Author Topic: Screens, screens, screens...  (Read 6572 times)

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Offline nosejj

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Screens, screens, screens...
« on: October 06, 2013, 11:42:56 am »

As an SCTFL player, an issue that has been bothering me for a long time and made each match report clumsier is: Screenshots.
Screenshots are getting all messed up in the folder where as you need to find it quickly and efficiently.

My suggestion is create a Soldat SS Manager with the following settings:
• Format option: Save as BMP/PNG/Both.
• Dis-include maps: Check maps from maplist that you don't want screenshots from: "Lothic, HallofHeroes"...
• Create a folder for each date
• Take / don't take photos below x minutes of playing (for !res etc)
• Different date formats for file-name.

If anyone has more things in mind, I'd like to hear.

I hope this is applicable to Soldat. It'll make a great change, whether it's a 3rd side app that allow these settings, or built in-game even better.


Edit: if someone may move it to Developers Corner.
I've been informed it's better to have it there for an app request.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2013, 11:59:00 am by nosejj »

Offline SyavX

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Re: Screens, screens, screens...
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 12:53:44 pm »
Well, some of the functions that you need are already included into the next version of my ScrCnv :) Here is a quote of it's settings file:
; Conversion format:
; 0 - PNG, 1 - JPEG, 2 - JPEG 2000
Format = 0
; Encoding quality (for JPEG & JPEG 2000 formats only):
; 0 - worste, 10 - maximum
Quality = 9
; Delete converted BMP files:
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
CleanUp = 0
; Move screenshots into separate game mode sub-folders ('screens\dm', 'screens\ctf', etc.):
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
Separate = 1
; Force displaying of scoreboard (F1 menu) at the end of the round:
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
ForceF1 = 0
; Delete 'endgame' screenshots following the rules described below:
; 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
SmartDeletion.Enabled = 0
; Time in seconds before which 'endgame' screenshots will be automatically deleted.
; So, if you don't want to store 'endgame' screens created after early map restarts
; (e.g. first minute of the game), then set value to 60:
SmartDeletion.Time = 60

Unfortunately the latest version is not ready yet (due to lack of enthusiasm, as usual) and I can't give the exact date of release.