Author Topic: CoH Found Download!  (Read 5543 times)

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Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2006, 02:16:50 pm »
Ooh ok, cool. We could start a clan when the game is out. ;)

Offline Iridescent

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2006, 02:25:48 pm »
Love to. Now go get some!
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Offline Field Marshal

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2006, 03:19:44 pm »
Ever hear of Soldiers heroes of WWII?

Here's a link, use google for more info:

There's a sequel called faces of war coming out. Don't know how it is but if it's anything like the origional it will be awesome. Both games graphics arn't as good as COH i don't think but the gameplay more than makes up for it. Tiny little details down to soldiers running out of ammo and being able to syphon gas into jugs for other vehicles. Not to mention completely destructible envirionments.

Here's a link to FoW:

How detailed it CoH in the realism department and being able to control your units? Can you select a single soldier, zoom down to his level and take direct control like a FPS? How about ammo, does it run out?

Offline Iridescent

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2006, 03:24:43 pm »
No. I was going to try Soldiers of WWII once. Until I saw all the things you mentioned :P
I think thats too detailed and I prefer less micro management (my opinion)

When you select people you select the squad. Tanks don't run out of fuel or ammo and there is no FPS mode, however you can zoom in quite far.

If you want to take control of people try Rise and Fall. There you have a hero (you) and you can control him/her in 3rd person and run about and shoot and stuff.
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Offline Field Marshal

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2006, 03:33:53 pm »
No. I was going to try Soldiers of WWII once. Until I saw all the things you mentioned :P
I think thats too detailed and I prefer less micro management (my opinion)

When you select people you select the squad. Tanks don't run out of fuel or ammo and there is no FPS mode, however you can zoom in quite far.

If you want to take control of people try Rise and Fall. There you have a hero (you) and you can control him/her in 3rd person and run about and shoot and stuff.

Yeah i've seen rise and fall. Thanks for the info about CoH though, unfortunatly i won't be looking further into it though :/ I'll probably get Faces of war when it comes out. SHOWWII is a bit buggy and crashes kind of often. I just hope Faces of war has everything SHOWWII had execpt now with better graphics and less bugginess. You don't know how cool it is to click on a person hit the end key and be able to use them like soldat. It's really how i would immagine a 3d soldat :p

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2006, 03:59:45 pm »
if you were playing to win, that wouldn't help very much.

I found that in the second mission in that demo, it was tedious to try to control your men while they are shooting everywhere. i want them to aim for an individual person and they seem to be a bit bugged out because they run right at them.

I really wanted to have smaller ammounts of men at any time, other rtses such as age of empires 3 do a better job of unit strategy.

veterans are useless, from the tutorial, i thought it would be like 2-5 squads going around completing objectives, then veterans would matter. I want smaller ammounts of units and less cluttered maps to make gameplay all about strategy.

edit: everything could just be upgraded into better units making strategy unnessesary.
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Offline Iridescent

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2006, 04:06:53 pm »
No, 'cause the enemy would upgrade as well.
That demo was set to easy. If it was on hard you'd actually need strategy. It would probably take a billion rockets and shells to knock a stug down. You'd really need to get to the otherside of the river to be able to out manouver them.
I didn't have the problem of them firing at the right people. The mg's always fired at the infantry (unless told otherwise, like AP bullets against stugs) and the AT guns fired at the Stugs only. Unless there was only infantry around.
My sniper picked off a fair few infantry while being ocvered by the mg.

Veterancy I think is the same as in any other rts. Who cares. If about to die and I notice I might retreat with them. But usually I use them until they die. So its an added bonus but I usually don't keep them.

Remember, you did the campaign. They are full of scripts but still alot of AI. But if you played a skirmish there would be no scripting. Then the AI would use proper tactics. If it was a real skrimish the AI would have gone around the river and attacked from the south and artillery striked more.

However obvisouly the game may not suit you. Doesn't suit everyone.
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Offline Dascoo

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2006, 06:19:52 pm »
You and your space fanaticism.
Have you tried Freelancer and Dark Star One?

I'm not really a space fanatic, but a Homeworld fanatic.

