top of the pyramid

Fixed several polybugs
Fixed bravo flag entrance
Modified texture stretching
Modified dimmed background lights by 10%
Modified tweak on shading

Modified to use new Flagger collider polygon
Fixed is harder for Flagger to be trapped in the middle

Fixed 2 polybugs near alpha flag
Modified Alpha flag was raised a little
Modified a bravo spawn better placement

Fixed several polybugs

Fixed some spikes and polybugs

Modified all the map made thinner
Modified colliders in the islands above the flag are now "solid"
Fixed bridge
Fixed some polybugs

Fixed the bridge and some polybugs
Fixed players could explode to outside the map from spawnpoint

Modified central collider scenerys were too subtle
Modified tweaked one spawnpoint
Fixed grenades bonus on spawnpoints were half stuck on the ground, bouncing
Fixed scenery was floating
Fixed some minor polybugs
Fixed invisible polys didn't match the ground

Fixed the bridge, some spikes and polybugs

There might be a big chance that any bugs reported in this thread will be overlooked or not paid attention to.
So please add them to our bugtracker at and select 1.6.4rc2 as the version.

You can talk about bugs till you know how they exactly happen then you can report them on the bugtracker. This makes stuff super easy for us.

Known bugs/issues (but missing in the bugtracker!):

Soldat 1.6.4rc2
Soldat 1.6.3-1.6.4rc2 patch
Soldatserver 2.7.4 1.6.4rc2
Soldatserver 2.7.4 1.6.3-2.7.4 1.6.4rc2 patch
Tools: ARSSE - SARS - SRB - chatMod

Offline themangokid2

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 02:22:33 pm »

Offline DutchFlame

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 02:45:37 pm »
Make sure you read this part, so bugs can be fixed without being unnoticed!


There might be a big chance that any bugs reported in this thread will be overlooked or not paid attention to.
So please add them to our bugtracker at and select 1.6.4rc2 as the version.

You can talk about bugs till you know how they exactly happen then you can report them on the bugtracker. This makes stuff super easy for us.

Offline McWise

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 03:09:53 pm »
So great to see all those bugs fixed! I will be happily hunting new ones once I bought a new PC (hopefully around August  :-\ )

Offline Hubiq

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 04:20:43 pm »
Finally! ;D Now just wait for the full version.

Offline squiddy

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2013, 10:17:50 pm »
You guys fixed the flamer-m79-bullets-exploding-while-in-air bug! <33333333333333


aw guys, you're way too kind!

Playing M79cc will be tits man! TITS!
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 10:26:07 pm by squiddy » - The brazilian Soldat community.

Offline Bistoufly

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2013, 10:52:32 pm »
You guys fixed the flamer-m79-bullets-exploding-while-in-air bug! <33333333333333


aw guys, you're way too kind!

Playing M79cc will be tits man! TITS!
I knew the poly-warping was fixed.
But didn't know the flamer-m79-bullets-exploding-while-in-air was. That sure is nice.

That brings to me a question for you:

I always wondered what is the reason m79 climb servers use flamers instead of m79's.
Could you give some insight on this?

Offline SneS

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2013, 01:18:41 am »
I have a problem with filtering in the new version. When I move, the screen looks like a "float". I changed the settings, but it did not work.

Offline squiddy

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 08:55:47 am »
I knew the poly-warping was fixed.
But didn't know the flamer-m79-bullets-exploding-while-in-air was. That sure is nice.

That brings to me a question for you:

I always wondered what is the reason m79 climb servers use flamers instead of m79's.
Could you give some insight on this?
Absolutely! I use flamers because when you shoot the ground/wall with a m79, you usually don't go where you are supposed to (up).

edit: and also because it looks badass.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 09:12:26 am by squiddy » - The brazilian Soldat community.

Offline Shoozza

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2013, 02:16:43 pm »
I have a problem with filtering in the new version. When I move, the screen looks like a "float". I changed the settings, but it did not work.
Which filters do you mean?
Can you record it with LICEcap?
Tools: ARSSE - SARS - SRB - chatMod

Offline SneS

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2013, 03:31:05 pm »
I have a problem with filtering in the new version. When I move, the screen looks like a "float". I changed the settings, but it did not work.
Which filters do you mean?
Can you record it with LICEcap?

It's all right. I forgot to select the option "full screen".

Offline squiddy

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Re: SOLDAT 1.6.4rc2 private release candidate ready for testing
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2013, 08:39:42 pm »
I asked the users at to test this version and report the bugs at me so I could then report them properly. They came up with a few critics, such as:

  • FPS is even lower, even with everything set to low in config.exe;
  • Disliking the fact that only one nade is thrown by holding the nade button (as for myself I liked it :p)
  • When picking up Barrett while punching, it shoots and the bullet capsule falls (demo:
  • Suggestion: make a sfx for double/triple kills

That seems to be all they said. Hope this new version will come out soon, can't wait for it :p - The brazilian Soldat community.