Author Topic: Server 2.7.4 - no timestamp in logs  (Read 1254 times)

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Offline JotEmI

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Server 2.7.4 - no timestamp in logs
« on: July 25, 2013, 09:55:22 am »
When I run the new server on my Debian machine the consolelog is missing timestamps:

Code: [Select]
Hit CTRL+C to Exit
 Please command the server using the Soldat Admin program
Welcome to Soldat 1.6.4
 Server name: JotEmI's DBRPG 1.8.3
 Server PID: 7738
Mapslist loaded mapslist
db_top by Szlol'
Survival Mode ON
 Server IP: Port: 23073
 ASE Port: 23196
 Connection for file server started. Port: 23083
Registering server @ ASE Master Server
Registering server @
Loaded weapons mod "DodgeballRPG v1.0.0"
Registering server @ requesting game...
File request: scenery-gfx/1scross.bmp
File request: scenery-gfx/mnp-observatory1a.bmp
File request: scenery-gfx/ooo-techo-choza-g.png
File request: scenery-gfx/tankruin.bmp
File request: scenery-gfx/tw_Verdun_Trench2.bmp
$-JJ-$| Volt joining game ( HWID:3A2C7FD9703
$-JJ-$| Volt has joined alpha team.
[$-JJ-$| Volt] !map requesting game...
File request: maps/db_top.pms
File request: scenery-gfx/____mario2.png
File request: scenery-gfx/__wh_lancuch.bmp
File request: scenery-gfx/__x_fx_beam_light_dark.png

After a while (20-30min) they magically reaper:

Code: [Select]
Time Left: 25 minutes requesting game...
ext map: ctf_Viet
13-07-25 14:41:50 Viet
13-07-25 14:45:37 Admin connected (
13-07-25 14:45:37 /friendlyfire (
13-07-25 14:45:37 Friendly Fire is 0
13-07-25 14:45:37 /bonus (
13-07-25 14:45:37 Current bonus frequency is 0
13-07-25 14:45:37 /vote% (
13-07-25 14:45:37 Voting percent is 60
13-07-25 14:45:37 /respawntime (
13-07-25 14:45:37 Respawn time is 5 seconds
13-07-25 14:45:37 /maxrespawntime (
13-07-25 14:45:37 Maximum Respawn time is 6 seconds
13-07-25 14:45:42 Admin disconnected (
13-07-25 14:46:50 Time Left: 25 minutes
13-07-25 14:46:57 requesting game...

This doesn't happen on Win.

EDIT: Actually, it seems that timestamps reappear after map change.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 10:02:14 am by JotEmI »