Author Topic: Zombie Survival  (Read 22706 times)

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Offline GhostRiderSwiss

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2011, 07:16:42 pm »
This server is the best server from soldat ever seen, beside the sometimes downtimes (what isnt that much actually ... 3rd time maybe i tryd to join and it was offline) oh to say is i play it daylie whenever i got short- or longer time for ^.^

whatever, the server is under good admin controll by the clan BCB (Bone Crushing Brothers) - ave to Bonecrusher!
so abuse becauze of offmaping or any other type of abuse are almost history!

Also new is me - i map for the server some freaky ZS maps - like weekly sure 1-2 maps! so ull never be bored of the same maps!

the 10 player slots are on the day always filled (30 min jointimes sometimes) and in the night its almost ~5-7 players online constant too so just come and check that awesome server out!

(sry for my bad english)

Greets GhostRider - BCB POWER! ^.^

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Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2011, 02:27:07 pm »
Please post new features suggestions here:) All the best ideas will be included in newest script update(we get to work as soon as all the ideas are collected)

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Offline GhostRiderSwiss

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2011, 02:28:46 pm »
Boss/es are already suggested :D so all beside this^^
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Offline GhostRiderSwiss

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #43 on: March 14, 2011, 11:22:55 am »
ehhhhh bone...
u forgot to edit Admins : wheres the Ghost Rider ^^? :P
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Offline DorkeyDear

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2011, 10:20:08 am »
Hehe pretty fun. Two things:

(1) you lose your money if u leave and rejoin (understandable why, but should get it back if u return within like a few minutes or something; in case u needa dl a map, or go to the restroom, or something like that; espesually since spec is not available)

(2) spec is not available. i wanted to watch the game for a few rounds while eating delicious lazania, but i couldn't. so i went in not knowing how the general system works when i finally did join to play (no big deal, but i do like to spec games to see exactly peoples strategies and stuff beforehand sometimes; especially with a gamemode im unfamiliar with)

Offline GhostRiderSwiss

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2011, 10:30:48 am »
Hehe pretty fun. Two things:

(1) you lose your money if u leave and rejoin (understandable why, but should get it back if u return within like a few minutes or something; in case u needa dl a map, or go to the restroom, or something like that; espesually since spec is not available)

(2) spec is not available. i wanted to watch the game for a few rounds while eating delicious lazania, but i couldn't. so i went in not knowing how the general system works when i finally did join to play (no big deal, but i do like to spec games to see exactly peoples strategies and stuff beforehand sometimes; especially with a gamemode im unfamiliar with)

1. i didnt lose anytime when i played money, may u just didnt create an account...? /create name password... and after that /login name pw....

2. spec is not aviable, yes! many good reasons to hold it closed :) atleast the main reason - no specs = more player slots :) 12 players can join and we run on lowest lobby ping lawl :D ^^ we could open spec BUT.... nobody likes lags :P

hmm thats it :P ^^
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Offline Swompie

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2011, 12:47:48 pm »
The reason because you can't spectate is that I would have to add a bunch of code, so the script will still work correctly. I was planning to do that, but I'm not working on the script anymore.

Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2011, 07:11:42 am »
About the spec thing, I think it will be included in the newest script update. It would be easier for admins to see if someones is hacking/not following the rules, plus I can add an anti-idle script which will kick specs after 5 mins or so :)

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Offline GhostRiderSwiss

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2011, 07:32:52 am »
in my opinion its not a good idea, we have alltime full server (specially from morning to evening) alot game requests.... wouldnt spec on just make the server MORE full ? i got already sometimes 30 min time to join  O.^ beside this the anti hack support works good in my opinion, we have most time a admin ingame and like 20 houres a day also one online in arsse^^ think about :P
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Offline DorkeyDear

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2011, 10:14:31 am »
(1) you lose your money if u leave and rejoin (understandable why, but should get it back if u return within like a few minutes or something; in case u needa dl a map, or go to the restroom, or something like that; espesually since spec is not available)
For guests. Didnt realize at the time there was an account system as well. Regardless, I probably would have not made one (since it was more of a 'i would like to check this out' type of deal) and my suggestion still applies, since I'm sure there are others in a similar situation as I was. Possible solution would be a temporary account that is automatically deleted after so much time of not being in the server (iuuno, 5 minutes) would be one method. Or simply store an array of IPs (or HWIDs in next version), money values, and leave time. once leave time + 5 minutes is expired, then you wont earn back your money once you rejoin. In any case, I did find it annoying leaving and losing all my cash that I worked hard on earning.

Spec thing wasn't a big deal. I just ate my food without watching the game. ^_^ If implemented, anti-idle i see will be  necessary though.

Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #50 on: April 25, 2012, 12:52:22 pm »
Zombie Survival is now available to play on 1.6.2


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Offline Falcon`

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #51 on: April 25, 2012, 12:55:08 pm »
I believe you meant 1.6.3 (beta)
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Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #52 on: April 25, 2012, 04:02:36 pm »
//looking for someone willing to recode current script
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 04:10:14 pm by Bonecrusher »

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Offline S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #53 on: May 08, 2012, 09:39:18 am »
1) On last version, server was pretty stable, but 1.6.3 version crashes really often (especially on zombie maps) - why not change script which was been before ?
2) Much people complains about disabling weapon menu. You just could add primary weapons (except LAW, because LAW was used to go offmap), like SOCOM or knife :)
3) Do not hold it against me, but many maps sucks (like Arena2 - it's impossible to survive there...) - what about adding more easy zombie maps - with camp-places (these are the best)

... And yeah, this is all-time the best zombie server I've ever played and it would be bad if You would waste it :)

Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #54 on: May 08, 2012, 10:45:59 am »
Quote from: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
1) On last version, server was pretty stable, but 1.6.3 version crashes really often (especially on zombie maps) - why not change script which was been before ?
It's the same script, also I think I found out what was causing the crashes so I hope it wont crash that much in the future.

2) Much people complains about disabling weapon menu. You just could add primary weapons (except LAW, because LAW was used to go offmap), like SOCOM or knife :)
I brought back free secondary weapons.

3) Do not hold it against me, but many maps sucks (like Arena2 - it's impossible to survive there...) - what about adding more easy zombie maps - with camp-places (these are the best)
I made this server for the zombie fans out there, if there is someone experienced with soldat and willing to help me with updating mapslist I could do that. No has yet contacted be concerning the bad mapslist issue.

... And yeah, this is all-time the best zombie server I've ever played and it would be bad if You would waste it :)
Thx for the kind words, and the feedback. HF

Im chill like that

Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #55 on: May 13, 2012, 07:37:31 am »
server updated to 2.7.3, 1.6.3 client required to join


« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 09:54:38 am by Bonecrusher »

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Offline GhostRiderSwiss

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #56 on: October 09, 2012, 10:27:31 am »

The Zombie Survival is since some days under maintaining from a programmer of my clan.

We had allready 4 new updates and a 5th is planned on next days!

So here the changelog for the new updated zs script!

ZS update 1

- added 2 bosses on 60 seconds, The Butcher and The Reaper.
- added red warning text on middle of screen at 60 seconds when Bosses spawn.
- Bosses have 3500 hp and the ability to dropp every 3-7 seconds(randomized), a wave of m79 bullets.
- removed bombers cluster on explosion in order to fix the push-lag bug.
- fixed 4th zombie wave line, now all spawn corectly.
- fixed bombers knife on explosion, it kills now aswell like the bombs.

 ZS update 2

- fixed class 5 and 6, which was the new boss classes now people cant use class 5 and 6.

ZS update 3

- fixed "The Reaper" now using hands instead of saw, dropps m79 bullets, 3500hp.
- fixed "The Butcher" now having 2500 hp, using a saw and dropps knives instead of m79 bullets.
- added mines which players can use on 12 kill spree, a small one "mine" and a big one "nuke" the small costs, 250$ and the big 1000$
- added mines to /shop mine is /buy 22 and nuke /buy 23
- added dark red text when you use /buy 22 or 23 without spree done, also doesnt take money away.
- added red text telling you when you made 12 kills = 1 mine.
Further infos :
>you can have more then 1 mine
>mines can be used midair and will dropp till they reach a enemy or ground. (allows tactical use in midair)

ZS Update 4

- fixed mines, now only ALIVE infected bodys can activate them.
- added command /mines, tells you how many mines you have left
- added a maximum limit of 5 mines holdable.
- added maximum mine & nuke duration to 80 sec.

ZS Update 5 (running on zs)
- added knive nova on each 10 kill spree 1 nova.
- added knive nova command /nova.
- added a maximum of 3 knive novas holdable.
- fixed bosses shooting special atack after death, now they dont.
- fixed mines, now get deleted after owner dead.
- added new cash system, now on 10 kills 20%bonus on zombie cost, on 20 kills 50% bonus, on 30 kills 100% and on 60 kills spree a 200% bonus.
- added to the cash view on screen a small amount of mines and novas, now you dont need to use /mines allways.
- fixed crushers, now cant pickup saw.

The ideas behind the changes.

-1.promoting kill-sprees more, we had a cash system, now we have a special skill system for it aswell ! :)
2. bosses, we've ever wanted them! Now they're here with deadly skills!
3.Fixing, alot of annoying bugs have been fixed, the script never was that nice working before!

Also, there have been made alot of new fresh maps which will support your fun!

Note : all of the recent updates will be tested first, you're all invited to leave suggestions how to improve the script or the recent updates.
We're open for ideas, also you may find a bug? please let us know!

That's all news for now, the post will get edited on new changes.
Cya in Hell! Soldiers!

Off-topic : sorry for my worse english, grammar mistakes are here, so let them here :p

« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 01:52:56 pm by GhostRiderSwiss »
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Offline Bonecrusher

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Re: Zombie Survival
« Reply #57 on: January 06, 2014, 11:21:12 am »
I've decided to bring it back online:

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