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-= Soldat Dedicated Server 1.6.3 - 2.7.3 =----------------------------------------------------------------- Soldat Dedicated Server initializing...---------------------------------------------------------------- Need help running your server? IRC: #soldat.devs @ irc.quakenet.org ---> http://forums.soldat.pl/ Additional parameters: ./soldatserver -p PORT -l MAXPLAYERS -k PASSWORD Example: ./soldatserver -p 23073 -l 16 -k "my pass"Using Indy 10Loaded weapons mod "Default mod v1.6.3" Hit CTRL+C to Exit Please command the server using the Soldat Admin programWelcome to Soldat 1.6.3 Server name: (WM)ZRPG_mod Server PID: 2876 [*] ScriptCore v2.4 loaded! Found 6 scripts... [*] Compiling default -> Core.pas... [*] Compiling default -> NetworkCore.pas... [*] Compiling default -> AdminCore.pas... [*] Compiling fun_script -> fun_script.pas... [*] Compiling KillAssists -> KillAssist.pas... [*] Compiling ServerVisits -> ServerVisits.pas... [*] Compiling Spawner vADMIN 1.5.6 -> Core.pas... [*] Compiling ZRPG -> ZRPG.pas... [*] Compilation Complete. Running Kill Assist script by SK with settings: ~ Minimum damage = 33% - 1 kill point per 3 Assists.----------------------------------------------------------------New Soldat MapLoaded weapons mod "Default mod v1.6.3" Server IP: Port: 23073 ASE Port: 23196 Connection for file server started. Port: 23083Registering server @ ASE Master ServerRegistering server @ server added to lobby server @ requesting game...Admin failed to connect ( ( ( disconnected (