I'm not interested in freelancer or dark star one....rather get EVE

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2006, 08:30:23 pm »
what i ment by lacking strategy, paratroopers can just get a rocket upgrade, so all you need are paratroopers to go and blow the crap out of whatever unit there is, just make a lot of paratroopers instead of anti tank and anti infantry.
If we hit the bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. -Zapp Brannigan

Offline Iridescent

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2006, 03:04:27 am »
As the campaign goes I agree with you. But from listening to other peoples strategies tanks are needed. As infantry is useless against mg's with or without rockets. However we will have to wait and see.

I stand corrected. When firing units drain your munitions (which is a resource). Field Marshal, you might want to see this bit.

I dunno about you, but I dont want a nearly dead at gun wiht 1 person manning it to waste 50 of my munitions on a tiger tank at full health, or similarly, why would I want my sherman calliope tank firing artillery which again, costs precious munitions, on one squad of volksgrenediers.

From this thread:

So they don't run out of ammo, they just drain your resources. There is reloading, but no running out (unless you are out of munitions)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 03:35:33 am by Iridescent »
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Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2006, 07:00:13 am »
I just tried out the demo and although the fences were red, the water pitchblack without any texture and the sandbags green, I like the gameplay! I just loved all the details, specially how you can see every single bullet hitting stuff causing splinters to fly around or sand jumping up. It all looked very realistic. The gameplay is a bit fast for me but I think I can get used to that. :P
To bad my pc, specially my video card, is out of date. I think I'm gonna buy a new pc, just for this game. ;)

Offline Iridescent

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2006, 08:14:22 am »
You're not the only one. Theres even a thread on the forums about that :D
Glad you like it!
Just got my GCSE results as well. I'm going to A levels! Boomshakalack!
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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2006, 09:55:27 am »
im so glad i dont have to upgrade,

its fun but if all the missions are going to be like d-day then im not going to buy it. D-day was just move the men where they tell you, and blow up all the shit they tell you to blow up, i dont think they should tell you what you need to do for a medal, you should find out for yourself, besides, all you do is blow up the bunkers.
If we hit the bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. -Zapp Brannigan

Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2006, 10:49:11 am »
I agree, but then again, it's the demo and it are the first missions of the campaign (I think). First missions are often easy to let people get used to the game. But I certainly hope they will give you more freedom to find things out yourself later.

Btw Iri, could you link me to that topic please? :)

Offline Iridescent

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2006, 08:34:10 am »
Sorry, couldn't find it again. I'll try again later. Just search around in general CoH forums.

Date Posted: 24-08-2006, 20:56:29
Here are the maps in the released game:

I'm not sure if its official but they seem professinally done. Lets hope we get a map maker as well (judging from Dawn of War we should get one)
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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2006, 10:57:44 am »
those are multiplayer maps, and they don't look very fair/balanced/even. This game looks hard to manage as a multiplayer game, i hope they have some AI for micromanagement.
If we hit the bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. -Zapp Brannigan

Offline Iridescent

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2006, 11:12:29 am »
To me they seem pretty fair. Those who have to cross bdirges will proabbly get an extra munitions point on their side or something.
There probably is very little micromanagement AI. Its not too hard to control things in my opinion.
I heard that engineers will automatically repair nearby tanks and things like that.
The AI should seek cover as well and they shout wheneevr they see something to elt you know.
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Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #37 on: August 26, 2006, 05:01:00 am »
Some of those maps looked abit weird (I.E. not very balanced) when looking at the starting places, but I guess unbalanced positions will be made up by placing some resource depots here and there like you said Iri.

Offtopic: Damn, why are monitors so expensive. :P I've putted a nice pc together which will cost about 600 euro's, which I can afford, but when adding a flatscreen of about 300 euro'sĀ the price gets to high for my current bank account. :P

Offline Iridescent

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2006, 05:10:59 am »
Yeah monitors are always expensive.
EBuyer sell cheap stuff. Try them.
Otherwise you could steal the monitor of your current pc then buy CRT for it :P
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Offline Flying Dutchman

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Re: Company of Heroes
« Reply #39 on: August 29, 2006, 10:38:36 am »
I thought this might be interesting for people who like this game. Relic is will release 15000 more multiplayer beta keys tomorrow.
