Author Topic: Hide ip adress on lobby  (Read 3147 times)

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Offline Qawer

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Hide ip adress on lobby
« on: September 11, 2013, 04:08:10 pm »
i want do this

how can i do that ?

Offline jrgp

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Re: Hide ip adress on lobby
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2013, 02:42:15 am »
Hey, I don't know 100% what you're asking but shoozza thinks it's having it so in the server list, it shows a domain name instead of the IP address for every server listed. He also wants me to reply so I'll give it a shot. I'll try to explain some of the DNS lingo.

I'll explain why this is impractical:

Each IP address optionally has a domain name entry assigned to it, referred to as Reverse DNS or a ptr record. Looking up what the DNS entry is generally takes at least a second, which would make the lobby list take much longer to generate as there would be one lookup per server in the list. Whether or not the DNS entry is set is up to either the ISP or the server owner/manager. The entries are usually random/generic, especially for home connections. An example of such an entry is "" which certainly wouldn't make sense in the lobby list. While true that dedicated/colocated server owners can set the reverse DNS entry to something that isn't generic, it doesn't always happen.

It is also impossible to determine that is also reachable by if all you have is the IP address:

joe@adore:~$ host has address
joe@adore:~$ host domain name pointer

The server would show up in the soldat lobby list as "" instead of "". It is not possible to find out what A/cname record maps back to an IP as IPs can have multple/numerous A/cname records assigned to them.

An A record is an entry that maps a given domain name or subdomain to an IP address. A CNAME record is an entry that maps a subdomain/domain name to an A record, essentially an alias. Example for one of my game server host nodes:

joe@adore:~$ host is an alias for has address
joe@adore:~$ host domain name pointer

The soldat/KAG servers hosted on this machine are reachable by the CNAME, A record, and ptr record "" is what would show up in the list, not ""

I really have no clue whether this is the answer you're looking for or not. If it isn't, blame shoozza for making me reply.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 02:52:38 am by jrgp »
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Offline Falcon`

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Re: Hide ip adress on lobby
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2013, 04:17:43 am »
Why not adjusting the lobby so that it stores domain names instead of IPs (optionally, obviously)? This way server owner can choose what domain name he wants displayed in lobby. And if it's invalid oh well, we already have lobby full of unreachable servers.
Not sure how much work it requires though.
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Re: Hide ip adress on lobby
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2013, 07:25:38 am »
Because we want to keep stuff simple.
I don't think we need to make the lobby protocol more complicated.
This feature isn't so important enough.

Sure it looks nice to have a domain name there but do you really care if there is a domain or an ip?
The alternative would be to hide the ip field/port field. Maybe we should check out how other games do it.
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Offline homerofgods

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Re: Hide ip adress on lobby
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2013, 05:05:19 pm »
I think he wants to be able to hide the server list, as in ''show more/show less''.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 05:14:13 pm by homerofgods »

Offline jrgp

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Re: Hide ip adress on lobby
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2013, 05:28:15 pm »
I think he wants to be able to hide the server list, as in ''show more/show less''.

If that's the case then yeah add a checkbox.

Why not adjusting the lobby so that it stores domain names instead of IPs (optionally, obviously)? This way server owner can choose what domain name he wants displayed in lobby. And if it's invalid oh well, we already have lobby full of unreachable servers.
Not sure how much work it requires though.

Not really a good idea as it requires a DNS lookup per server entry, and the server might use flaky/invalid DNS such that it appears valid to the lobby server yet doesn't resolve everywhere. Also requires checks to make sure they don't choose bullshit like

What needs to happen is Qawer needs to come back to this thread and clarify what he actually wanted.
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